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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Try running the water for a while. They might have just replaced a section of the water main and some earth/soil got into the pipe at the connections.

If it still runs brown after a while you should report it to them.


Aye I reported it this morning and they said run it for an hour, seems to be more widespread now as its on their website
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1 minute ago, Eoin said:


Aye I reported it this morning and they said run it for an hour, seems to be more widespread now as its on their website

Hope they haven't reconnected it to a foul sewer.......;)

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18 hours ago, jmothecat said:





How do you feel about fans who cheer when their team wins a corner?



Normally I would cheer when we score a goal.

This season, it looks like I will have to set my sights lower.

"Oh great - we won a corner - Hooray"

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Why do people try and open quite clearly locked cubicle doors? The fact that the lock has the red section on it means that there is somebody in. The door is locked. You fucking moronic c***s.

Let me enjoy my shite in peace.

Colour-blind people like me, who can't distinguish between red and green. Only way to find if it is open is to try it.
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1 hour ago, die hard doonhamer said:

Colour-blind people like me, who can't distinguish between red and green. Only way to find if it is open is to try it.

Colour blindness must be a bummer at times.  It's probably one of these conditions that no one really thinks about unless you, or someone you know, is affected by it.

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

Colour blindness must be a bummer at times.  It's probably one of these conditions that no one really thinks about unless you, or someone you know, is affected by it.

Sorry, i thought i was giving you a greenie there. 

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The all too instantaneous clamouring from the British media to bestow successful sporting figures - of various ages - with honours and titles whenever they achieve something, as if the frequently remarkable achievement in itself isn't admirable in itself or not quite complete without three letters of some sort affixed to their name somewhere.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Likes 'reality' TV shows and agreed to marry you.

I wonder which of the two is more excusable?


I can never get my head round how she can enjoy high-brow poncey films (the kind I like) and also enjoy TOWIE etc. 

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