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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Swampy is the most tragic person on this board.

He thinks that he's being clever and that his fighting the power sets him out as some sort of cool rebel that folk will have a grudging respect for. What he tragically doesn't realise is that he bores people to tears and folk end up skipping posts where he might have made a decent point because they just assume that he'll be posting his usual bland shite.

They say that for every good thing that happens in the world, something bad will happen.

Is Swampy karmic compensation for Dunc in the P&B world?


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Swampy is the most tragic person on this board.

He thinks that he's being clever and that his fighting the power sets him out as some sort of cool rebel that folk will have a grudging respect for. What he tragically doesn't realise is that he bores people to tears and folk end up skipping posts where he might have made a decent point because they just assume that he'll be posting his usual bland shite.

They say that for every good thing that happens in the world, something bad will happen.

Is Swampy karmic compensation for Dunc in the P&B world?

Nail on the head. Special fits of laughter and nods of agreement for the bit in bold.

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Skip your posts?!

Fucking right I have, they bore the shit out of me.

I don't think you have.

You're trading on past glories here anyway. Your moderating days are long gone. Let it go. You are to P&B punditry as Stan Collymore is to football writing.

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I don't think you have.

You're trading on past glories here anyway. Your moderating days are long gone. Let it go. You are to P&B punditry as Stan Collymore is to football writing.

Oh please, just shut the f**k up Swampy. This is me asking you nicely.

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Only if the right people send a complaint. And if it concerns the right poster. Certain posters get carte blanche to insult and abuse at will. Others get threatened with a ban for the most trivial harmless links.
P&B as a place to post and talk about football, the weather, and whatever else is still unrivalled in Scotland, but this is now despite, and not because of the moderation staff. I'm quite sure I'll be banned within the next couple of months, but I'll enjoy posters' company while I still can.

What's it to anyone how this place is run? What say in it should you, or anyone else for that matter have on what goes on here? So what if the Mods prefer to warn someone for making a post then decide to not warn someone for making a similar post? What the fuck has it got to do with us?

Really, if you don't like how the website is run, then fuck off.

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I have absolutely no idea what has kicked any of this off, but frankly if anyone thinks they could do a better job of creating, running and moderating a forum that takes around 3,000 posts a day and receives at least one emailed or telephone complaint every single day then go on ahead and create your own and I'm sure it will be very popular.

The moderating team cannot, do not, and will not read every single post on the forum. We rely on members to flag up unsuitable content on the board and we deal with those complaints as promptly and as fairly as we can.

If you don't like the way the forum is run, you have a choice. There are thousands of forums on the internet, why on earth would you spend your life posting on one continually whining about how bad it is - it really is a barking mad state of affairs.

As for Ron, keep pusing the buttons, and I WILL pick up the phone. The sun always shines on TV.

Swampy, XBL et al. Time to give it up or go find some other place to play.

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I have absolutely no idea what has kicked any of this off, but frankly if anyone thinks they could do a better job of creating, running and moderating a forum that takes around 3,000 posts a day and receives at least one emailed or telephone complaint every single day then go on ahead and create your own and I'm sure it will be very popular.


Swampy, XBL et al. Time to give it up or go find some other place to play.

As much as I hate to stick up for xbl, what exactly has he done that merits this kind of threat?

(Wonder who "et al" is?)

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I woke up in the middle of Dundee in some cul-de-sac a few months ago, while visiting a mate. I had enough battery in my phone to fire off one text to my pal with the name of the street I was lying in. I waited about for 2 hours with no one showing up.

As I sobered up I began to panic a bit and accosted one of the locals at around 4am taking out a binbag to ask which way the city centre was. :lol:

An hour later I was recovered surprisingly close to my mate's flat. Scary stuff. All because of a dirty pint after getting humped at ring of fire.

Riiiight, because your dirty was *that* much worse than anyone else's.

Lightweight midget hairy freak.

Oh please, just shut the f**k up Swampy. This is me asking you nicely.


If he doesn't, will you invoke God's symbolic wrath? FFS. :lol:

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We rely on members to flag up unsuitable content on the board and we deal with those complaints as promptly and as fairly as we can.

Div, Swampy makes me uncomfortable through cringeing at posts of his that I haven't had the good sense to skip over.

I get embarrassed for him so can you ask him to tone down the laughable attempt at rebellion?


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