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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I was an accident but because it's not broken they are referring me to my GP first which is just stupid. I told the guy what is wrong with it and that I needed a septoplasty because no matter what I do it's loose, I've rested it for three weeks putting ice and a hot pack on it every night. What's the point in me going to my doctor for him just to send me back. mad.gif

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I was an accident but because it's not broken they are referring me to my GP first which is just stupid. I told the guy what is wrong with it and that I needed a septoplasty because no matter what I do it's loose, I've rested it for three weeks putting ice and a hot pack on it every night. What's the point in me going to my doctor for him just to send me back. mad.gif

You should go to medical school. It would save a lot of hassle in the future.

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Clever man, did that make you chuckle? Bet you feel real proud picking on kids/adults with learning difficulites. Well done mate.

Green dot for you

Excuse me?

I said I wouldn't take advice of someone who is clearly not the full picnic and you take that as slur against everyone with learning difficulties?

Fuck sake man.

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If youre away on a lads holiday it doesnt really matter what nick the hotel is in as long as your bags will be safe there.

My hotel in Ibiza last year was a total flea pit with no air con but I only stayed there 2 nights out of the week.

Yeah, that's the kind of feeling we have about it. There's only three of us going, so it's not a lads holiday as such. It's right in the middle of Las Americas next to the golf so there'll be plenty to keep us occupied hopefully.

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Yeah, that's the kind of feeling we have about it. There's only three of us going, so it's not a lads holiday as such. It's right in the middle of Las Americas next to the golf so there'll be plenty to keep us occupied hopefully.

Golf Las Americas? You're a fair bit away from all the shitey places up there.

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Golf Las Americas? You're a fair bit away from all the shitey places up there.

Yeah I've stayed there once. It's a good 15-20 minute walk to Veronicas and such like. All uphill on the way back too.

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Some twat's complaining that he's not getting his P&J by 7:15 despite the fact that I've got two rounds which take an hour each (when the papers aren't late to the shop :rolleyes: ) and the papers aren't in at the best of times until 6:15.

Claims he's off to work by 7:15 which is a raging lie. Yesterday I delivered his paper at 7:25 and he was packing stuff into his car. Today I delivered at 7:35 and door was shut with his car in the driveway.

But because he's complained, I now have to do his round first, meaning my second round gets caught up in the morning rush-hour on Queen's Road. Thanks a bunch.

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Some twat's complaining that he's not getting his P&J by 7:15 despite the fact that I've got two rounds which take an hour each (when the papers aren't late to the shop rolleyes.gif ) and the papers aren't in at the best of times until 6:15.

Claims he's off to work by 7:15 which is a raging lie. Yesterday I delivered his paper at 7:25 and he was packing stuff into his car. Today I delivered at 7:35 and door was shut with his car in the driveway.

But because he's complained, I now have to do his round first, meaning my second round gets caught up in the morning rush-hour on Queen's Road. Thanks a bunch.

Get a better job.

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None of the water dispensers on my floor have any hot water for my coffee. So i proceed to go to other side of the floor, but cold water in the cup and heat it with a microwave and then carry a good 70m walk back to my desk.

It hasnt went down well at all and it has left my stomach a bit unsettled.

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Have been farting away merrily all morning. Sadly I didn't heed the warning signs and my most recent fart ended with something slightly more solid. Cue the waddle of shame to the nearest bog. Thankfully there was no underwear coverage.

Edited by endieinreekie
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Have been farting away merrily all morning. Sadly I didn't heed the warning signs and my most recent fart ended with something slightly more solid. Cue the waddle of shame to the nearest bog. Thankfully there was no underwear coverage.

I've not followed through in an age! good work though.

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Some twat's complaining that he's not getting his P&J by 7:15 despite the fact that I've got two rounds which take an hour each (when the papers aren't late to the shop :rolleyes: ) and the papers aren't in at the best of times until 6:15.

Claims he's off to work by 7:15 which is a raging lie. Yesterday I delivered his paper at 7:25 and he was packing stuff into his car. Today I delivered at 7:35 and door was shut with his car in the driveway.

But because he's complained, I now have to do his round first, meaning my second round gets caught up in the morning rush-hour on Queen's Road. Thanks a bunch.

Don't you roll your eyes like that at Ruggy and I, I'm sure the wholesaler gets them to you as quickly as they can!

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Guest The Phoenix

Easy money, not tied down to long hours and it gets me up in the morning.

Strange, I'd never envisaged a Paper Round as being sexually stimulating.

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I've not followed through in an age! good work though.

Since I last posted I got the familiar rumbling in the stomach and had to rush to the bog again and this time was major rusty water shite. Major dodgy guts today, have a feeling that by the end of the day my arse will look like a Jap flag.

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