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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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If you don't have a ballot, then you end up with a situation where if you can't get to the stadium at a certain point you're basically not getting a ticket. If you do a ballot, then there's situations where a parent might be drawn out but their kid might not.

The clubs have been ordered to do something where there's no easy solution which doesn't involve someone losing out.

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3 minutes ago, Broken Algorithms said:

If you don't have a ballot, then you end up with a situation where if you can't get to the stadium at a certain point you're basically not getting a ticket. If you do a ballot, then there's situations where a parent might be drawn out but their kid might not.

The clubs have been ordered to do something where there's no easy solution which doesn't involve someone losing out.

Clubs will be able to decipher what is an adult ticket and what is a child’s season ticket on the system, just discount child ST’s from the entries. Or we could ask for entries into the ballot, stating whether or not you want 1 or 2 tickets, draw names from the entries until you’ve got 380. In my head, that feels like an easy enough solution. Whether or not we have the manpower in the office to do this is another matter, however. 

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I can’t believe lower league clubs decided to crack on with the 500 rather than just pause for a few weeks. If we’re going to go behind closed doors the clubs will get very little income anyway, why not just do a 3 week shut down? We’ve got every midweek between now and fuxking June to play the games. Insane decision. 

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I can’t believe lower league clubs decided to crack on with the 500 rather than just pause for a few weeks. If we’re going to go behind closed doors the clubs will get very little income anyway, why not just do a 3 week shut down? We’ve got every midweek between now and fuxking June to play the games. Insane decision. 
Any idea who voted to continue?
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7 minutes ago, roverthemoon said:

If we do let folk in then it has to be just a straightforward random ballot of season ticket holders. Unfair on the people who can’t afford one or don’t buy one because they can’t attend every game  I appreciate but it’s the only fair way. 

It's fair, but not really useful. ST holders have already paid up, to balance the cost of opening the ground you surely need walk up customers.

Better overall to play closed doors for 3 weeks and hopefully restrictions will have eased.

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8 minutes ago, renton said:

It's fair, but not really useful. ST holders have already paid up, to balance the cost of opening the ground you surely need walk up customers.

Better overall to play closed doors for 3 weeks and hopefully restrictions will have eased.

There’s going to be a financial hit either way. Yes, higher with ST holders, but don’t think giving tickets only to non ST holders would even even be an option in a fairness sense.

Hard decision for the club. Reward some fans and lose money or just shut the ground to all. Given all the references to the difference the support makes this season, it’d be a hard decision to just lock out all fans, but then financial reality and all that 

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I can’t believe lower league clubs decided to crack on with the 500 rather than just pause for a few weeks. If we’re going to go behind closed doors the clubs will get very little income anyway, why not just do a 3 week shut down? We’ve got every midweek between now and fuxking June to play the games. Insane decision. 

I do agree with this but there’s the very real possibility (likelihood?) that it isn’t just three weeks. We could shut down, land three weeks down the road and end up with restrictions being renewed for at least another three weeks. I’d have rolled the dice personally but I can see why clubs have voted to carry on.

Unfortunately the league is descending into a bit of a lottery. Covid is a tightrope that in theory every team should be affected by but it’s complete pot luck. We only had four out last week and ended up without a recognised forward. We’ve got some big home matches where we should have large noisy supports in but instead it’ll be a few hundred (if any). Absolutely shite when we’re looking at a five-way battle for the title.
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Any idea who voted to continue?
We've not said whether we voted for or against yet.

There's arguments for us either way. We might want to continue because we're in good form and don't want to disrupt any momentum.

On the other hand we could only name 4 subs on Saturday and a break would give us less time without Brad Spencer.
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You're quite literally never going to please everyone in a situation like this, but I'd be going for a season ticket ballot.

I can see why you'd potentially include Supporters Fund contributers too, but then it becomes a bit of a "biggest fan" competition, where people start chirping about how they sponsor jerseys too etc, as well as penalising people who might not have the money for contributions on top of a season ticket (which is no small investment in itself) and I really don't like that at all. 

I know that Dunfermline have already said they won't be admitting anyone. That doesn't sit well with me. I can see why you might need to do that for the Boxing Day fixture because it's short notice, but I find it hard to believe that the operating costs for admitting <500 spectators are insurmountable. If you go with season ticket holders you'll make a loss on that event, but more than a couple of hundred quid to cover stewards and a turnstile operator? Unless there's a load of related costs I can't think of, I don't see that that's justifiable. 

And if there are a huge number of costs, then I'd rather the club come out and say that. "To defray the costs of hosting this game without the usual attendance, we're going to raffle off tickets for £x amount each" where X is twice what it'll cost the club to break even, with half going to charity, with it made clear that the alternative is nobody could attend at all. That way, people can make a choice whether to buy or not, and the club can do some good at the same time. 

I just really don't like clubs locking fans out where an alternative exists. 

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Yeah, fans have dug deep to help clubs out through some pretty hard times. Throwing your hands up in the air and declaring it’s ‘just too hard’ to organise a way of getting people in as Dunfermline have done is an absolute disgrace to be honest. People have paid to be there - find a way to get them in.

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Yeah, I’d be feeling pretty scunnered if I were a Dunfermline fan. Paid your money for a season ticket and the club are simply saying no. Not fair in the slightest. 
I think most fans are accepting the situation. They're also getting it free online to be fair.
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1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Yeah, I’d be feeling pretty scunnered if I were a Dunfermline fan. Paid your money for a season ticket and the club are simply saying no. Not fair in the slightest. 

It's just a shite situation. Most seem understanding. Although eyebrows may be raised if we're the only ones to take this approach.

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I do agree with this but there’s the very real possibility (likelihood?) that it isn’t just three weeks. We could shut down, land three weeks down the road and end up with restrictions being renewed for at least another three weeks. I’d have rolled the dice personally but I can see why clubs have voted to carry on.

Thing is, you’d think that they could vote for a 3/4 week break (or however many weeks they think they can get away with and still be able to catch up the games without fixture congestion) with the proviso that the break would be no longer than that and they would start behind closed doors again if need be.

Behind closed doors is now tried and tested so it should be simple to switch between that and full crowds, and a break for a few weeks allows everyone time to plan for restricted crowds or no crowds.
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I would've gone for the break, at least it buys some time to put a plan in place for closed doors games if the situation goes on.

The SFA could assist programming by suspending cup replays and perhaps the end of season playoffs could be adjusted to single leg games. All things that could be on the table to ensure the season concludes in appropriate timescales. Just horsing on as if there is no pandemic seems to be a bit daft and could be financially catastrophic.

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