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The Annexed Goodwillie Thread

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7 minutes ago, grumswall said:

In fairness, we can absolutely do without things like "the dugout" as a club. We can do without spending 50k on transfer fees. We can do without the 800k? Pitch. How much of what he's actually doing to improve us as a club is needless. The problem is that he owns the club and stadium as separate entities so can do as he pleases while apportioning the debt for his "improvements" as he pleases. 

You need to spend money on your stadium to stop it becoming a rust ridden shit hole, and he has undoubtedly spent money on that. The pitch has been a success. The community hub will be an excellent facility. The main looks a lot better than it used to. So as much as they’re not “necessary” as such, if you want to offer facilities that people want to come and use then you need to spend money. All of this, of course, pales into insignificance when compared with the stark reality that he cannot be the public face of the club any more as he has sown himself to not be a proper person. 

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I wonder if Sim has a good relationship with our BoD or was in contact with them on how to make a shit statement to the fans. It brings back memories of the Galloway debacle down here - not a statement saying 'Sorry. We got it wrong' but instead it was showing utter contempt for the fanbase with "Sorry if you felt upset by it". Absolute fanny.

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54 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

I wonder if Sim has a good relationship with our BoD or was in contact with them on how to make a shit statement to the fans. It brings back memories of the Galloway debacle down here - not a statement saying 'Sorry. We got it wrong' but instead it was showing utter contempt for the fanbase with "Sorry if you felt upset by it". Absolute fanny.

That's the thing... they did the statements. They weren't great, but they were fine. They did the job. The zeitgeist had moved on. 

If he'd just shut his fucking mouth, nobody would be talking about Raith Rovers again today, which is exactly what we needed. We needed to limp into the close season, do nothing for two months and then start again next year with a sort of philosophical barrier between a new year and "that" Goodwillie season. But no, he's an old white guy so he's got a God given belief that everyone needs to hear what he thinks, regardless of how tone-deaf, offensive or downright moronic it may be. 

Now, though, in a wider sense the story will still move on. This thread will drop down the board again by next mid-week only to be briefly resurrected when there's a two line announcement in July that confirms Goodwillie has fucked off to play for Mumbai City or whoever, but for the Rovers support, we're now under no illusions that the club is in the grip of a bad actor. There's not a football club in the country that should be owned by someone who's uttered the phrase "I considered closing it down". 

At least, I suppose, that's now out in the open. We know where we stand. But, if you'll forgive me a political analogy, I'm looking at the Rovers ownership situation the same way that I look at the current Tory government from a Scottish perspective. We can organise and fundraise and protest, but ultimately there are greater factors at play that can maintain that status quo regardless of what we do. That won't stop us trying, but wresting control of the club from John Sim currently looks like an incredibly tall order. 

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3 minutes ago, Against The Machine said:

Sorry, am I oppressing the old white millionaire John Sim? 

Not all old white millionaires are b*****ds but it’s a reasonable assumption that most are.

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4 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

Tough one to take for Raith fans who wrote chapter and verse about how awful signing Goodwillie was, then wandered up to the Challenge Cup final, celebrated every goal and referred to Raith as "we" non stop.

Given the Falkirk board and management were just as keen on Goodwillie only to be turned down by the player, I trust you won't be celebrating next time they actually win a game? 

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1 minute ago, Against The Machine said:

Given the Falkirk board and management were just as keen on Goodwillie only to be turned down by the player, I trust you won't be celebrating next time they actually win a game? 

Whataboutery isn't a great look

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55 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Clearly the only course of action that will satisfy everyone here is for Raith to be relegated and Falkirk promoted in their place.

Great idea. Make them start again in League Two. Not only will they no longer owe Goodwillie a penny but we can have endless arguments on here as to whether or not The Raith Rovers are the same club.

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2 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

Clearly the only course of action that will satisfy everyone here is for Raith to be relegated and Falkirk promoted in their place.

Would you settle for the Pars?

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7 hours ago, Against The Machine said:

That's the thing... they did the statements. They weren't great, but they were fine. They did the job.

For once, I don't agree with ATM here. I thought those statements were very far from fine - they seemed half-hearted, insincere, showed no recognition whatever of the issues and seemed designed to pay lips service and do the minimum possible to try and get people back on side without having to face any actual consequences. They angered me, if anything, more than the initial f**k-up (which might, in the first instance, have been recoverable). All Sim has done now is make all that explicit. Hopefully that will at least open the eyes of some who'd been making excuses for him hitherto - but I don't really see that the previous strategy of just keeping their heads down and hope it would go away was any better.

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