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2020 on P&B - Best and Worst

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Back on thread. Congrats to @tamthebam for being the poster of the year. The Sean Connery/David Murray post was truly magnificent. Honorary mentions to @Sergeant Wilson and @virginton. Shout outs to my musical brethren @tongue_tied_danny, @Jupiter Jazz , @Academically Deficient & @Savage Henry. Worst posters were definitely the Motherwell bampot that got emptied from the BLM thread and @Mvondo_the_great. Atrocious. Genuine WTF moments provided by @oaksoft & @FemdomFilmFan. Well done all. Next year will be better yes? Merry Christmas everyone.




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14 minutes ago, virginton said:

More made-up nonsense from yourself as usual.

It’s not nonsense at all - the only reason indy ref 2 is anywhere near the agenda right now is because of brexit, are you seriously suggesting independence voters couldn’t forsee this being a possibility if they voted tactically?

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22 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Source? Sounds like utter nonsense to me.


A couple of diehard Aye voters on here at least, Granny and I think @Wee Willie . A third of SNP voters were said to vote Leave. Granny admitted pretty soon after that he'd fucked up.

Edited by welshbairn
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10 minutes ago, throbber said:

It’s not nonsense at all - the only reason indy ref 2 is anywhere near the agenda right now is because of brexit, are you seriously suggesting independence voters couldn’t forsee this being a possibility if they voted tactically?

All that word salad has got nothing to do with your claim that "lots of SNP voters" did vote tactically for Brexit, for which you have no evidence because you made it up.

Edited by vikingTON
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10 minutes ago, virginton said:

All that word salad has got nothing to do with your claim that "lots of SNP voters" did vote tactically for Brexit, for which you have no evidence because you made it up.

I never made anything up, it was well known that if the U.K. voted to leave the EU it could trigger Indy ref 2 earlier as Scotland was never going to vote to leave. In knowing this, many independence voters voted to leave, most of them probably not expecting leave would ever win anyway so probably saw it as a situation that they couldn’t win or lose regardless. 

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Tactical voting is a possibility in almost every public but very rarely happens and there's no evidence of "lots of SNP" voters doing so in 2016. You've literally made that claim up and so have no actual data to support it. 

Further proof as if it were needed that you are an attention-seeker whose posts should be treated as a complete and utter waste of bandwidth.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Tactical voting is a possibility in almost every public but very rarely happens and there's no evidence of "lots of SNP" voters doing so in 2016. You've literally made that claim up and so have no actual data to support it. 

Further proof as if it were needed that you are an attention-seeker whose posts should be treated as a complete and utter waste of bandwidth.

Do people need to give their reasons for why they voted in an election or a referendum? How am I supposed to provide the data to support it? If 45% voted for the SNP in 2015 then 38% voted for brexit in 2016 then there are certainly a good number of people who voted for snp and also for brexit, are you seriously suggesting SNP voters wanted a hard brexit with BoJo and Jacob Reese Mogg at the wheel? It’s blatant tactical voting.

You can stop with your personal swipes as well, you are the biggest attention seeking walloper in the history of this forum.

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4 minutes ago, throbber said:

Do people need to give their reasons for why they voted in an election or a referendum? How am I supposed to provide the data to support it?


You were the one who claimed that "lots of SNP voters did so - seems strange that you're only now bemoaning the lack of evidence after your bullshit got called out champ.


 If 45% voted for the SNP in 2015 then 38% voted for brexit in 2016 then there are certainly a good number of people who voted for snp and also for brexit, are you seriously suggesting SNP voters wanted a hard brexit with BoJo and Jacob Reese Mogg at the wheel? It’s blatant tactical voting.

Boris Johnson was not Prime Minister nor candidate to be Prime Minister in 2016. That was not on the ballot paper so you are wildly deflecting from the facts.

The reason why ~30% of SNP voters backed Brexit is because... they're opposed to the EU as much as the UK! They are not and have never been mutually exclusive positions, and is common enough in traditional SNP heartlands like the north-east where the legacy of the fishing industry plays a crucial role in this. So it isn't "blatant tactical voting" at all and you are talking nonsense as usual.


You can stop with your personal swipes as well, you are the biggest attention seeking walloper in the history of this forum.

If you don't want to get called out for being an attention-seeking fraud of a poster then you shouldn't continually post made-up nonsense. It's that straightforward really.

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4 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Neither do I but nice try you brexit voting fool.

Should've banned the clown when he was following me around branding me a racist, but no, I was flung in the sin bin for three days, thanks to you,.and your pontification.

Thank you.

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