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I've got myself a new shed and was looking at solar lights. Then I thought I could set up a socket or two to charge my lawnmower etc. or plug electric tools. I have looked at Caravan kits. these are basically just a battery and power invertor connected to solar panel. Was thinking maybe a solar wind combination and buy kit parts separately to save money.  Doing it more as a project  rather than an alternative to running mains from the house.

Anyone done this? Or have any thoughts, suggestions.

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1 hour ago, thisal said:

I've got myself a new shed and was looking at solar lights. Then I thought I could set up a socket or two to charge my lawnmower etc. or plug electric tools. I have looked at Caravan kits. these are basically just a battery and power invertor connected to solar panel. Was thinking maybe a solar wind combination and buy kit parts separately to save money.  Doing it more as a project  rather than an alternative to running mains from the house.

Anyone done this? Or have any thoughts, suggestions.

My neighbour just built himself a hut at the bottom of his garden and has a solar panel on it to power the lights and perhaps his laptop (he works from home. Ooh get your mind out the gutter)

Apparently it works quite well even when there's no direct sunlight.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

Looking for a website/app I can get tunes for ringtones onto my phone as even the classic ring on this phone is abysmal. 

Have I fell asleep and woken up in 2001?

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13 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Well, get me .  .  . Happy and content, Brought up in an (allegedly) deprived area, moved into a blue area, and now find myself happily ensconced in another 'deprived' area. Does everything have to be measured  by how much you earn and whether you've got access to the posh golf club?

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3 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Have I fell asleep and woken up in 2001?

Well if you have stick a tenner on Rangers going bust and being relegated to the bottom division in 11 years time and another tenner on Donald Trump being elected president in 2016

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