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Dishy Rishi in trouble in his adopted home land aswell as the us state department are now investigating why he has a green card as being a member of a foreign government means you are ineligible to hold one 

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48 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Dishy Rishi in trouble in his adopted home land aswell as the us state department are now investigating why he has a green card as being a member of a foreign government means you are ineligible to hold one 

To be honest, what's the point in the state dept coming out with this pish now? The guy had the card for nearly 2 years whilst he was an MP and then the Chancellor. It's not as if he was flying under the radar. Makes the Americans look even less competent than the UK - takes some doing. 

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14 hours ago, coprolite said:

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that, instead of trying to persuade the electorate that redistributive policies are in everyone's interests, we should assemble a mob, get these fuckers heads on spikes and take all their stuff. 

Surely we could just crowdfund the IRA or whatever they're called these days. With advances in modern weaponry I'm fairly sure they do a much tidier job on Tory party conferences. 

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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Heard it on the BBC news being described as her "offering to pay the tax", as if it's some sort of unnecessary benevolence.

Although I suppose she can claim back more if it gets classed as a charitable donation.

"I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to"

Another day, another Tory c**t

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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Permanent resident of the US, domiciled in India, lives in the UK.

Definitely nothing to see there

Is she though?

As far as I'm aware all she's admitted to is that she pays 'international tax', whatever the f**k that's supposed to mean. I thought that was basically a tacit admission that her tax is probably declared in the Cayman Islands or some other place notorious for sheltering tax dodgers.

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It really can’t be said often enough, all Tories are self serving cunty scum.

They don’t care about anyone else, as they’ve nothing in common with anyone else.

The huge anathema is why working class people vote for them? I’m guessing racism plays a significant part, sadly. 

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5 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

Is she though?

As far as I'm aware all she's admitted to is that she pays 'international tax', whatever the f**k that's supposed to mean. I thought that was basically a tacit admission that her tax is probably declared in the Cayman Islands or some other place notorious for sheltering tax dodgers.

Probably not, but the argument for her having non-dom status here is allegedly down to her wanting one day to return to live in India, and she is an Indian citizen.

I fully accept your contention that the Sunaks are probably even more at it than it appears

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2 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

It really can’t be said often enough, all Tories are self serving cunty scum.

They don’t care about anyone else, as they’ve nothing in common with anyone else.

The huge anathema is why working class people vote for them? I’m guessing racism plays a significant part, sadly. 

How do Tories trick working class voters into voting for them? Let me count the ways.

1) They welcome and encourage racism.

2) Plenty of working class folk would rather try and identify with well-off Tories than their fellow working class people, even to their own detriment. It’s aspirational, what?

3) The favourite media of some working class voters often encourages 1 and 2.

4) The Tories know how to wave flags and activate jingoistic UK nationalism, which has a long history amongst certain sections of the working class.

5) Whilst the Tories are cunty scum, there are also a lot of poor and/or working class cunty scum. Who else would they vote for?

6) The Tories also know how to target easy folk devils - immigrants, foreigners, the EU, benefits scrounges, other parties (who love all that filthy rabble and want to give your money to them) - and therefore offer easy scapegoats.

7) The Tories are the party of law and order. Ignore their breaches of both. It’s true. Look - they really want to hang people you hate, like pedos and murderers. They can’t, but that’s not their fault - they really want to and so do you. Vote for them, please, to show how much you too hate child killers and pedos.

8 ) The Tories, despite all available evidence to the contrary, coast on the idea that they’re the natural party of sound economic sense - after all, how else would they have so many rich backers and members? Wouldn’t you like to be rich too? It’s easy - vote for them and it’ll happen. Honest. 

9) More racism and more flags.

Edited by Antlion
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Just now, Day of the Lords said:
1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:
How the f**k could he even reach a puddle?

Fall into one after clumsily dropping a pie with his fat clumsy fingers?

The pie would hit the back of his head.

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5 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Permanent resident of the US, domiciled in India, lives in the UK.

Definitely nothing to see there

There are "double taxation" agreements with most modern countries, but the criteria confirming eligibility to "qualify" includes, i believe, questions relating to where an individual is :


Resident/Ordinarily Resident  (ie, their normal, longer term residence rather than their short-term, time limited residence)

Derivation of income both from the UK and worldwide (ie, salary and/or dividends).

There are people on here who have lots more than my very basic knowledge on this who can maybe expand or correct my assertions, but it seems to be only affecting those rich "tory family" members who are happy for normal working-class people to pay their full dues, but use every trick available to screw the system in their favour to keep them tax-free. 

Shower of bassas.


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2 hours ago, Brother Blades said:

It really can’t be said often enough, all Tories are self serving cunty scum.

They don’t care about anyone else, as they’ve nothing in common with anyone else.

The huge anathema is why working class people vote for them? I’m guessing racism plays a significant part, sadly. 

What the last two years have taught us is that there are a significant number, as evidenced on this website, of the worst type of libertarian Tolies, even if they don't know it yet or won't admit it.

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A quote from the Telegraph



Mr Sunak ordered an inquiry into the leak of his wife's tax status on Saturday, as the Chancellor's allies said officials could be prosecuted for releasing the information, which he had declared to a small number of officials.

A source said: "This will be a more aggressive version of leak enquiries, where it will not only investigate who were the keepers of the sensitive information and who had access to that information, but also who if anyone requested to see it.

"The inquiry will be carried out with a view to potential criminal prosecutions because it is against the law to leak someone's tax status."


You get the feeling he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.

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22 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

A quote from the Telegraph

You get the feeling he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.

Odd that Kwarteng was on the telly all this week saying that this story wasn't a scoop or the result of leaks but evidence of the government being transparent. 

The lying, cheating, thieving, grasping c***s. 

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26 minutes ago, Soapy FFC said:

A quote from the Telegraph

You get the feeling he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about.

Threaten prosecution because you’ve been embarrassed politically 

Very normal way to behave 

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