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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I wasnt comparing sloan to anderson i was only using sloan as an example as both him and anderson divides the opinion of the Rovers support. Our midfields failings this year has been well documented in which Mr anderson has been a part of and in a league which requires pace and energy from the midfielders he is been found wanted aswell as his side kick Walker.

Greenie merited

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Me too.<br /><br />S Anderson alongside Callaghan in the middle with G Anderson and Cardle on the wings has potential for a very decent midfield imo.

Only if the wingers are on their game; very little in the way of attacking prowess in the middle, there.

As for Stuart Anderson, he's a player who has one really good attribute but not much else in his locker. His link up play is excellent, but as I said before he isn't going to provide assists and he isn't particularly adept at breaking up play either. For me, he should generally be left out a side that's going to play 4-4-2, but would be a very handy player in a 3-5-2/4-2-3-1/4-3-3 where his best attribute can flourish. In a midfield three, he can provide a good link between defence and attack, which in my opinion is the only role he's cut out for. Ask him to play the defensive or attacking role, and he losses effectiveness big time.

Oddly enough, Joe Hamill is actually a more rounded player than S. Anderson. I'm not saying I'd keep Hamill ahead of Anderson, but the merits of both would make for an interesting discussion and I think we can only really keep one of them. I'd imagine Anderson is the more likely of the two to stay, however.

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On the post about new season ticket prices and the walk-up price next season, the official website says that this season "unfortunately last season’s free offer for primary school children was the subject of an unacceptable level of abuse, and has had to be discontinued". Anyone able to shed any light on how exactly people abused this feature? I didn't realise they got in for free, was it season tickets or free for paying at the gate?

I hope it's not the case that the turnstile operators didn't bother to i.d. kids who claimed to be of primary school age or something, because that clearly could be tightened up if the case.

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On the post about new season ticket prices and the walk-up price next season, the official website says that this season "unfortunately last season’s free offer for primary school children was the subject of an unacceptable level of abuse, and has had to be discontinued". Anyone able to shed any light on how exactly people abused this feature? I didn't realise they got in for free, was it season tickets or free for paying at the gate?

I hope it's not the case that the turnstile operators didn't bother to i.d. kids who claimed to be of primary school age or something, because that clearly could be tightened up if the case.

Yewtree will be zoning in on this one.

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On the post about new season ticket prices and the walk-up price next season, the official website says that this season "unfortunately last season’s free offer for primary school children was the subject of an unacceptable level of abuse, and has had to be discontinued". Anyone able to shed any light on how exactly people abused this feature? I didn't realise they got in for free, was it season tickets or free for paying at the gate?

I hope it's not the case that the turnstile operators didn't bother to i.d. kids who claimed to be of primary school age or something, because that clearly could be tightened up if the case.

£30 is still decent value. I would also be interested to hear how the system was abused. I assume that high school kids were claiming they were youngsters.

Either way, if teams like Rovers don't get some more youngsters interested they are knackered in the long term.

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On the post about new season ticket prices and the walk-up price next season, the official website says that this season "unfortunately last season’s free offer for primary school children was the subject of an unacceptable level of abuse, and has had to be discontinued". Anyone able to shed any light on how exactly people abused this feature? I didn't realise they got in for free, was it season tickets or free for paying at the gate?

I hope it's not the case that the turnstile operators didn't bother to i.d. kids who claimed to be of primary school age or something, because that clearly could be tightened up if the case.


I've been paying my 10yr old nephew through the parent & child gate every home game,

I certainly never knew about primary school kids getting in free of charge.

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£200 bar for an early bird season ticket is decent value again. Well, I say "value", and it is the Rovers, but you know what I mean. It annoys me a bit that cup games aren't covered by the season ticket anymore, as I generally like these games more than league games. But what can you do?

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£200 bar for an early bird season ticket is decent value again. Well, I say "value", and it is the Rovers, but you know what I mean. It annoys me a bit that cup games aren't covered by the season ticket anymore, as I generally like these games more than league games. But what can you do?

