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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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1 hour ago, Lex said:

Be funny if it was Paddy Harvie who brought a motion of no confidence in the administration and brought the house down with him as he leaves government. There are more non SNP MSP's than SNP MSP's in the chamber after all, it would certainly pass if the Greens voted for it.  Time to go to the polls. 

Leaving aside the problems with calling an election early, this assumes that Ash Regan & all the Greens will vote to bring down a pro-indy Government.

If they do, Alba or the Greens won't be getting my list vote next time round. I'm sure that I'm not the only SNP voter that feels this way.

Why would Alba or the Greens want to cut off their noses to spite their faces in this way?

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Humza Yousaf’s letter to Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie.

Bit of a contrast there with the statements by the Greens.

Edited by ICTChris
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19 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Slater's certainly not holding back, but there's an obvious inconsistency here as well: if you feel you were "let down time and time again" by the SNP failing to hold up their end of the agreement, why did you still believe staying in government was the best course of action and how often would they have had to let you down to change that?

She's also forgotten that it was the SNP that prevented her getting sacked after her wee jaunt at the taxpayers' expense.

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Just now, orfc said:

Will personally have cost Harvie and Slater a fair bit of bunce, 34k each - they'll be boiling about that

Can't imagine there will be a queue of people willing to pay them that sort of salary again.

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Massive, raging wee guy energy emanating from the fruit loop vegans here.

Not the best idea for your membership to announce its intent to sink the government - when the actual party in charge can just empty you first. Thanks for playing anyway. 

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11 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

Leaving aside the problems with calling an election early, this assumes that Ash Regan & all the Greens will vote to bring down a pro-indy Government.

If they do, Alba or the Greens won't be getting my list vote next time round. I'm sure that I'm not the only SNP voter that feels this way.

Why would Alba or the Greens want to cut off their noses to spite their faces in this way?


I reckon in the next election, SNP supporters won't have the option to strategically vote for Greens or Alba, given that the SNP won't secure as many seats as they did in the previous election.

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13 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Humza Yousaf’s letter to Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie.

Bit of a contrast there with the statements by the Greens.

Thats because the Greens "have been denied their day in the sun" or some other shite.

They are spitting feathers because the SNP binned them, rather than the other way round.

Will be interesting to see just how grown up they actually are now.................

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The "independence" coalition ends as the party within it who really don't care about independence finally GTF.

The "environmental" party with an amazing record... of failure on environmental policy. (The SNP are complicit in that, in fairness)

Having met a one of their MSPs (a certain Ginger) personally he's an obvious weirdo, the rest not much different.

Their press conference on the way out also strikes me less as "we are upset because we can't do what's right for Scotland anymore" and more "we are upset because we are an irrelevance again."

Good riddance, "Greens".

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30 minutes ago, lichtgilphead said:

Leaving aside the problems with calling an election early, this assumes that Ash Regan & all the Greens will vote to bring down a pro-indy Government.

If they do, Alba or the Greens won't be getting my list vote next time round. I'm sure that I'm not the only SNP voter that feels this way.

Why would Alba or the Greens want to cut off their noses to spite their faces in this way?

Alba for one will be licking their lips at this today. They will rightly see themselves as the next natural coalition partner of the SNP. They’ll want an election cause they’ll believe - rightly or wrongly - they can increase their vote share and get into government as the junior partner to the next SNP administration. They’re the potential biggest winners. 

Maybe the Greens will vote for that they do have confidence in the first minister who back tracked on a climate promise and then threw them out of government when they called them on it, but I doubt it. 
The no confidence motion will be brought to the floor soon enough I’m sure, so we’ll soon see.

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I doubt Yousaf could have risked letting the Greens dump his government without having umpteen other column inches talking about weakness. Also, eaiser to reconcile the Forbes wing of the SNP now you'd imagine.


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Environmental issues are not at the top of my political agenda, but I’m probably more closely aligned with people like Harvie and Slater than I am with Kate Forbes, John Mason, Fergus Ewing and the other right wing homophobes who will no doubt be delighted with this move.

I can see the SNP losing support from a lot of younger and more progressive voters as a result of this.

It will be interesting to see any further visible lurch to the right as Harvie was predicting.

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3 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Environmental issues are not at the top of my political agenda, but I’m probably more closely aligned with people like Harvie and Slater than I am with Kate Forbes, John Mason, Fergus Ewing and the other right wing homophobes who will no doubt be delighted with this move.

I can see the SNP losing support from a lot of younger and more progressive voters as a result of this.

It will be interesting to see any further visible lurch to the right as Harvie was predicting.

As opposed to the almost impossible option of going further left? And John Mason, a right wing homophobe. That , even if true, is nowhere near the most uninspiring thing about him. 

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