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I'd go for Universal Soldier as Van Damme's best, but I haven't seen it in a long time. Timecop is still surprisingly good fun too.

I once spent the night in a lassie's bed under a slanted roof ( I want to say the eaves, but that's the overhanging external bit). She'd put up a huge Double Impact poster (see below) on the ceiling, so I had to spend the night knowing that Jean Claude would be making intense eye contact with me from about a foot away whenever I opened my eyes, and trying not to think about why she wanted it above her bed in the first place  :shutup


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1 hour ago, BTFD said:

I'd go for Universal Soldier as Van Damme's best, but I haven't seen it in a long time. Timecop is still surprisingly good fun too.

I once spent the night in a lassie's bed under a slanted roof ( I want to say the eaves, but that's the overhanging external bit). She'd put up a huge Double Impact poster (see below) on the ceiling, so I had to spend the night knowing that Jean Claude would be making intense eye contact with me from about a foot away whenever I opened my eyes, and trying not to think about why she wanted it above her bed in the first place  :shutup


He's the muscles from Brussels 

You're the knacked from Clacks!

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13 hours ago, virginton said:

In what way is it misogynistic to express judgment on the dung nature of defending in women's football? 

Well, let’s analyze your statement, shall we…

On 25/03/2023 at 16:22, virginton said:

If you want to watch goalkeepers who can't dive and dud defenders playing like they're being controlled by a five year old on FIFA, sure. 

So we have:

1) All female goalkeepers cannot perform a basic task that is essential to the position. So I viewed the highlights of one of the referenced games, Woman’s Super League Manchester United vs West Ham, and I see clearly the keepers diving to make saves. Hummmmm.

2) Viewing the same match I see defenders defending, in a normal conventional manner. Hummmmm.

3) Then you move to infantilize the players with the five year old FIFA comment. Hummmmm.

So, we have three statements, all aimed at denigrating women’s football, two of them factually incorrect, and one of them an obvious offensive reference. Yea, I’m going to stand by by misogynistic comments accusation. If you wish to express a view you dislike women’s football, that’s fine…but attempting to denigrate the game by making up shite is easily crossing a line. If you are indeed involved in education, I would fear for your objectivity involving female students. So go ahead and red dot away, it probably gives you the same satisfaction as marking down papers and tests likely gives you.


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8 hours ago, TxRover said:

Well, let’s analyze your statement, shall we…

So we have:

1) All female goalkeepers cannot perform a basic task that is essential to the position. So I viewed the highlights of one of the referenced games, Woman’s Super League Manchester United vs West Ham, and I see clearly the keepers diving to make saves. Hummmmm.

There was one game referenced in my post - which is not the one that you've pretended to watch for your 'analysis'. 

Goalkeepers in women's football cannot perform that task to the required level of quality to fulfil that role - as aptly demonstrated by the dogshite efforts within the WSL (the most professional league this side of the Atlantic), as well as the regular World Cups too. 

Where your 'misogyny!!!111!!!' claim falls apart is that this has got nothing to do with them being female. It's not an inherently gendered flaw. The fact however remains that women's football in its current state is stacked with hopeless goalkeepers and dung defending at the supposedly highest, box office levels of the game. Denying that reality is sexist patronising. 


2) Viewing the same match I see defenders defending, in a normal conventional manner. Hummmmm.

See above.


3) Then you move to infantilize the players with the five year old FIFA comment. Hummmmm.

You must have a meltdown when you check literally any match thread on this forum then, and find the delicate little flowers who played the matches being infantilised.

Oh wait you wouldn't - because you contribute even less to the Scottish part of the forum than your perennially wrong, Texan blowhard hot takes over here. 


So, we have three statements, all aimed at denigrating women’s football, two of them factually incorrect, and one of them an obvious offensive reference.

If it's an offensive reference then you can contact the moderators to see if they agree with your laughable claim of misogyny. It's put up or shut up time champ.


If you wish to express a view you dislike women’s football, that’s fine…but attempting to denigrate the game by making up shite is easily crossing a line.

Billions of people haven't died yet to make a village idiot like you in charge of drawing the line for anything, so we can file your view in the bin where it belongs then. 


If you are indeed involved in education, I would fear for your objectivity involving female students. So go ahead and red dot away, it probably gives you the same satisfaction as marking down papers and tests likely gives you.

Why don't you write a letter of complaint then and see where your pathetic argument takes you. 

Edited by vikingTON
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6 hours ago, virginton said:

There was one game referenced in my post - which is not the one that you've pretended to watch for your 'analysis'. 

So let’s see if we all comprehend your argument:

1) That I “didn’t refer to the game you referenced”….

On 25/03/2023 at 16:22, virginton said:

If you want to watch goalkeepers who can't dive and dud defenders playing like they're being controlled by a five year old on FIFA, sure. 

