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Harry Maguire in (now out of) the England squad


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I feel not enough is being said about this apparent Albanian who injected his sister with something. That seems a rather outlandish thing to come up with, does it not? Is that really the best excuse his defence team could come up with in the short time they had?

In one of the videos I saw of Harry walking around pished, he seemed to have a very itchy nose...

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When you can't even get Greek authorities to pin the blame on the pesky Albanians then you probably don't have a leg to stand on.

I'm loving the BBC's insistence this morning on publishing Maguire's mewling protestations of innocence and injustice as if this is still a mere two-sides story that hasn't actually been determined in a court of law. Are they planning to do this for all convicted murderers, shoplifters etc. on the news or does it only apply when it's a Johnny Foreigner court convicting one of England's proud lions? We'll have to wait and see. 

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When you can't even get Greek authorities to pin the blame on the pesky Albanians then you probably don't have a leg to stand on.
I'm loving the BBC's insistence this morning on publishing Maguire's mewling protestations of innocence and injustice as if this is still a mere two-sides story that hasn't actually been determined in a court of law. Are they planning to do this for all convicted murderers, shoplifters etc. on the news or does it only apply when it's a Johnny Foreigner court convicting one of England's proud lions? We'll have to wait and see. 
Talkshite was even worse today - having various lawyers on to explain why he has good grounds for appeal.

You can actually smell the desperation.
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9 hours ago, The Moonster said:

I feel not enough is being said about this apparent Albanian who injected his sister with something. That seems a rather outlandish thing to come up with, does it not? Is that really the best excuse his defence team could come up with in the short time they had?

In one of the videos I saw of Harry walking around pished, he seemed to have a very itchy nose...

Surely Maguire’s lawyers should be getting her tested and getting evidence of this? The lack of talk about it does seem a bit like it’s something they’ve just come up with. They probably need to prove it if they are claiming mitigating circumstances.

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This Harry Maguire interview is the biggest load of pish I have seen since the Prince Andrew interview

Why are the BBC giving airtime to a convicted criminal

Sky have his bullshit on loop.


Don't know who is advising him but if they think it's going to help they are extremely misguided.


It might win him some PR with moronic United fans but is more likely to piss off the Greeks even more.


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That interview in BBC news was Prince Andrew all over again. Lead story on the 10 o'clock news, Harry didn't do nothing! 

He was trying his best to have a wee cry all the way through but couldn't manage it. He was one step short of saying it couldn't be him as he couldn't sweat! 

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On 26/08/2020 at 09:39, The Moonster said:

I feel not enough is being said about this apparent Albanian who injected his sister with something. That seems a rather outlandish thing to come up with, does it not? Is that really the best excuse his defence team could come up with in the short time they had?

In one of the videos I saw of Harry walking around pished, he seemed to have a very itchy nose...

Indeed. When your defence is basically something you'd expect to see shared by some local scheme goblin full time mommy, it's time to cut your loses and just fucking apologise for behaving like a bunch of coked-up twats. 

On 26/08/2020 at 14:11, virginton said:

When you can't even get Greek authorities to pin the blame on the pesky Albanians then you probably don't have a leg to stand on.

I'm loving the BBC's insistence this morning on publishing Maguire's mewling protestations of innocence and injustice as if this is still a mere two-sides story that hasn't actually been determined in a court of law. Are they planning to do this for all convicted murderers, shoplifters etc. on the news or does it only apply when it's a Johnny Foreigner court convicting one of England's proud lions? We'll have to wait and see. 

I particularly enjoyed some airhead Sky Sports journo giving us a root-and-branch critique of the Greek court hearing process the other night. They're building a considerable narrative of poor 'Arry just having a nice night out, ruined only by some nasty forrin' Albanians and the obviously corrupt forrin' Greek legal system. 

Edited by Day of the Lords
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Thought he was about to be kidnapped - hilarious is that the best that they could come up with.  If the interviewer does his homework he will find that McGuire immediately reported this to the police and that a full investigation is underway.  For f**** sake man just put your hands up and admit you were an arsehole.

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Well he gave the press an interview, so he MUST be innocent, eh? Client journalism at its best - a PR opportunity that would never be afforded to a random bloke who got pished in Kavos and felt he'd been unfairly treated when arrested for acting like a dick and offering the cop 20 Euros to make it all go away. 

He's appealed so he can save his pleas of innocence for the appeal judge, where they might actually matter.

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