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Hate Crime Bill Passed

Lyle Lanley

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You all seem to be overlooking the most vulnerable and vilified segment of the country. Fortunately, Jonathan took it on himself to highlight this dreadful issue, and recommend stern measures to  resolve it. 

A Conservative MP has said anyone using the term “white privilege” should be reported to the government’s counter-terror programme, and that teachers who criticise the Conservative party should be sacked.

Jonathan Gullis told a fringe meeting during the party’s conference in Manchester last week that anyone using the phrase should be referred to the government’s Prevent programme, which is used to track potential terrorists.

According to a recording obtained by the Independent, he told activists: “The term white privilege – very quickly – is an extremist term, it should be reported to Prevent, because it is an extremist ideology.

“It’s racist to actually suggest everyone who’s white somehow is riddled with privilege.”

Gullis, who is a former member of the parliamentary education select committee, was speaking at an event organised by the Conservative Friends of Education group. He added: “I hope [using the term white privilege] will be reported, I hope that will be looked into, and any teacher who’s perpetuated it in the classroom ultimately should face a disciplinary hearing at the very least.”

The Prevent programme was set up in 2006 to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, and to clamp down on radicalisation.

During the same event, the 31-year-old MP said that teachers should be “sacked” if they criticise the Conservatives. He was elected to the Commons in 2019 for Stoke-on-Trent North.

“The other way we can stop the cancel culture is by actually saying to the woke left lecturers and the woke left teachers – who seem to be becoming more and more apparent – is that ultimately, what’s going to happen if you are going to push your ideology in the classroom there are going to be consequences for you,” he said.

“For some reason, if a Labour party member wants to stand up in front of the classroom and say how bad and evil the Tories are, then the headteacher has to take some kind of sympathetic view to that.

“It’s absolutely disgusting, we need to start sacking people who are pushing their political ideology.”





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2 hours ago, HTG said:

J K is having a rare old swing at this stuff - what an absolute fucking moron. 


This is actually a bit less sinister than her usual output. At least she has the good grace to state "some" trans-identified men are sex-offenders, an indisputable fact. 

More commonly, she'll post photos of the minority of sex-offenders, alongside photos of perfectly law-abiding transpeople. Doesn't take much imagination to grasp what the tactic is. She's also fond of completely ignoring the fact that, generally speaking, we don't expect entire classes of people to answer for the actions of a few bad actors within their peer group, and she invariably talks endlessly about trans-identified men, or transwomen, and completely ignores the fact that they are not the entirety of the trans population.

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On 04/04/2024 at 16:37, Boo Khaki said:

Just because some bad actors have decided to be performatively stupid does not make the legislation "fatuous". It's the people making a big song and dance about the legislation being something it is not who are "fatuous".

It's not all that different to pre-existing law elsewhere in the UK, and it hasn't, contrary to what the same fatuous arseholes have been maintaining despite being both told repeatedly, and demonstrably shown, created a whole load of new offences that constitute nothing more than saying a few naughty words about some people. 

Again, the only people who were building this Act up into something it is not, are those who are now claiming that because their predictions of the sky falling in and thousands being marched away by the tartan Stasi on 01/04 for "thought crimes" have not come to pass, this somehow an indication that they were "correct" all along, and the fact that people are not being arrested for not breaking the law is somehow proof the law is flawed or unnecessary. Absolutely deranged behaviour.

Panel 1:  Scotland: We are adding trans people to the already existing hate crime law JKR: An attack on freedom of speech. This new law will put people in jail for misgendering Scotland: What? No it won't  Panel 2:  JKR: Trans women are disgusting men and shouldn't have rights. You can arrest me now. Police: What? We aren't going to arrest you  Panel 3:  The British News Police Won't Arrest For Misgendering  Panel 4:  JKR: Victory GC1: So brave GC2: What a hero


Who or what are GC?

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16 minutes ago, wirez said:

Who or what are GC?

The term used to describe the militant/activist element of those holding "Gender Critical" beliefs. 

They use "TRA", "Trans-Rights-Activist" to describe anyone who voices anything resembling a moderate outlook on the matter of transpeople's existence, so "GC" and "TRA" gets lobbed back and forward.

The whole thing is an absolute mess, with dishonesty and venom on both "sides". It's understandably emotive, but it's reached the point now whereby both sets of folk are so entrenched in mutually irreconcilable positions that I think it's only a matter of time before it erupts into serious violence. I'm not talking about tangenital hate-crimes like the murder of Brianna Ghey, I think it's inevitable someone is going to have a go at JKR, India Willoughby, or somesuch, and make it abundantly clear in the process of doing so that they were motivated entirely by this back-and-forth. 

It's eerily reminiscent of some of the homophobic/fascist stuff that was going on in the 70's and 80's, and by that I mean the rhetoric being used. I think that if Social Media had been a thing back then it would not have looked much different to the toxic discourse we're seeing now, just that the specific subject matter would be different.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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3 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

The term used to describe the militant element of those holding "Gender Critical" beliefs. 

They use "TRA", "Trans-Rights-Activist" to describe anyone who voices anything resembling a moderate outlook on the matter of transpeople's existence, so "GC" and "TRA" gets lobbed back and forward.

