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Everything posted by Estragon

  1. #lestweforget.... Possibly the most cringeably inappropriate hashtag we've seen since the infamous #4funeralsin2weeks...
  2. Someone put that up on mine a while ago. Pervasive, dangerous shite that reinforces the misapprehension that it is exclusively the responsibility of the guy to dictate the success/failure of a relationship. It makes my fucking skin crawl. Reverse the genders at hand and it's almost a handbook to convince women with cunty husbands that, ultimately, it's all their own fault for not being good enough.
  3. I had to delete someone yesterday for constantly posting pictures, stories and videos of enormous spiders. There was a bit of a peak in spider-activity on my facebook a few weeks ago, when it seemed that the tarantulas had joined forces with the camel spiders to infiltrate great swathes of the central belt...but this guy has persisted since then. Cheerio Andrew. Also, don't quite understand the seethe level about breast-feeding. Never really seen much of a problem with it.
  4. He's in league with Kenny Shiels daughter?!?! Nope, sorry - I've no idea what the implication of this is...
  5. b*****dS!!! I got 9/10, getting the Top Gun question wrong. Skimmed over it after seeing Tom Cruise's picture, I fucking knew who Val Kilmer played!! Maiden ten stolen off my toes
  6. I worry its a bit early to write this down anywhere - but today is day 2 off the fags. It feels a little different to any "day 2" I've got to before. Not raking through jacket pockets or shouting at the television yet...
  7. Just found out about Fow's permanent appointment today - would love to see him do well at Queens. Brilliant guy.
  8. So it turns out my work server flags up the word "facials"...
  9. PB equalling 9/10 on my last day for a while. A vague knowledge of classics blocking me from a full house. Is it weird that I'm actually considering doing a bit of study to enhance my score at this?
  10. Second guessed myself from a tremendous 8/10 all the way down to a so-so 5/10. Tomorrow I'm planning on being more spontaneous...
  11. 5/10. I'm beginning to think I'll never get full marks from this. There's always two or three that I have to blatantly guess at.
  12. 8/10 today. Bit of a surprise as two or three were absolute guesses. On the one about the queen's horse, the correct answer was the only one I was sure it wasn't...
  13. John Stones expected to make his first start for England tonight.
  14. I didn't expect many points from these first three games - but ten conceded?!
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