There's no doubt this season has been a hard watch most of the time, but £200 is a reasonable price. I'll definitely renew my season ticket at that price.

Hopefully we get a take up similar to last season.

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Appreciate your sentiments but would you really want to get them ALL "tied down", even if we could afford it?

This coming season, particularly with the inclusion of Dundee and QoTS, will be a lot harder and TBH I think we need to replace a number of our players, some just won't have the pace required IMO.

Apoligies my wording wasnt too clear on that one

Def wouldnt want them all tied down. Certainly the younger players Callachan, Laidlaw etc should be kept on and game more game time as I mentioned before. Hamill hasnt done enough for me and Walker has only had one good season since we came back up. Graham is already away, Id like to keep Spence and unsure about Clark just now. Id also keep both the Andersons. Despite what was said about Ellis I would also keep him, providing he is playing centre half and has someone with a bit of pace next to him he will be fine

Agreed about the pace thing tho other than G Anderson, Thomson and Spence we arent exactly the quickiest of teams

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£200 bar for an early bird season ticket is decent value again. Well, I say "value", and it is the Rovers, but you know what I mean. It annoys me a bit that cup games aren't covered by the season ticket anymore, as I generally like these games more than league games. But what can you do?

There's no doubt this season has been a hard watch most of the time, but £200 is a reasonable price. I'll definitely renew my season ticket at that price.

Hopefully we get a take up similar to last season.

I'll very probably be buying one. If only to have an excuse to get out the house of a Saturday.

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For the first time in years i am not sure about renewing my ticket. If it were not for my son wanting to go it would be a no brainer and it would be no chance. I suspect many fans will be on the brink next year and giving the club one more chance. An other season of negative anti football rubbish and the loyal core support will start eroding away.

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I will be purchasing the early bird season ticket, every penny is a prisoner and all that, that's why I'm dripping in gold.

As Liberace said, 'do you like my ring, if you're going to have one it's gotta be a big one'

I also have a Tesco Clubcard.

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Anti football is fine if you have have capable players. Take Stoke City for example. Classic example of punt it to the big striker to hold it up, long throws and set pieces. With the group of players we have, I'm really not sure what system is the most effective. The 3-5-2 worked well though..

Footballs a funny game though. Barcelona easily play some the best football we have ever seen, yet pumped 4-0 by Bayern Munich.

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Its funny how nobody moaned about anti football when it got us to the semi finals of the Scottish cup and 3 games from the spl....

There were lits of people moaning about the style of football at that time. Those who could see that the success was short term and papering over the cracks. Watching a succesful team is not the be all and end all otherwise I would have a season ticket at Man Utd or Celtic etc. What is important from both footballing and commercial angles is entertainment and if you beleive the Board being part of yhe community. No one wants to watch our style of football. Fans turn up out of loyalty and habit. Its what you do on a Saturday. Its what we have always done. No money is tight and alternatives abound unless the entertainment returns the fan base will dwindle. Other teams can play good football why not us?

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Anti football is fine if you have have capable players. Take Stoke City for example. Classic example of punt it to the big striker to hold it up, long throws and set pieces. With the group of players we have, I'm really not sure what system is the most effective. The 3-5-2 worked well though..

Footballs a funny game though. Barcelona easily play some the best football we have ever seen, yet pumped 4-0 by Bayern Munich.

I was at Arsenal v Stoke City in February and I'm not even joking when I say they play far worse football than any team I've ever seen in Scotland. If they got the ball in a promising midfield position, they'd actually go out their way to work the ball backwards to the defence so they could lump it at Crouch.

We played good football at the start of the season, as we did last season under McGlynn. If we can shake off this only playing well in the sun, can't buy a win when the clocks go back thing we'll be in a much better position.

There's also talk today of attempts to push through play-offs involving 11th in the SPL and 2nd, 3rd and 4th in this league. That'd definitely encourage me to buy a season ticket as we'd actually have something to play for.

In terms of budget with Rangers more than likely ending up in this league in 14/15 surely running at a small loss, staying up and getting the payday would be a more profitable decision? If we could swallow the loss and the orcs didn't boycott of course...

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