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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Went to the bank yesterday to get some money. The cashpoint was out of order so I went inside. As the teller handed me the notes she asked me, "What are you going to do with the money?"
Actually that is untrue. I didn't get any cash and even if I did the teller would never have asked such a question as it's none of her business.

One bint does it at Abbey in Dumfries. I got so fed up with her questions I changed banks. There's a difference between being friendly and being a nosey b*****d. She was firmly the latter.
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Having to pay 4.99 for recorded delivery on an order and getting it five days later with "no access 3/12" written on it by my utterly useless worthless workshy shiftless c**t of a postman who can't be bothered going up three flights of stairs even though it's his fucking job the useless fucking p***k

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27 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Having to pay 4.99 for recorded delivery on an order and getting it five days later with "no access 3/12" written on it by my utterly useless worthless workshy shiftless c**t of a postman who can't be bothered going up three flights of stairs even though it's his fucking job the useless fucking p***k



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Christmas trees that aren’t green.

Adults without young kids who put up trees and decorations and post pictures of them on social media, even worse when other adults without kids comment on these pictures saying how amazing their trees and decorations are. You’re 25, why are you spending all this time and money on a fucking tree just for likes on Facebook?

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3 minutes ago, The Golden God said:

Christmas trees that aren’t green.

Adults without young kids who put up trees and decorations and post pictures of them on social media, even worse when other adults without kids comment on these pictures saying how amazing their trees and decorations are. You’re 25, why are you spending all this time and money on a fucking tree just for likes on Facebook?

Imagine how insecure they're going to be in 20 years time!

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Christmas trees that aren’t green.

Adults without young kids who put up trees and decorations and post pictures of them on social media, even worse when other adults without kids comment on these pictures saying how amazing their trees and decorations are. You’re 25, why are you spending all this time and money on a fucking tree just for likes on Facebook?

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24 minutes ago, The Golden God said:

Christmas trees that aren’t green.

Adults without young kids who put up trees and decorations and post pictures of them on social media, even worse when other adults without kids comment on these pictures saying how amazing their trees and decorations are. You’re 25, why are you spending all this time and money on a fucking tree just for likes on Facebook?





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I chopped down a tree and carried it away on my shoulders, felt like a true lumberjack. It’s fucking massive though and fills up half my living room. I had to disassemble my dining table and move it into the spare room so it would fit. Well worth it as it looks lovely and if I posted it on FB/Insta I would no doubt get a multitude of likes.

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Part of the receptionists role is to signpost patients appropriately due to the lack of gp capacity.
Depending on the complaint who is the most appropriate person to deal with patients.  Is it GP or ANP, is it Physio, is it practice nurse, is it a mental health professional, is it in house pharmacy or is it something that can be seen at a pharmacist.
Is it an urgent on the day appointment required, is it a chronic issue that is worsening, is it something that's been there for months but someone wants it seen now etc etc.    
Its there job it signpost and pass the request to the most appropriate practitioner.
Some are decent, some are c***s just like every other job, but they are instructed to ask what's wrong.
In the vast majority of practices they stick you on a triage list to be phoned back by a GP or an ANP.
The fundamental issue though, lack of GP's.
Exactly how it works at my GPs. If you phone first thing in the morning they will either call you back and offer you an appointment, or a doctor will call you back.
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