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Anyone who says that is a total dick and I wouldn't be remotely concerned with what they think.

Yeah, the people in my year that I'd expect it from are pretty dick-ish, it doesn't change the fact that I don't think I'd be able to do my best work in the group. The three of us feel the same about him, we'll be less likely to want to meet up and put the time into the assignment which will obviously affect our grade for it.

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Yeah, the people in my year that I'd expect it from are pretty dick-ish, it doesn't change the fact that I don't think I'd be able to do my best work in the group. The three of us feel the same about him, we'll be less likely to want to meet up and put the time into the assignment which will obviously affect our grade for it.

Thing is, that says more about you than it does about him. I'm afraid in life you're always going to encounter people who you can't stand, and you just have to make the best of them. If you get moved to another group, then the other 2 in this group will likely want to do the same...and if its all groups of four, then you'll be intruding on someone else's group, with their own working practices, and who have been together, so I doubt you'd get your best work done. Also, if everyone wanted to move, then the group would be disbanded, and you'd have to put him in someone else's group, and if the gossip is as widespread as you claim, then that will just cause more trouble.

Also, what do the others in your group think of you just abandoning them? I'm afraid that if I was your tutor or lecturer, I'd be sympathising with you, but telling you that you just had to tough it out.

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Actually, in my undergrad days, we had a guy who was a complete pyscho, to the extent where he would bully and intimidate his way to get what he wanted. We had a girl in our group who he just ignored, except to sneer at and insult. She genuinely felt scared to be in the same room as him. We had to manage things so that they would be working on different machines, and I had to basically babysit him in a different room. I'd ended up being unofficially project leader (force of will), and so had to deal with his intimidating weirdness...which I oh so maturely did by going a bit radge and threatening to thump him when he tried his nonsense with me. 8)

Not the same situation in any way, but there are times when you end up with thoroughly unpleasant individuals (I'm not even scratching the surface of just how weird this guy was) who you just don't want to work with, and you just have to make the best of it.

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Thing is, that says more about you than it does about him. I'm afraid in life you're always going to encounter people who you can't stand, and you just have to make the best of them. If you get moved to another group, then the other 2 in this group will likely want to do the same...and if its all groups of four, then you'll be intruding on someone else's group, with their own working practices, and who have been together, so I doubt you'd get your best work done. Also, if everyone wanted to move, then the group would be disbanded, and you'd have to put him in someone else's group, and if the gossip is as widespread as you claim, then that will just cause more trouble.

Also, what do the others in your group think of you just abandoning them? I'm afraid that if I was your tutor or lecturer, I'd be sympathising with you, but telling you that you just had to tough it out.

The three of us want to leave. Again, this is second hand information, but the person who revealed it to me(she's studying away in Prague this year) still speaks with the people she/we hung around with last year and she was telling me what they think and one of them was sticking up for him.

If it was just the three of us then I think we'd work better than the four of us, as things currently stand.

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If it was just a randomer in my class then I would but I'm in a group of four with the guy for an assignment, a lab group and a mentoring thing. The assignment example that's online is 50 pages so I'll be spending an absolute tonne of time in the group. We've done the first assignment in the same group so the group's just stayed the same.

Apparently people in our year have been calling us "the pedo group" behind our backs, why should I be tarred with the same brush as him when I've done f**k all wrong?

So what happens if your tutor tells you to get stuffed and get on with the task in hand with the assigned group? As for being worried about being called names? Grow up. You don't even know the facts of the case. I think by not just trying to make the best of the situation and keeping your gob shut you run the risk of creating a lot of bother.

Edited by Enigma
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The three of us want to leave. Again, this is second hand information, but the person who revealed it to me(she's studying away in Prague this year) still speaks with the people she/we hung around with last year and she was telling me what they think and one of them was sticking up for him.

If it was just the three of us then I think we'd work better than the four of us, as things currently stand.

See this is different now. This isn't you wanting to switch groups. This is you going to your tutor wanting him out of your group. Where is he going to go? Is there a paedo friendly group going about that happens to have a vacancy? I'm afraid your tutor is most likely going to tell you to get tae. Also, earlier in the thread, you were worried about the rest of your year, because apparently he's mates with some of them and they might have shared stuff...but now it appears the whole year knows! I'm afraid you really are just going to have to live with it.

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So what happens if your tutor tells you to get stuffed and get on with the task in hand with the assigned group? As for being worried about being called names? Grow up. You don't even know the facts of the case. I think by not just trying to make the best of the situation and keeping your gob shut you run the risk of creating a lot of bother.

I guess we'll cross that bridge if it comes to it. Creating a lot of bother? I don't care about causing bother with him since it will affect my work in the group.

See this is different now. This isn't you wanting to switch groups. This is you going to your tutor wanting him out of your group. Where is he going to go? Is there a paedo friendly group going about that happens to have a vacancy? I'm afraid your tutor is most likely going to tell you to get tae. Also, earlier in the thread, you were worried about the rest of your year, because apparently he's mates with some of them and they might have shared stuff...but now it appears the whole year knows! I'm afraid you really are just going to have to live with it.

I don't know, maybe he should've thought about that(him not becoming a social outcast) before he decided to try and get involved with a 13 year old. I wasn't worried about the year, I was wondering about whether we should've known, honestly, I don't care about whether about 80% of my year(probably less tbh but I don't know the numbers). It was more some of them might've shared info with him, personal stuff that you might not tell a paedophile if you knew he was one.

Oh and an interesting note, today my friend who he told told me that before he did my course he dropped out of Primary Teaching ph34r.giflaugh.gif It was before the offense but still!

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I don't know, maybe he should've thought about that(him not becoming a social outcast) before he decided to try and get involved with a 13 year old.

What if he had been convicted of assault. Maybe beat someone up because he was a bit drunk and had his pint spilled. Would you have demanded he leave the group then and be shunned by society?

Would that have been OK? Or do you have a zero tolerance of crime? Or just those crimes you don't find socially acceptable?

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You must do it TBR. If you get chose, P&B should choose an answer you have to give to one question, right or wrong. If you did this you'd become a P&B hero.

Paxman is a wayne kerr, you are right about that.

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'Which 14th century cleric......'

'Edinburgh, Ronaldo!'

'Jocky Scott?'

"Exploration in Scott's Antarctic expedition...."


"Alan Lowing's Naked Chipmunk Girlfriend"

"Correct here are your three bonus questions"

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Usually I am a committed non-contributer in tutorials but today I had an econometrics tutorial where only 4 people attended out of 20. It was two hours long and the duration of the time required a decent degree of interaction. I ended up answering about 95% of the questions. It was brutal.

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I guess we'll cross that bridge if it comes to it. Creating a lot of bother? I don't care about causing bother with him since it will affect my work in the group.

To be honest it's you that has the problem with him. You're attitude is what will affect your work. Sounds like you're a great team player though :rolleyes:

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