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17 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

Any time I've gone into, or even walk past my local Chinese coming home from work, it's a wee boy who can't be any older than 12 or 13 working on the til taking orders. Sometimes a younger girl, his sister presumably, is with him. This is every single day I'm talking here. He is obviously the owner's son, but I really don't like the thought of a wee boy coming home from school then immediately having to go work in his da's shop for 5 or 6 hours everyday. 


Should I report this to some sort of child protection services, or am I being a Helen Lovejoy?

I'd just have a quick word with the owner and be willing to accept the Set Meal for 4 every Saturday in order to buy my silence tbh.

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28 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

Any time I've gone into, or even walk past my local Chinese coming home from work, it's a wee boy who can't be any older than 12 or 13 working on the til taking orders. Sometimes a younger girl, his sister presumably, is with him. This is every single day I'm talking here. He is obviously the owner's son, but I really don't like the thought of a wee boy coming home from school then immediately having to go work in his da's shop for 5 or 6 hours everyday. 


Should I report this to some sort of child protection services, or am I being a Helen Lovejoy?



I'd be checking the owner isn't a Triad before making waves though.

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34 minutes ago, Jives Miguel said:

Any time I've gone into, or even walk past my local Chinese coming home from work, it's a wee boy who can't be any older than 12 or 13 working on the til taking orders. Sometimes a younger girl, his sister presumably, is with him. This is every single day I'm talking here. He is obviously the owner's son, but I really don't like the thought of a wee boy coming home from school then immediately having to go work in his da's shop for 5 or 6 hours everyday. 


Should I report this to some sort of child protection services, or am I being a Helen Lovejoy?

Is it any worse than a paper round? 

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There is a guy called Stephen Bradshaw currently giving evidence to the Post Office Horizon inquiry. He is a total cvnt. Remember his name.


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42 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:


Dishwasher just packed in. Water pouring out of it. Inlet tap turned off.

F.E.C.K. !

We have visitors coming tonight...

Hope one of them is a plumber 🙄

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4 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

Any time I've gone into, or even walk past my local Chinese coming home from work, it's a wee boy who can't be any older than 12 or 13 working on the til taking orders. Sometimes a younger girl, his sister presumably, is with him. This is every single day I'm talking here. He is obviously the owner's son, but I really don't like the thought of a wee boy coming home from school then immediately having to go work in his da's shop for 5 or 6 hours everyday. 


Should I report this to some sort of child protection services, or am I being a Helen Lovejoy?

You could have informal chat with local social work.

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:


Dishwasher just packed in. Water pouring out of it. Inlet tap turned off.

F.E.C.K. !

We have visitors coming tonight...

homer simpson GIF

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8 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

Any time I've gone into, or even walk past my local Chinese coming home from work, it's a wee boy who can't be any older than 12 or 13 working on the til taking orders. Sometimes a younger girl, his sister presumably, is with him. This is every single day I'm talking here. He is obviously the owner's son, but I really don't like the thought of a wee boy coming home from school then immediately having to go work in his da's shop for 5 or 6 hours everyday. 


Should I report this to some sort of child protection services, or am I being a Helen Lovejoy?

He's probably doing his homewok. 

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1 hour ago, RH33 said:

I had a dream last night


Deviant p&B one

I'm not sure I'll recover.

What would a deviant P&B dream be? 

A red dotting spree? 

Forgetting "pics or.."? 

Agreeing with VT? 


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7 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:


Dishwasher just packed in. Water pouring out of it. Inlet tap turned off.

F.E.C.K. !

We have visitors coming tonight...

Hats off to you for letting us know your kitchen is flooding, you’ve got visitors on the way and you’ve still got time to post your troubles on here. Multitasking at its finest. 

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