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On 29/01/2022 at 20:27, Kenneth840 said:

Typical male answer.

Nope.  You are the one trotting out the shit.

Don't be so bloody ignorant.  What do you think is happening right now? Male criminals are going into prisons claiming to be female, the law says it is ok for them to do that.  

Would you be happy for your daughter to be in a cell with a female that had a penis?  I'm not.

There has to be a gatekeeper somewhere.  This is getting out of control now. 

Many gay and lesbians are against self id.  

A poll that was done by Scot goes pop showed it was only a minority that wanted self id.  What about the majority that wants to avoid fuel poverty, don't we get the same attention?  Scottish publicly owned energy company was promised and now it has been binned. Aye, thanks.

Priorities priorities,  sort out gender first when we have air to breath and worry about heat and food later. 

Fucking hate this Scottish government. 


This is the post in question for anyone else who'd like to re(a)d it.

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18 minutes ago, Oystercatcher said:

The scene in the new Pam and Tommy drama on Disney+ where he has a conversation with his penis about shagging is something to behold.

From what I remember of Tommy Lee, I can well believe he has regular conversations with his cock.

Edit: This might have been a dream, but did Ice-T not go through a phase of whipping his wang out on-stage for a chat during one of his songs?

Edited by BFTD
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36 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I've apparently asked Britney Spears out for a meal in Wetherspoons, I'll update if she replies 

Roasted Veg Pizza with extra chillies should hit the spot, although on reflection I reckon she would prefer a large Meat dish.

So yes, update needed for sure..

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1 hour ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I've apparently asked Britney Spears out for a meal in Wetherspoons, I'll update if she replies 


36 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Bert will be disappointed when Gardner Spiers turns up...

My £1 says he’ll get Graham…

Edited by alta-pete
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