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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'd say my experience was the opposite. If I'm out and asked how I like my steak and I say "well done", it's met with "Why have a perfectly good steak and ruin it by overcooking it?".

Yeah, got to agree. Whenever in a group and someone orders a well done steak there's just always someone who complains about "ruining it". You're not bloody eating it so shut up!

Agree about the sauce thing though, think a steak is much, much better without a sauce. Each to their own though, as my girlfriend often has a sauce on a steak.

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People who put their loaf of bread at the far end of the conveyor belt at the supermarket till, even if the thing is almost empty. What the f**k is that all about? Some kind of dominance thing? "The belt is mine, even if only for a few minutes! Mwahaha!"

These are the c***s that won't pass you one of the divider things either, until you stab them to death push your shopping up against theirs. Can't grab one fast enough then.

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Tom Cruise's front teeth. Go look at a picture of them and come back.

Once you notice this it is impossible to look at him without seeing it.

Edited by thomas
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P&B during the closed season. I promise myself that I will not participate in the puerile threads but find myself doing so.

P&B must be more addictive than crack. *

* Can some Maureens confirm this?

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People that fanny about at traffic lights. At least be fcuking ready to go when they turn green!

I see that, and raise you c***s that think indicators are optional at a roundabout

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I see that, and raise you c***s that think indicators are optional at a roundabout

... and for pedestrians. Numerous drivers seem to think that indicators are for other drivers... especially at roundabout turnoffs. I get this bi-daily crossing one where I'm just expected to either wait 2hrs until no cars are on it or read the driver's mind.

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The idiot drivers who were parking and driving around Murrayfield because of the stupid One Direction gig. All I wanted to do was get to football, not get really annoyed at stupidity and inconsideration of fellow road users. It was like the school run x 1000.

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The idiot drivers who were parking and driving around Murrayfield because of the stupid One Direction gig. All I wanted to do was get to football, not get really annoyed at stupidity and inconsideration of fellow road users. It was like the school run x 1000.

I would say the idiot drivers are those that try to get about around the area of an event at the time of an event rather than those trying to get there. It always seemed to strike me as fucking ridiculous as I walked from murrayfield to Haymarket that folk were Sat on buses heading towards corstorphine going nowhere for an hour as 50,000 people walked the other way on the road.

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The idiot drivers who were parking and driving around Murrayfield because of the stupid One Direction gig. All I wanted to do was get to football, not get really annoyed at stupidity and inconsideration of fellow road users. It was like the school run x 1000.

Given the type of person that attends these gigs, it was probably a stupid idea to put up any sign on the roads with the words 'one direction' on it. Just asking for traffic chaos really.

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