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The Queen of the South thread

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can only see chaos on Saturday, think it should have been better advertised, not all Queens fans have access to the internet and with the majority of fans entering the ground in the 15 mins upto kick off i can see folk missing the kick off. Is there any way that home fans could purchase tickets during the week in the lead up to home games?

I have got my works season ticket (from shirt sponsor prizedraw) for the 1st game this week.

I take it I only require to take the ticket along to the turnstile?

Edited by Mr X
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I have got my works season ticket (from shirt sponsor prizedraw) for the 1st game this week.

I take it I only require to take the ticket along to the turnstile?

If you have a season ticket you go directly to the turnstile yes. You don't need to attend the ticket office.

However, you are in theory supposed to take the whole booklet and plastic card to the turnstile, and take the ticket out in front of the operator, not just have the individual ticket.

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Good stuff on both the above 2 posts. Really happy with the cup draw, and going by reports, hopkirk impressed in pre-season so should be a good addition.

Hopkirk definetly has potential, think its more an attitude thing that he hasn't made it, hopefully boy screws the nut and produces the goods. He certainly looked good against Gretna but you'd expect that.

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Hopkirk definetly has potential, think its more an attitude thing that he hasn't made it, hopefully boy screws the nut and produces the goods. He certainly looked good against Gretna but you'd expect that.

It will be interesting to see how well he does. Having done a quick search on google he has attracted the interest of some EPL clubs in the past. Although he plays in a different position, it seems there may be some similarities in that respect to Dobbie (when we picked him up), in the sense that he has bags of talent but has gone off the boil a bit, albeit he is a lot younger than Dobbie was. Hopefully for Queens and for him, he takes the opportunity to put himself in the shop window and ultimately on to bigger and better things.

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Hi Guys,

Sorry to crash your thread, long time p N B member here, i have just got a load of Queens Joma kit from last season and have uploaded it to my website at decent prices.

Unsure of best way to let Queens fans know about this as its a good chance to get yourself and kids kitted up for the new season, we got home shirts, away shirts, third shirts, training gear, leisure wear.

If anyone knows of best way to let other Queens fans know please let me know, but make sure you see to yourself first hehe

here is the link directly to the kit, flat rate postage charge for upto 6 items is only £2.50 for domestic, we also send stuff out worldwide.

Retro World Football Shirts - QUEEN OF THE SOUTH Kit Sale

Here would seem to be as good a place as any! Thanks for the stuff, arrived today. Good quality and very fast delivery (to Australia) :thumsup2

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I see that he who assured us he'd vote in the best interests of Queens and Scottish football, has again been offering answers to points on his blog.

Among his gems were this:

Disappointed to hear that you will not be attending home games but that is your decision. How you believe that will help the club is beyond me. Mark R

and this:

I must admit I get irate when I read some of the comments directed at some of my fellow Directors, fans really need to wake up and smell the coffee. If it was not for these guys supporting the club financially were do you think we would be!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark R

Not exactly setting out to build bridges, is he?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I see that he who assured us he'd vote in the best interests of Queens and Scottish football, has again been offering answers to points on his blog.

Among his gems were this:

Disappointed to hear that you will not be attending home games but that is your decision. How you believe that will help the club is beyond me. Mark R

and this:

I must admit I get irate when I read some of the comments directed at some of my fellow Directors, fans really need to wake up and smell the coffee. If it was not for these guys supporting the club financially were do you think we would be!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark R

Not exactly setting out to build bridges, is he?

I remember with fondness the days when Queens were accused of having non-existent PR. Now the public face of the club is a belligerent Rangers supporter with an attitude. Seems to me that Robertson was brought in as a hard-headed cost-cutter. Perhaps he should be confined to that role. He makes Kenny Brannigan look like a candidate for the diplomatic corps.

Edited by Frankie S
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First action of the new PR team should be to remove the comments section of the blog. It's just an opportunity for negativity, on both sides, in my opinion.

Agreed. On the one hand, it's to Robertson's credit that he claims to want an open dialogue with the fans, but surely having a running set-to on the OS is not a good idea. I thought that's what Twitter is for.

Anyway, it reminds me a lot of this...

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I see that he who assured us he'd vote in the best interests of Queens and Scottish football, has again been offering answers to points on his blog.

Among his gems were this:

Disappointed to hear that you will not be attending home games but that is your decision. How you believe that will help the club is beyond me. Mark R

and this:

I must admit I get irate when I read some of the comments directed at some of my fellow Directors, fans really need to wake up and smell the coffee. If it was not for these guys supporting the club financially were do you think we would be!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark R

Not exactly setting out to build bridges, is he?

You really want to get a grip, what he says is exactly true. Your actions and reactions are like that of a spoiled child not getting there own way. The only person feeling all your anger is yourself, I have spoken to dozens of fans who are sick of this constant negativity. Grow a set of baws and get over it ,you are obvously not as important as you seem to think you are.Where is the great surge of fans up and down the country backing there clubs because of the vote, some of the crowds have been poor, well down on last year . Talk is cheap getting out and supporting the team is what it is all about all the rest is crap.

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You really want to get a grip, what he says is exactly true. Your actions and reactions are like that of a spoiled child not getting there own way. The only person feeling all your anger is yourself, I have spoken to dozens of fans who are sick of this constant negativity. Grow a set of baws and get over it ,you are obvously not as important as you seem to think you are.Where is the great surge of fans up and down the country backing there clubs because of the vote, some of the crowds have been poor, well down on last year . Talk is cheap getting out and supporting the team is what it is all about all the rest is crap.

Presumably at least some of the people missing from the poor crowds at Queens games constitute 'dozens of fans' who are still not reconciled with the actions of the board last month. You can certainly count myself and the majority of the people I would usually attend games with on that score. Shame that the board didn't take that into account when casting their idiotic vote.

Your post is exactly the sort of reaction that the board had hoped for. But I'm afraid that I have no intention of forgetting and moving on any time soon. It was a serious error of judgement and turned Queens into an embarrasment. It's entirely worth continuing to remind them of this.

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Adamski --- Its doubtful if the h** vote has had any real impact apart from a handful of vocal stayaways . Myself and my many Queens supporting friends were dissaponted with the vote but are all back at Palmerston, realising backing the team is far more important than other issues . 1200 home fans on Saturday is what was averaged last season and a few more wins will see that figure shoot up. I cannot see anything factually wrong with anything Robertson has said here . By all means , stay away but I hope you don't miss the wins or action on offer.

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I think the majority of Queens fans are of the opinion the board voted the wrong way.

Although possibly for the right reason’s but still the wrong way.

I would be interested to see what information was provided by the Sfa and Sfl to help the board reach their decision.

There isn’t any point going over and over it, I don’t think any of those boycotting will change their mind regardless of what is said on a forum.

The thing is like them or not the board are here to stay as quite simply there is nobody else stepping up to the plate.

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Grow a set of baws and get over it ,you are obvously not as important as you seem to think you are.

Growing baws is usually held to represent developing courage, making a stand and refusing to be trodden over. It's odd that you equate the term with subservience, with an acceptance of being dismissively disregarded, before coming back for more. Really odd.

As for thinking I'm important, if I'd harboured any illusions in that regard, they would have been well and truly shattered by the way the board ignored the overwhelming balance of fan opinion. I'm very well aware that I (and you incidentally) don't matter a damn to Queens. That's what I'm moaning about.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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