…that’s funny, I don’t see a game referenced there…and it refers to a post that specifically lists three matches, one of them watched completely, the one that provided the examples that refute your thesis.

2) You were referring to a single match when you said the above, butt hen you say…

6 hours ago, virginton said:

Goalkeepers in women's football cannot perform that task to the required level of quality to fulfil that role - as aptly demonstrated by the dogshite efforts within the WSL (the most professional league this side of the Atlantic), as well as the regular World Cups too.

…that ALL goalkeepers in women’s football cannot dive. Incidentally, establishing the supposed truth of that argument by referring to the most professional league “this side of the Atlantic”, and nicely ignoring perhaps 75%+ of the women playing football at some professional level. The difficultly being that I provided an example of exactly the skill you suggest women don’t possess.

3) You state above that “Goalkeepers in women’s football cannot cannot…” and then ask…

6 hours ago, virginton said:

 Where your 'misogyny!!!111!!!' claim falls apart is that this has got nothing to do with them being female. It's not an inherently gendered flaw. The fact however remains that women's football in its current state is stacked with hopeless goalkeepers and dung defending at the supposedly highest, box office levels of the game. Denying that reality is sexist patronising.

So the women competing at the highest level on your side of the Atlantic cannot do the job…oh, but it’s not “an inherently gendered flaw”. So what then is it, that teams in Europe are deliberately paying poor players? Oh, wait, I provided an example of female keepers diving…on that side of the Atlantic…in the UK. So your facts are actually opinions…and your reality is in your own mind. Let’s take a minute to review a term here:

Misogyny - is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women. It is a form of sexism that is used to keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy.

Whoops, looks like we know who the patronizing misogynist is here.

6 hours ago, virginton said:

If it's an offensive reference then you can contact the moderators to see if they agree with your laughable claim of misogyny. It's put up or shut up time champ.

It’s funny, but you seem to thing that the moderators aren’t aware of your behavior. They are, but they probably keep you around for amusement. Given your propensity for bombastic and nonsensical rhetoric, you calling anyone the village idiot is amusing.

Do you realize that that constantly resorting to implicitly demeaning terms in berating those trying to debate you is a classical sign of either narcissistic behavioral disorder or some form of delusional mental illness? There is also the possibility that you are in the early stages of dementia, so a complete checkup would be prudent.

6 hours ago, virginton said:

 Why don't you write a letter of complaint then and see where your pathetic argument takes you. 

If you’d like to provide your employers contact details, I’ll be happy to advise them.

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All that word salad to confirm that the forum's resident champion of women's rights refuses to use the report button for the misogyny he's 'identified'. Such a selfless champion for the cause!

Alternatively, we could file this blustering shitebag effort alongside the time when you outrageously accused another poster of being a Russian troll bot because he contradicted your latest, thick as f**k 'contributions'. A thoroughly vile piece of work. 

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45 minutes ago, virginton said:

All that word salad to confirm that the forum's resident champion of women's rights refuses to use the report button for the misogyny he's 'identified'. Such a selfless champion for the cause!

Alternatively, we could file this blustering shitebag effort alongside the time when you outrageously accused another poster of being a Russian troll bot because he contradicted your latest, thick as f**k 'contributions'. A thoroughly vile piece of work. 

How about re-assessing your tone when posting? 

For the umpteenth time, would you be as belittling and condescending when engaging with someone face to face? 


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5 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

How about re-assessing your tone when posting? 

For the umpteenth time, would you be as belittling and condescending when engaging with someone face to face? 


He’s temperamentally unable to…likewise, he avoided offering the necessary details for me to complain to.

38 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Why can’t it be two women or gender non-binary?

Disgusting post


Wait, wait, wait…not sure gender non-binary is diverse enough…and perhaps a woman and a man…or a squirrel and a hedgehog…or…

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On 25/03/2023 at 21:22, virginton said:

If you want to watch goalkeepers who can't dive and dud defenders playing like they're being controlled by a five year old on FIFA, sure. 

I get plenty of that watching Rangers.  Last game, vs M'well,  case in point.  We can't deal with a cross into the box and that's been a problem for a long time.  That's with a back four, three of whom played in a European final less than a year ago.

The slog-fest your Championship peers served up on Friday was an embarrassment.  Dull, unimaginative and uninspiring.  They can certainly run faster and kick the ball harder but usually to no one.  A complete absence of footballing nous.

In contrast, the top 4 WSL teams use the ball well and their passing and movement is excellent.  Man C's defence was organised on Sunday in such a way as to make the Italian catenaccio system of old look weak and slipshod.

Yes, it's football played at 75% pace of the men's game but that doesn't make it a bad watch.  

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Samuel L. Jackson's character in the film A Time To Kill should never have got off with the innocent verdict. 

No excuses for vigilante justice.  If the legal system doesn't like the law then get it changed, but whilst it's law, get rid of the wishy-washy "aye, but he deserved it in that particular instance" can of worms.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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