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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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1 hour ago, Molotov said:


Those goals we conceded are so bad. That was a great night though. Felt a bit bad when Klinsmann scored and the can-can music started up. Then you just realised how ridiculous the situation is where Rovers are 1-0 up at Bayern Munich and one of the greatest strikers in the World at the time has just equalised…and they are playing the can-can music. Party 🎉 🎈 🎊 time.

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4 hours ago, R.R.FC said:

With the cup draw to Dunfermline, 5 of our next 6 are away from home. Still carrying a few injuries as well, going to be a really tough run for the squad.

We’ve passed every test so far and our start has given us a bit of leeway going into this difficult set of fixtures but things can obviously change quickly in this division. We have won 10 points in the last 15 minutes of games this season which seems unsustainable but is a credit to the character of the players and strength of the squad. I mentioned on Saturday, it has happened far too often now for it to be luck. I think we will have a pretty good idea by the end of this upcoming away run where our battle is for the season.

We will all have our own thoughts and it probably depends how optimistic you are as a fan. I still think top 4 should be the expectation and expect we might have a few set backs in the coming weeks but hope to be proved wrong and we can have a good run at 2nd. I think Dundee United will have far too much over the season, admittedly that is based on their results against others, rather than anything I saw at Starks a few weeks ago.

Still, what a change from this stage last season. 8 points better off after 9 games in what I think is a stronger league. Average crowds more than doubled up from 2,025 to 4,320 after our first 5 league games, with admittedly a big Dundee United crowd and a derby helping but you can see the large increase even comparing similar games last season. Hopefully this can hold up well over the rest of the season even if results drop off and the winter weather sets in (not that the Dundee United game was glorious sunshine!). Wanted to get the positive post in now just in case our usual post clock change woes set in.

I think that's a really good summation of where we're at. Like you, I reckon the next few weeks could be tough - especially given the number of injuries we're carrying - but I've seen enough so far to have hope that we'll be well in the hunt for the playoffs come the end of the season.

Just to add a couple of things that give me hope compared to last season:

-we seem to be getting better at dealing with setbacks. In addition to the number of points we've won in the last 15 mins of games, we've already taken nearly as many points in games where we've gone behind as we did across the whole of last season. I bang on about this to anyone who'll listen, but I defintiely think that having a few more experienced heads who've won this league before like Murray, Byrne, Mullin and Watson (when he's fit) on the pitch is helping everyone to keep the heid;

-there have been a few games where we've thrown a lead away then recovered, but on the whole our game managment, which has been a huge weakness for the last few seasons, seems to be improving;

-we're doing more in the opposition box. Yes, we really need Hamilton back fit and scoring, but the likes of Stanton, Vaughan and Easton are causing trouble and scoring goals from inside the box to a greater extent tha they were last year. Compare that to last season, where we were very reliant on Connolly and Easton unleashing screamers from the edge of the area.

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We've killed the Caley hoodoo, won for the first time at a decade at East End, and scored a 90th minute winner for the first time in god knows how many years (if ever) against the Pars. These are all minor things other Rovers squad we all look back fondly at couldn't do. It'll be very tough given we don't look likely to get anyone back for Saturday, and we'll need to assess how Ross Millen is doing, but if we can end the 'clocks back' hoodoo we'll be in a great place. 

As it stands, second place minimum has to be the realistic goal. I can't see United failing to win the title given their depth, but given we're 7 points ahead of Partick having played a game less, then our eyes should be lighting up over that. We're still grinding our results despite our circumstances - it really is ridiculous to watch. 

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4 minutes ago, mrpaddyx said:

It would be nice if we could win a game by more than 1 goal

You’re absolutely right, my nerves are shredded but it’s very much a ‘my diamond shoes are too tight’ problem to have!

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Was thinking too - unless the Arbroath game is rearranged (or unless it has been and I just haven't been paying attention), as it stands we only have two league fixtures in November. Clearly we'll have the Challenge Cup game against Hamilton and the Scottish Cup tie against Dunfermline, but in terms of consolidating a playoff spot and keeping pace with Dundee Utd for as long as we can, it's maybe not a bad thing that we have a few weeks off league business where we can get the guys that have been injured back up to speed.

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Absolutely delighted with the start we’ve made and there is such great team spirit in this squad which is reflected in the wins when we’ve not played well and the late goals.  Long way to go but we seem to be up for the challenge.  Still can’t see past DUFC taking the top spot but hopefully we can keep pushing them all the way.  What a turn around from January 2022 when we signed he who shall not be named and all the fallout that brought, certainly didn’t see us with increased crowds and sold out shirts 18 months later. Credit to the new board members they’ve clearly got ambition and have done the work to get folk through the gates. 

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I'm a great believer in strengthening during the transfer window, given that IM said there was no reason to bring in anyone else in the last window and hinted at keeping something back, who would be a good signing to make in the new year?

Other than a wee bit of defensive cover I can't see an awful lot of room  for improvement, however another No9 could be interesting, perhaps something if not to take us  up a level then at least stay ahead of the competition.

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I'd say a striker is a priority to be honest, I'm a bit concerned by how little we have actually seen of Hamilton.

Kevin Dabrowski has been absolutely fantastic lately, ramming the criticism by myself and others right back at us.  Braw.

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I'd say anyone coming in would likely be at the expense of someone going out. I can see Ross being let go, he's in his last 6 months of his deal, isn't doing much of any note at Falkirk and is taking up a bit of a wage, going by what was said at the time he went out. We also need to be thinking about renewing deals for some of the lads out of contract too, which may determine what we can do. 

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Anyone have an idea when the BBC will announce the TV games for February? I’ve got a small window that might let me hit the DU game, but if it’s moved to the Friday it would likely make it very difficult to get to based upon travel times. I unfortunately assume they will delay the announcement until sometime in December?

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