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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Ray Mac said in an interview (one of the pre-match vids) that the 28 days thing on the loan was just a contingency thing for Rangers, but said he'd be here until the end of the season. So I highly doubt that it's finished today...

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McKinnon seems to be basically saying that it was the understanding that Hardie would stay until the end of the season (Warburton confirmed this) but nothing has been signed.

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Regarding Robertson he's improved gradually as season's gone on but him missing for the next month certainly isn't the biggest loss we've suffered this season. Davidson coming back should...hopefully...put an end to the Toshney midfield experiment.


I would be amazed if Hardie's loan wasn't renewed. Rangers have won the league and so they won't need him back for the run-in. Also he's away with Scotand for the next 10 days so not of any use to them during that period. Finally he could help us win tomorrow and bring the date in which they win the league closer, especially if they beat Falkirk tonight. 

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Given that Toshney has played in midfield whilst Davidson has been in at CB, I'd suggest McKinnon doesn't exactly see him as a midfielder. A viewpoint I wholeheartedly agree with.

Neither are the answer in midfield, right enough, but if both have to play Toshney plays in defence - there is no reason not to play our best CB partnership when it's available.

Of far more concern however is Ryan Hardie - please get this clarified ASAP. We have plenty of centre midfielders but could be light up front over a very important spell of games.

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Message From The Manager

Friday 18th March 2016

To all our supporters,

We are now into the final quarter of the season and are in a great position to make a final push for the promotion play offs. I must pay credit to the squad for their first class attitude and desire throughout the season, which was again demonstrated last weekend with a late equalizing goal at Alloa. This point actually increased our advantage on the chasing pack and may prove crucial when we reflect at the end of the season.

We have 3 very tough home fixtures remaining, starting with this Saturday's 5.15pm kick off versus promotion rivals Hibernian. The fans support has been great so far and we all would love to have an even bigger home support cheering us on this Saturday. Everyone has a part to play so if you can, bring a friend or relative along and get right behind us. It could just make all the difference to our season.

With my thanks and best wishes,

Ray McKinnon

That's the message sent out via email from McKinnon, and it's not the first of its kind either. I see Eric has been in the paper bemoaning the lack of support from the Kirkcaldy public, too; I really can't say I disagree. A lot of people have had their word on why they stay away or why they aren't going back, and a lot say that the football under Grant Murray drove them away. The club changed that (at great expense!!) but they've not been rewarded for their gamble at all. I can't help but think, "go and support your team you bitter dicks".

When we were milling about at the bottom of the old second division I remember reading about how almost everyone thought that a club of our size deserved to be a mid table first division side, and now we're pushing on to the upper echelons of that and people still won't come out and support us. What more can the club do?

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It's very easy to get out of the habit of going when you stop. Not going to the football on a Saturday is just something that is normal for me now and I've easily found other things to do. Many of these cost me less than £18 as well. Admittedly I don't live anywhere near Kirkcaldy but I imagine others have a similar viewpoint.

I do agree though generally though - changes have been made and the team is mounting a good challenge for the playoffs. That the increased support isn't there must be incredibly frustrating given efforts made.

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The board and team are doing a lot to get people back now which is great. Unfortunately, it's not an overnight fix. When fans stay away for long spells they find different things to do with their Saturday's. They're not just going to come flooding back with a few good results or even a decent season.

I still don't think the club do enough to advertise themselves in the local community. They have made great strides in recent years, the website and social media side in particular are great. However, I know plenty of local businesses who feel ignored and forgotten by the club especially regarding hospitality and the likes.

There probably wasn't enough done to keep the fans when we had decent crowds, it was kind of taken for granted and a lot of stuff that went on over the Anelka saga and the following years left a bitter taste and disillusioned a lot of people. It's a shame the current board and players, who deserve better, suffer with the effects of previous mismanagement though.

Another thing to remember is Kirkcaldy is quite a poor place, a walk down the High Street confirms that, there's not a lot of money around. The Flyers are still pulling in good crowds though and unfortunately a lot of people can't do both.

Anyone got an average of our crowds over the last 15 years? Would be interesting to see if there is fairly obvious time the crowds have dropped or if it has just been a steady decline.

