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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Ever since this stupid fucking upgrade on my phone I can't seem to type anything without it being littered with typos and have to go back and correct the lot. Either that or my thumb has been on the pies recently.

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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


Never even knew we had heel bones.

How the f**k did you manage that and more importantly, how drunk were/are you?


Out playing football (not drunk) ball goes over 7ft fence, climb fence, fall, break heel bone. I just hoping they'll give me some drugs and send me on my merry way.

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Anyway... PTTGOYN on FB of the Day:

- Those "we've made a video to celebrate you and [insert name] being friends for six years" things. That can GTF, particularly when it's more of an acquaintance that a genuine friend.

- Runners, and there's a plague of them, that are all giving me constant updates to not just their event times, but their post-work evening run ones also. I know nothing about what's a respectable, good or fantastic marathon / 10k time because, well, I simply don't care. More annoying when you just want to hit that ignore option but also don't because some of their other stuff is quite useful. One or two, maybe, but it's like a whole news feed at times.

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11 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Got an email from my work this morning (HR although obviously automated unless they've gone completely fucking cuckoo) saying "A little bird tells me it's nearly your birthday, well when it comes hope you have a great day".

Go f**k yerselves.

Kind regards MM


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43 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Got an email from my work this morning (HR although obviously automated unless they've gone completely fucking cuckoo) saying "A little bird tells me it's nearly your birthday, well when it comes hope you have a great day".

Go f**k yerselves.

Birthday cards.

If there is no money in them then f**k off. Waste of time and clutter up the living room for a week scattering all over the place when the door gets shut.

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14 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Birthday cards.

If there is no money in them then f**k off. Waste of time and clutter up the living room for a week scattering all over the place when the door gets shut.

My daughter turned 9 a couple of weeks ago. A few days later, a card arrived from Scotland. She excitedly ripped the envelope open, shook the card until money fell out and disappeared into her room with the cash without so much as a glance at the card. I was so proud.

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Bright mornings.
My son came into my room this morning and a little bit startled I lashed out with a back hand across his face with my eyes still closed. It was soft enough but he started blubbing so we got up and started making breakfast then went in to put the TV on.
4.55 AM

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16 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

My old neighbours used to be Chinese, they probably still are. Their kids were called Katie and Ting. I asked about their names and they explained they wanted Western names for them.

"Oh right, fair enough."

I was in groups with a few Asian guys at University, and some of the Western names they'd chosen were brilliant. Star, Elvis and my personal favourite... Maverick.

He certainly lived up to the name as well.

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I was in groups with a few Asian guys at University, and some of the Western names they'd chosen were brilliant. Star, Elvis and my personal favourite... Maverick.
He certainly lived up to the name as well.

Worked with a Filipino welder offshore who was called "Superman"
I thought it was a nickname as he was shit hot at his job & very helpful.
In the smoke-shack one day, I asked his real name. It was indeed Superman! He produced his passport to prove it- the guy was in his 40's so not from the movies I'm guessing.
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32 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I was in groups with a few Asian guys at University, and some of the Western names they'd chosen were brilliant. Star, Elvis and my personal favourite... Maverick.

He certainly lived up to the name as well.

Did he take your breath away?

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1 hour ago, ThomCat said:

Putting up the wee checkout divider for the next person and not getting a "thank you" :thumbsdown

Almost as bad as the tossers who don't put the thingmy on the checkout after they load their shopping. I take great delight in loading my stuff as close to their's as possible...

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Workmate has just posted a photo of his 7 year old (guessing) niece draped in Union Jack about to go to today's Orange walk :(

The future is fucked. I just hope by the time she's old enough to vote we aren't part of that god ugly flag.

Edited by Gaz FFC
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I was in groups with a few Asian guys at University, and some of the Western names they'd chosen were brilliant. Star, Elvis and my personal favourite... Maverick.

He certainly lived up to the name as well.

I used to know a Filipino girl who lived in Uxbridge who called herself Tracy San Diego. A nice balance between the common and the exotic I felt.

She introduced me to flatliner shots - sambuca, tabasco and tequila. I don't know if they were called flatliners because the tabasco separated the two drinks and gave the appearance of a flat red line from the side or because your heart stops after too many.

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