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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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10 hours ago, Piracy said:

I don't own a bucket.

Is this you and your Dunfermline family then?

piss poor
They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & Sold to the tannery…….if you had to do this to survive you were “Piss Poor” But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot……they “didn’t have a pot to piss in” & were the lowest of the low
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Is this you and your Dunfermline family then?
They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & Sold to the tannery…….if you had to do this to survive you were “Piss Poor” But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot……they “didn’t have a pot to piss in” & were the lowest of the low

Someone mentioned 'urine' ....in my neck of the wids that is called pish, which is akin to your patter.
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We've been through this before, but it doesn't even really matter about the existing fans anymore. Let's be honest, if we're still going now 99% of us will still be going next year, regardless of what happens in the interim.

My issue is that when you're trying to attract other people along, it's a question of aspiration. You have to project the image of a club that people want to be associated with (get them to #bepartofit, if you will).

Results are the easiest way to positively affect that. The easiest way to negatively affect it? Berate the folk who are turning up. Who wants to be part of that?

People see the message 'Not enough people are turning up' and think to themselves 'Those people are probably right, it must not be very good.'

It's easy enough to reach that conclusion based on outside factors, without it coming directly from the top of the club.

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We've been through this before, but it doesn't even really matter about the existing fans anymore. Let's be honest, if we're still going now 99% of us will still be going next year, regardless of what happens in the interim.

My issue is that when you're trying to attract other people along, it's a question of aspiration. You have to project the image of a club that people want to be associated with (get them to #bepartofit, if you will).

Results are the easiest way to positively affect that. The easiest way to negatively affect it? Berate the folk who are turning up. Who wants to be part of that?

People see the message 'Not enough people are turning up' and think to themselves 'Those people are probably right, it must not be very good.'

It's easy enough to reach that conclusion based on outside factors, without it coming directly from the top of the club.

^^^ spot on.

It's hard for me to criticise as I only really see the statements and not what goes on behind the scenes etc but there is a real air of negativity at times. That's absolutely no way to attract new supporters, nor retain the ones you already have.

You can't just expect fans to turn up in their droves because you reduce or freeze the prices, you need to go out there and get them. It's an issue we have as well, we try, maybe not hard enough sometimes, but folk around here are too interested in Rangers and Celtic to care. I'd be disappointed if we started highlighting such an issue in official statements.
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As an 'existing fan' who currently owns a season ticket, I have the regular internal discussions on why I purchase a season ticket, given that so many games are pretty rubbish.

It's purely down to habit and being one of the few chances, outside of work, to do something without having the family in tow. It's a me thing, and there's usually some friends to talk to. There's also the fact that I'd miss having the Rovers so want to support them.

However, if I get into something else in my spare time which I actually enjoy, then the Rovers season ticket will be stopped and I'll go back to attending 3-5 games a season, as I did between 1997 and 2004. This can't be an uncommon thought process, so the Rovers really need to find a way of boosting our core support to allow for losing punters like me.

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I know we have special offers and stuff like that for kids, but does anyone know if the team or club go out to primary schools in Kirkcaldy, Glenrothes, Burntisland etc to give out bring a kid for free tickets or stuff? Seems like a simple idea to get young fans in for abit of discount.

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My problem with the board is that there's really none of them, other than Mario Caira, who have ever ran a business themselves and so are completely naive when it comes to making such statements. They've never had to experience building a business up and how to generate extra revenue. My understanding is that all have either been involved in finance, either banking or accountancy, or been in public service. Now there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all but it's a completely different world to running your own or a business and having to grow it. 


Having said that even a 10 year old would surely know that constantly making statements criticising the fans will do nothing but drive the support away. It's also very double standard coming from Drysdale as he was one of the club's harshest critics prior to him joining the board in 1998 and, as has been mentioned, has been at the heart of all the disasters that the club has faced since Willie Gray and his "consortium" took control that year. 


There was simply no need for a statement to be made, especially the way we have been playing for the past 3 months. A general statement along the lines of "Due to the nature of the agreement the club cannot disclose the financial details but are satisfied that the current and future interests of the club have been protected" would have been fine with an added bit to acknowledge the recent performances but asking the fans to stay with the club and to move forward together. It's not rocket science! 

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On 12/01/2017 at 11:20, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

From the outside looking in some of these statements from the Rovers board come across as utterly amateur.

You wont attract more fans by, erm, criticising fans. Numbers will always correlate with how the team is performing and league position.

An injection of professionalism is absolutely required here.

Indeed. That's as bad as anything Morton were putting out in the past when Douglas Rae was regularly making pronouncements that offended fans and over time played their part in changing his status among much of a support from 'Hero who saved the club' to 'megalomaniac who does far more harm than good'. Good news for Raith fans there is that even without a regime change, we got that injection of professionalism without massive upheaval.

