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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

I'll preface this by admitting I have zero interest in listening to James English giving Goodwillie the opportunity for a good old woe is me session, but what on earth is Goodwillie trying to achieve here? 

He goes on and on about the impact on family, yet keeps trying to get a club and puts them through all this stuff yet again whenever there's a club daft enough to take him. He's incapable of showing any remorse or decency towards his victim, that he know already, but he also can't show the decency or respect to his family to cease doing the thing that leads to him being in the media, which he then claims is upsetting them. He's a narcissistic piece of shit. 

It can't be a money thing either, given he's now stumbling about various pub leagues looking for a club. And he got a fucking massive payoff after our horrific error in signing him. 

Just give up FFS. 

He doesn’t see himself as guilty, he can’t accept responsibility for what he’s done, he can’t move on.

I don’t know a great deal about the wages offered in non-league football but Lafferty is apparently being paid £60k or more so I assume he thinks he can get that type of deal. 

More likely, as you said, it’s narcissism. Criminals often have this tendency, sexual offenders especially. 

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I get some folks won't want to watch the podcast but for those that don't, but regardless are somewhat intrigued by the content, I'll summerise below. This is from memory from watching it last night so apologies if some of it is skewed:

* He's adament Denise was aware of what was happening on the night in question and can't understand why the next morning she claimed she can't remember a thing. Adament he did not spike her drink and adament Denise made the choice to stay in the flat when Goodwillie and Robertson left in the morning and it wasn't a case that they just left her without at least trying to get her to leave.

* Stops short of basically saying she's after money after reading her background reports in terms of her upbringing/lifestyle/family life.

* Said John McGlynn was like a father figure to him and was assured by Raith Rovers things would be fine when the deal went through and that albeit there was some pushback it was felt it would blow over. Admits he wasn't overly keen on coming to Rovers and had reservations about it. Doesn't go into detail on the deal itself and how it came about. McGlynn being at the club was obviously a big factor.

* Admits other teams on top of Rovers were keen to sign him from Clyde but didn't want to name clubs. 

* Speaks about the guy in North Lanarkshire Council who put block on Goodwillie turning out on loan at Clyde from Rovers and that that particular gentleman has allegations against him for sexual crimes.

* Says he had no idea what a Civil Court was and when questioned what would have happened if he had simply said he wasn't prepared to turn up says he doesn't know and never queried this. Says he was under the impression if found guilty in Civil Court he'd have went to jail.

* Denies that he went bankrupt solely to prevent paying Denise. Says he got a £42,000 tax bill that he coudn't pay and the advice was to declare himself bankrupt. Was given advice by his laywer to sell his house of which he got £170,000 (I think that was the figure) and that this went to paying his legal fees. Did not receive any legal aid.

* Says he would happily sit down with Denise to discuss matters. Says he would quite happily go back to criminal court tomorrow if that was possible to clear his name. James said he would happily have Denise on the podcast if she wanted to say her piece.

* Says Denise has never actually said she was raped and that all she has said is she can't remember what happened on the night in question of which Goodwillie says was consensual sex.

* Feels both him and Denise are wanting justice. Denise to know what happened and Goodwillie to be seen as not a rapist.

* Says he is currently working and has been for a number of years. Would play football for free if he could and on the flip said with the rising cost of living was keen to earn some more money for his family playing football if possible. Wife has told him to stop pursuing football. 

* Says that he's contacted regularly by managers wanting to see if he would turn out for them but has knocked a lot back as he knows what outcome will be. 

* Says he has not spoken out about things after being given advice to keep shtum.

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14 hours ago, Smokerson said:

Really don’t see the point in getting all annoyed and upset because he’s playing in the 9th tier of Scottish football. The same people I guarantee weren’t wetting their knickers for all the time he played with Clyde. 
Wouldn’t have him near my club but time to let him get on with it. They’ll be all sorts of players with criminal backgrounds at that level. 

So you would have been happy to see Gary Glitter and Rolf Harris back on TV when they came out of jail, though you wouldn't watch yourself?

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15 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Does he not have convictions for assault or GBH as well?

Yes, he knocked a bouncer at the Fubar in Stirling out and was convicted.

ETA - He had another couple of assault convictions as well, as someone pointed out.

Edited by ICTChris
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Just when we thought we were getting away from people with, quite frankly, frightening views DG puts his head above the parapet again.

He and the people that obsess to support him are fucking reptiles. He was a rapist, he was done for assault three times prior to raping someone and a judge found him to be a rapist. You need your head checked if that isn't enough evidence for you.

This whole topic makes my skin crawl.

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1 hour ago, Raithie said:

* Says Denise has never actually said she was raped and that all she has said is she can't remember what happened on the night in question of which Goodwillie says was consensual sex.

Aye, that'll be rape, Goodwillie. 

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It's nice that he wants to give a rape victim the chance to relive her ordeal on a fucking podcast in order to feed his own need for attention..... All because he actually knows what she wants.


What a c**t 

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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It's nice that he wants to give a rape victim the chance to relive her ordeal on a fucking podcast in order to feed his own need for attention..... All because he actually knows what she wants.


What a c**t 

And feed his bank balance...

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From seeing the online reaction to the interview there seems to be a notable crossover between those who support Goodwillie and those pathetic loser types that worship at the feet of the professional wankstain Andrew Tate.

Imagine knowing that's the type of folk in your corner. 

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Just now, AuAl said:

From seeing the online reaction to the interview there seems to be a notable crossover between those who support Goodwillie and those pathetic loser types that worship at the feet of the professional wankstain Andrew Tate.

Imagine knowing that's the type of folk in your corner. 

People reserved for the worst of Dante's Inferno.

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On 20/07/2023 at 09:26, Raithie said:

* Says he would happily sit down with Denise to discuss matters. Says he would quite happily go back to criminal court tomorrow if that was possible to clear his name. James said he would happily have Denise on the podcast if she wanted to say her piece.

* Says Denise has never actually said she was raped and that all she has said is she can't remember what happened on the night in question of which Goodwillie says was consensual sex.

* Feels both him and Denise are wanting justice. Denise to know what happened and Goodwillie to be seen as not a rapist.

It bears mentioning that Goodwillie's not just a narcissist, he's also profoundly thick.

The idea that Denise Clair, having been eventually vindicated by the civil court case, would want anything further to do with him is beyond ridiculous. She also doesn't need to put herself through all this again by saying "her piece" to creeps like English. She gave up anonymity years ago and told her story to the press when it looked like neither Goodwillie or Robertson were ever going face any consequences for what they did to her.

Goodwillie is ultimately too dense to grasp how lucky he actually is. If Denise Clair really got the justice he claims she still wants, and that he wants too, then he'd be in jail.

Edited by captainkev
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It's a minor issue but I find it hard to believe that none of his lawyers explained to him what a civil court was, what would happen, what the different outcomes would mean. 

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Just now, ICTChris said:

It's a minor issue but I find it hard to believe that none of his lawyers explained to him what a civil court was, what would happen, what the different outcomes would mean. 

They would have - I suspect there wasn't much between the ears to catch the information.

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1 hour ago, The Real Saints said:

During his United days, Goodwillie would pretty much laugh, wink and flex his muscles like a pantomime villain whenever opposition fans called him a rapist. Wouldn't trust (or even listen to) a single word that this unhinged man says.

I remember McGlynns press conference like a week or 2 after we signed that scumbag and he was like I never heard any chanting towards David and that he was sorry for signing him blah blah blah, us fans were like come on John that’s no true because when we’re in L1 with Clyde we were chanting stuff towards him 

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