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Everything posted by RuMoore

  1. It's been a decent series compared to the last few but I think the casa part will be shite. None of the girls will switch as the guys are clearly casa guys. Bringing back Molly is just weird, if she was the type to try and get fired into all the boys and ignore Zach it would be good but she's gonna be all over him, he can't even be arsed with her but he'll go for it coz he's not an idiot.
  2. Brilliant film. @19QOS19 how tf did you get that so easily?
  3. I only started following F1 this year so have very limited understanding but I thought it was fucking mental Verstappen did a pit stop on the last lap, of course it worked for the fastest lap and you've gotta give him points for it but is that common to do that stuff, I'm surprised it's not a big talking point but there's probably some context I'm missing.
  4. There will be plenty tickets available. Should be a good atmosphere for a pre season game. That video is hilarious. Literally something some ten year old would post on their tik tok. Opening myself up to lots of ridicule here but I'd take him back on reduced wages. Looks like we're close to signing a striker anyway, definitely won't pretend I know who he is but I've seen a lot of good comments from his old clubs fans.
  5. I'm happy we've signed a winger, an area that we've not really enhanced the squad in years. So far some interesting signings but I still would expect a CB, CDM, ST and at least 1 other winger.
  6. Yeah I'm sure. Also sure some folk on Twitter fully buy into all that stuff and we could play whataboutery and find plenty of celtc fans on social media that you wouldn't say sum up the wider supports views... Probably only Cantwell and Raskin have the goodwill to get away with this stuff right now due to when they joined. If we were to win f**k all next season nobody's gonna be laughing at Twitter antics.
  7. Rangers fans think Cantwell is a "hero" because of his footballing abilities not because he's had a wee Twitter carry on with Sutton.
  8. Please do not conflate these two things. I voted Remain and have absolutley zero interest in Humza speaking to anyone from the EU. He does not speak for me and it's always been bizarre to see people presume Remainers would put a new entry into the EU above maintaining the Union. In my social group the vast majority are Unionists that voted to Remain in the EU.
  9. One time I was in a 2 week training group for a remote call centre job and they set up a WhatsApp group, a few days in one of the lads lads lads decided to start a separate group chat with some of the younger guys, I pretty much left it straight away coz it very quickly turned into a group where they just bitched about the boomers in the group and I could see it going sour. Few days later we had to pair up to do mock calls cue a couple of the people in the secondary group chat not realising they were actually in the main one when they started started ripping the pish out of the people they were with, fully slagging them off about their looks and shite like that. It was carnage, they tried to try and play it off and say it was some big misunderstanding and I've never felt more second hand embarrassment and righteousness that I'd foresaw the danger. They ended up being kicked off the course which was fair.
  10. I've grown up and learned from my childish ways and usage of unacceptable language says the 60 year old reflecting on when he was 55...
  11. I know I'm very late with this but I only just discovered Irn Bru 1901 and it's glorious.
  12. I wonder how many hours we are away from Elon Musk coming up with some nonsensical idea and calling people peados.
  13. This story is beyond fucked up. One of the guys doing the torturing got an 8 month sentence.
  14. Andrew Tate charged https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65959097
  15. Absolutley gone at the idea this credible guy in the medical professions reputation being ruined because he doesn't argue with a crank on Joe Rogan. If you're after lifting technique from those boys ill give you a great tip
  16. I don't know what this is about and i've missed all the drama but I can definitively say I think laughing at inbred royals fingers should be encouraged. If some right winger has acted like a snowflake because someone made fun of sausage fingers I just wanna clarify I find that more than acceptable and relativley decent patter.
  17. Nothing too crazy but I consistently have dreams where I'm struggling to get to sleep. It's always either with my friends and family in some hyper populated place wanting to do lots of fun things and I'm being boring and ultra conscious that I need to sleep to the point it's awkward or just in weird ass situations you would never sleep in, one last night where I was in a room filled with massive spiders but I was trying to ignore it and just fall asleep, it's mildly irritating because I often wake up feeling like I've had a bad sleep. It would make sense if I barely got any sleep but I regularly sleep for 10+ hours, I think it must be some mild permo from back in the day staying up til days on the gear, gives me the fear thinking back and I couldn't think of many things I'd least rather do than stay up til the early ours on it nowadays so of course that's what my brain likes to go to for a default dream.
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