With Warren Hawke initially working with the board as a consultant helping with the day to day running of the club (he's now been made Chief Executive) and Rae taking more of a backseat the club stopped putting out rambling nonsense in the press. Then this summer they appointed a lifelong Morton fan and professional journalist in Jonathan Mitchell as Media & Communications Officer, and there's been a total transformation in how we communicate with fans, with a new website which has interesting articles every day, they actually started doing things on facebook and twitter and I don't think a statement from a director blaming fans for anything that went wrong would ever be able to see the light of day now. Even if they still think it, we have people who know what they're doing who will think about how fans will perceive things before they're published.

That one appointment has made a world of difference for us, so the same thing could happen for Raith if their board could have the intelligence to realise the need for it. As it is though, Raith fans have every right to be seething with that statement. Genuinely disgraceful stuff on Drysdale's part.

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As an 'existing fan' who currently owns a season ticket, I have the regular internal discussions on why I purchase a season ticket, given that so many games are pretty rubbish.

It's purely down to habit and being one of the few chances, outside of work, to do something without having the family in tow. It's a me thing, and there's usually some friends to talk to. There's also the fact that I'd miss having the Rovers so want to support them.

However, if I get into something else in my spare time which I actually enjoy, then the Rovers season ticket will be stopped and I'll go back to attending 3-5 games a season, as I did between 1997 and 2004. This can't be an uncommon thought process, so the Rovers really need to find a way of boosting our core support to allow for losing punters like me.

I've had a season ticket every year since I started working full time, but will not be renewing next season as long as Locke is in charge.

I've had enough of Drysdale and his pishy statements blaming the fans for the boards mismanagement.
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The club should start a sack Locke fund and ask the fans to pay into that......pretty sure they would reach their target by end of the night!

The rut continues but tbh the football all season has been very poor.....no chance we will be competing for top 4......board need to realise their gamble in the summer has not paid off!

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We're now 4 points above the relegation play off, 4 goals in 10 matches, 3 wins in 16 league matches and playing horrific stuff. What more does it takes for the club to realise that we're in serious trouble. 

It's getting beyond a joke now. We all said what would happen with Locke but the board have to take all the blame here. I wouldn't actually trust them to appoint a new manager as well so I think it's time a few of them stood aside and we got people involved with some actual backbone. It took a threat of mass season ticket revolt to get rid of Murray and we had the same statement from the club months before that about how it was the fans to blame. 

This board have sanctioned some horrendous moves this season. Vaughan has got motm for Dumbarton today against Hibs. Seriously what the hell is he doing at Dumbarton? We've got Skacel and Stevenson there only cause they're "lockey's" pals and have given Rangers our best young defensive prospect in years for a player Scott bloody Roberts. I was listening to open all mics today and they were all saying how well some clubs have used the loan market this season. We've not. Instead we've gone to Rangers cause Lockey knows Davie and that's it. It's a shame what happened to Lennox this week but what was the need to have a back up goalkeeper on loan as our only over 23 loan player? 

Decision after decision since the summer has been wrong but the board still wont own up to doing anything wrong. Drysdale...simply I don't know why the man's still there. Actually I do...he loves the limelight! 


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3 minutes ago, Rover1990 said:

The club should start a sack Locke fund and ask the fans to pay into that......pretty sure they would reach their target by end of the night!

The rut continues but tbh the football all season has been very poor.....no chance we will be competing for top 4......board need to realise their gamble in the summer has not paid off!

Our current form has to be the worst in Scotland at the moment.

The rut has continued since OCTOBER, surely time for Locke and Jackson to  e shown the door.

We are going backwards and the Hearts game could result bin a real hammering....which may be a blessing in disguise.

To add insult to injury we also discover that Lewis Vaughan gets MOTM at Dumbarton today!!

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1 minute ago, Wee Sandy said:

Our current form has to be the worst in Scotland at the moment.

The rut has continued since OCTOBER, surely time for Locke and Jackson to  e shown the door.

We are going backwards and the Hearts game could result bin a real hammering....which may be a blessing in disguise.

To add insult to injury we also discover that Lewis Vaughan gets MOTM at Dumbarton today!!

If losing to Hearts and Dumbarton forced a change in management then it might not be a bad thing.......don't want my team to lose but our manager is a disaster......call it quits before it leads to something worse.

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If losing to Hearts and Dumbarton forced a change in management then it might not be a bad thing.......don't want my team to lose but our manager is a disaster......call it quits before it leads to something worse.

If we lose to Dumbarton then that has to be it. It just has to be.
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