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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What exactly are people looking for when they go on your profile page? I've accidentally clicked on a few due to fat fingers but I wouldn't have a clue what to look for.

It seems to be people who you've recently pissed off that turn up. What are they looking for?

They're looking to see what team you support.

You post so often in the United threads they assume you're an Arab and can't understand your username.

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Anyone else get folk who send them a friend request and after about 6 months you realise this person never posts or likes anything?

Basically they've added you to look like they've tons of mates.

Sub human scum.

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Plus, H&M is the only place I can buy slim black jeans without rips/designs on them in my size and I'm eternally grateful for that.

I can buy slim black jeans

slim black jeans

slim black jeans


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They're looking to see what team you support.

You post so often in the United threads they assume you're an Arab and can't understand your username.

Surely they would just look under my username? You know, the bit that says 'My Team'.

Right on cue I have a visit today from this Slenderman guy who takes exception to anything I post and loves to red dot me. Pretty pointless as red dotting him is now the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning.

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More an Absolutely Disgsting Video rather than a PTTGOYN.

There is a video on Facebook which someone I know reposted and it started playing automatically (I wish I could stop this) as I would never have opened it.

It is a Chinese woman hitting her baby with a cushion continually which is totally disgusting. Apparently she kicks it and slaps it too. I turned it off as soon as I realised what it was.

Now I can't stop thinking about it. :(:(

***I have now turned video settings to auto play OFF (now I've discovered how to do it!)

Edited by footiechick
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".....we will look at this case and see what lessons can be learned......."

First heard this phrase in the aftermath of the Victoria Climbie case and now it is the mantra of every talking head and politician who has to step in front of a microphone to answer questions about a f**k-up.

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People who say 'season books'. First of all, they've been called 'season tickets' for years. Secondly, most clubs now use a single card that you scan at each game, and have done for years. Take your black and white grainy nostalgia pish stained rattle waving memories and get to f**k.

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