The whole thing is an absolute mess, with dishonesty and venom on both "sides". It's understandably emotive, but it's reached the point now whereby both sets of folk are so entrenched in mutually irreconcilable positions that I think it's only a matter of time before it erupts into serious violence. I'm not talking about tangenital hate-crimes like the murder of Brianna Ghey, I think it's inevitable someone is going to have a go at JKR, India Willoughby, or somesuch, and make it abundantly clear in the process of doing so that they were motivated entirely by this back-and-forth. 

It's eerily reminiscent of some of the homophobic/fascist stuff that was going on in the 70's and 80's, and by that I mean the rhetoric being used. I think that if Social Media had been a thing back then it would not have looked much different to the toxic discourse we're seeing now, just that the specific subject matter would be different.

Probably best not indulging in that kind of stuff then.

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1 minute ago, wirez said:

Probably best not indulging in that kind of stuff then.

Sage advice. 

I've been gradually winding down my SM presence and being a lot more aggressive with what I'm filtering out in terms of blocking individuals, blocking certain forums and so on, but it's difficult to ignore it completely because the mainstream media is now at the point where it hangs on every utterance of certain people, even though those people are still kiddying on they've been "silenced" and so on.

It's been especially prevalent in the past week because of the HCB, and I refuse to extend my self-censorship to ignoring any and all political news just to get away from it.

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5 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

ETA they just had some total roaster on who suggested that people watching on TV, in their own fucking home, could be forced to make a complaint if they feel they were placed in a state of fear or alarm by "behaviour" at the game. What planet do these morons live in, get a life ffs, how on earth can pictures and sound from a plastic box in the corner of your own living room make anyone "feart" to such an extent that they feel the need to report said behaviour to the police. 

This line has been used repeatedly by those determined to make mischief, arguing that all it takes for someone to get cuffed and prosecuted is for someone to claim they were placed in a state of fear or alarm by something that was said.

Yet again, this is a bad faith argument, because while that is one part of the threshold for determining whether or not a crime has taken place, it is the second aspect, the first of which involves the "reasonable person" qualifier, so if I claim I was placed in a state of fear or alarm, not only does that have to be in relation to one of my protected characteristics, it also has to be adjudged to be that any "reasonable" person would feel the same, hence why all these ludicrous, bizarre, confected scenario are risible nonsense. They are not the claims of a "reasonable" person, they are transparent acts of mischief.

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29 minutes ago, velo army said:

I personally find that "reasonable person" part worryingly vague. 

In what way?

It's always been a facet of other laws, and if you are concerned about the Police's or COPFS's ability to interpret it, then you must surely also be concerned about their ability to decipher and interpret it elsewhere, or any and every other law for that matter.

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The absolute worst thing about this act is the amount of people saying something then saying 'you probably can't say that anymore' . Well you just fucking said it so you can more than likely say it, though what you said while not being offensive just makes you sound thicker than the first shite of the day. Its been pissing me off all week but then I work in a place where a good percentage of people use the word 'snowflake' on a regular basis while simultaneously moaning about fucking everything. 

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On 05/04/2024 at 19:56, Thane of Cawdor said:

You all seem to be overlooking the most vulnerable and vilified segment of the country. Fortunately, Jonathan took it on himself to highlight this dreadful issue, and recommend stern measures to  resolve it. 

A Conservative MP has said anyone using the term “white privilege” should be reported to the government’s counter-terror programme, and that teachers who criticise the Conservative party should be sacked.

Jonathan Gullis told a fringe meeting during the party’s conference in Manchester last week that anyone using the phrase should be referred to the government’s Prevent programme, which is used to track potential terrorists.

According to a recording obtained by the Independent, he told activists: “The term white privilege – very quickly – is an extremist term, it should be reported to Prevent, because it is an extremist ideology.

“It’s racist to actually suggest everyone who’s white somehow is riddled with privilege.”

Gullis, who is a former member of the parliamentary education select committee, was speaking at an event organised by the Conservative Friends of Education group. He added: “I hope [using the term white privilege] will be reported, I hope that will be looked into, and any teacher who’s perpetuated it in the classroom ultimately should face a disciplinary hearing at the very least.”

The Prevent programme was set up in 2006 to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, and to clamp down on radicalisation.

During the same event, the 31-year-old MP said that teachers should be “sacked” if they criticise the Conservatives. He was elected to the Commons in 2019 for Stoke-on-Trent North.

“The other way we can stop the cancel culture is by actually saying to the woke left lecturers and the woke left teachers – who seem to be becoming more and more apparent – is that ultimately, what’s going to happen if you are going to push your ideology in the classroom there are going to be consequences for you,” he said.

“For some reason, if a Labour party member wants to stand up in front of the classroom and say how bad and evil the Tories are, then the headteacher has to take some kind of sympathetic view to that.

“It’s absolutely disgusting, we need to start sacking people who are pushing their political ideology.”

Gullis is an acknowledged idiot who is desperately trying to hold on to his seat, why? money.

Tory Gullis was elected in 2019, at the time he was a teacher living on his salary to maintain his partner and two children and pay the mortgage.

Gullis is now worth over £5.000,000, that's 5 million he has made in four years, work that fucker out.

Oh and the clown endorsed Liz Truss.

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On 04/04/2024 at 15:41, D Angelo Barksdale said:

If a post on here is reported as a hate crime will @Div and the mods have to supply Johnny Law with the poster's email address and IP ?

That was already the case anyway. A party holding information which can assist authorities identify a person who has committed a crime has a legal responsibility to comply with a lawful request made under the Data Protection Act or via a RIPSA/RIPA application. There isnt any new power or ability with this or any legislation which has been brought in.

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