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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Putting a bag of messages on the passenger seat of the car, driving off and 20 seconds later BEEP BEEP BEEP FUCKING BEEP, SOMEONE ISNT WEARING A SEATBELT.

f**k off car, its a bag of messages ya dafty.

Is it an offence to drive while your car is under the influence? :unsure2:

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A million and one things about flying.

Top of the list is dicks standing for 45 minutes in a queue at the gate to get on a flight with allocated seating.today I sat on my fat arse and then breezed past all the bawbags when my row was called up to get on first.needless to say I had the last laugh.

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A million and one things about flying.

Top of the list is dicks standing for 45 minutes in a queue at the gate to get on a flight with allocated seating.today I sat on my fat arse and then breezed past all the bawbags when my row was called up to get on first.needless to say I had the last laugh.

I think they've "fixed" it now, but I used to have a chortlesome chortle at groups of people (and families with young kids, although that wasn't quite so funny) who paid for priority boarding. They got called first, then went down the stairs like Lord and Lady Shite, then got herded on the bus and told to move to the back to let the rest of us plebs on. We got bused to the plane and due to being last on the bus, were first off, and nabbed all the best seats.

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Fat cow in Spoons on Sauchiehall Street was taking absolutely ages to make up her mind what to eat on Sunday night, so much so that the barman took the order for my mate and I.

We sat at a table near the door and the aforementioned fat cow sat at a crowded table just next to us. She told her friends what had kept her, and this is almost word for word. "I love Che Guevara and I was just trying to think, what would he have picked?".

Dunno, but hopefully something that would choke you both you fat pretentious mess.

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Fat cow in Spoons on Sauchiehall Street was taking absolutely ages to make up her mind what to eat on Sunday night, so much so that the barman took the order for my mate and I.

We sat at a table near the door and the aforementioned fat cow sat at a crowded table just next to us. She told her friends what had kept her, and this is almost word for word. "I love Che Guevara and I was just trying to think, what would he have picked?".

Take it she ordered pie, chips and beans?

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Fat cow in Spoons on Sauchiehall Street was taking absolutely ages to make up her mind what to eat on Sunday night, so much so that the barman took the order for my mate and I.

We sat at a table near the door and the aforementioned fat cow sat at a crowded table just next to us. She told her friends what had kept her, and this is almost word for word. "I love Che Guevara and I was just trying to think, what would he have picked?".

Dunno, but hopefully something that would choke you both you fat pretentious mess.

I'm fairly sure auld Che would have some moral objections to being in a fucking soulless hellhole like Spoons.

Nae offense, like.

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I'm fairly sure auld Che would have some moral objections to being in a fucking soulless hellhole like Spoons.

Nae offense, like.

Not my favourite haunt old chum, but when you've rushed straight from work to the Anathema gig at the O2 ABC and need a quick bite to eat and a beer beforehand you make sacrifices and go somewhere handy.

Bean, rice and a sprinkling of gravel. It's what he would have wanted.

Judging by the size of her, it's not what she would have wanted.

Take it she ordered pie, chips and beans?

I didn't check mate, but I would hazard a guess that you're pretty close to her staple diet.

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