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Our average crowds since Dalziel. Of course, only the board will be able to de-convolve the actual home crowd form the visiting away crowds. However, our crowds winnign the 2nd and into the first are quite consistent, so it looks like a geniune bump when we nearly win it a year later. Murray took over from a period of little exp[ectation after McGlynn's dicing with death season, and did nothing to improve the situation. The bump in his last season there being largely down to the extra away crowds and interest generated by Rangers, Hearts and Hibs. That interets seems to have waned this season, with both home and away crowds for those Rangers and hibs fixtures not quite generating the same crowds.

Edited by renton
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We used to have a core of 1600 or there about. We seem to have lost about 300 people in the last 4 seasons.

My solution is a relatively simple one. Most (though not all) of us tend to sit in groups of 3,4, or more. If for every group of 4 we could just persuade just 1 extra person to come/return we would increase our home support by 25%


1300+25% = 1625

1600+25% = 2000


Do this 3 years in succession (from now) and you are looking at a home support of just shy of 3000.


I've managed to get my grown-up nephew back after years of me taking him and his sister when they were younger, but still working on getting the niece to return.

Usually when Raith do get a good support in we shoot ourselves in the foot and play badly.


Club and fans have to work at upping the gate, a campaign by both parties to increase the gate by 10% each for 3 seasons would see our home support gate at more than 2,200 by season 2019-2020.


Looks easy enough on paper I know but.......

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That's good news about Ryan Hardie !  :thumsup2


Wonder if Martin Nelson (whose reporting of this on here bears an uncanny resemblance to Author Unknown's reporting  on Fantalk....  :lol: )  has any other exclusives to share with us....... :rolleyes: .

Edited by Wee Sandy
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Just read the FFP. Not sure how we get the crowds back.

I myself (surprise, surprise) will probably be watching the Hibs game from the comfort of my living room. I'm a season ticket holder, so the club already have my money. I could make the game if I sorted childcare, but I'm just not that bothered.

The best chance of getting crowds in is to have as many games as possible played at 3pm on a Saturday. Especially the games with Rangers and Hibs. If we manage to get the next Rangers game on at 3pm on Saturday we might get a crowd, as it'll coincide with the Easter holidays. Should also pull a decent home crowd if we make the play-offs.

Finishing this season well will also give a good possibility of improved crowds for next season.

For increased crowds the club will need to get the next generation hooked. Younger fans are much more likely to want to attend more games than older fans with family commitments. The only way you can get the increased numbers is to get success on the pitch so people want to attend.

Recently we've been good to watch, but for a third of the season we've been drawings too many games. 1 win in 12 ain't great. Also, 4th is seen as great by the regulars but I'm not sure your average punter sees it as a big deal.

Edited by Scary Bear
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There is no overnight fix for the relatively low crowds. Maybe we should look at Dunfermline for some inspiration as they regularly manage crowds of over 3k in the 3rd tier. It must have been a long time since we last had a crowd that big against an average Championship Club (i.e not Rangers, Hibs or Hearts).

Edited by mrpaddyx
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There is no overnight fix for the relatively low crowds. Maybe we should look at Dunfermline for some inspiration as they regularly manage crowds of over 3k in the 3rd tier. It must have been a long time since we last had a crowd that big against an average Championship Club (i.e not Rangers, Hibs or Hearts).


If Dunfermline had been languishing in the the Championship for years instead of masquerading as a top level club they'd have nowhere near the number of season ticket holders they presently have. Also, I find it offensive when a club that has cheated for so long is held up as something to aspire to.

It's worth noting that Masterton complained regularly about the poor support Dunfermline attracted during their years in the top flight. 

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If Dunfermline had been languishing in the the Championship for years instead of masquerading as a top level club they'd have nowhere near the number of season ticket holders they presently have. Also, I find it offensive when a club that has cheated for so long is held up as something to aspire to.

It's worth noting that Masterton complained regularly about the poor support Dunfermline attracted during their years in the top flight.

There is a lot more money in Dunfermline than in Kirkcaldy- generally people have more disposable income. Plus after the whole save the pars thing there seems to be a real community spirit in the town, I know this because I live in Dunfermline

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There is a lot more money in Dunfermline than in Kirkcaldy- generally people have more disposable income. Plus after the whole save the pars thing there seems to be a real community spirit in the town, I know this because I live in Dunfermline

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