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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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42 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
48 minutes ago, GordonD said:
And yet when you go to an Indian restaurant for a meal, I bet you have a beer with it.

My potentially unpopular opinion here is that beer and curry is a terrible combination and I am puzzled how it ever became a popular thing.

Alcohol and food in general is something I don't get. I always get a soft drink while I'm eating, then move on to the alcohol afterwards.

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I don’t drink anything with a meal.
It seems this is unusual.
Tbh I mostly have a drink sitting with meals, but rarely touch it till I have ate all my food. Unless I am really enjoying my food and trying to string it out rather than demolish in 2 minutes flat
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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, GordonD said:
And yet when you go to an Indian restaurant for a meal, I bet you have a beer with it.

My potentially unpopular opinion here is that beer and curry is a terrible combination and I am puzzled how it ever became a popular thing.

Beer goes with everything. There’s nothing that can’t be improved by having 5 pints of Stella.

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6 hours ago, GordonD said:


Until the last few weeks one of the most popular cheeses here was simply called Coon. Sat pride of place amongst the other cheeses with it's massive font jumping out at you. Hard to believe it took the BLM movement for people to think that perhaps it was inappropriate and have it removed but here we are. 

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I find that as some people age they don't want to get "out of control drunk" the way you do when you drink all day without eating and they tend to insist on inserting food into the festivities in order to temper the affect of drinking all day.

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2 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I guess this is what happened regarding a once frequent poster on here and a puddle.

I remember my granny and I getting a lift into town with a neighbour one day. There had been a big drink driving campaign and he explained to us that he felt that he drove better after a few glasses of whisky. 

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8 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

I feel your pain - been there with one of ours. Luckily, he's mostly Maine Coon and seems to have inherited their fascination with water so submits to a bath readily enough.

The one I dread it happening to is our wee black shorthair...trying to stick him in a bath would be like trying to bathe a stick of dynamite while it's exploding.

My neighbour has three cats and they regularly shit in my garden flower beds and I know folk go on about how bad it smells but I think dog shite is much worse. 

I picked up a piece of buried cat shit thinking it was a bit of clay and broke it apart with my bare fingers and a few maggots fell out. Awful.

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Having an alcoholic drink with a meal is a delight. I consider it a treat. If I’m going out for a meal I’m definitely having a drink, whether it’s a glass of red with my steak or a glass of white with my seafood tagliatelle. As others have pointed out, a beer with a burger or even a steak pie is acceptable. For dessert I’ll maybe have a liquor coffee alongside my chocolate fudge cake.

People who aren’t drinking alcohol with their meals are missing out big time.

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9 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Why not?

If I want to donate to charity, I do not need to be prompted.

People being asked to donate to charity when they can't afford to can make them feel bad/guilty. It's also quite likely older and vulnerable people who aren't great with technology will click yes without realising.

I've just looked into it and it is only lasting for 2 weeks so I've calmed down now. I assumed it was going to be an indefinite thing. Still don't like it.

Edited by Szamo's_Ammo
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