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11 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

How good is the weekend after another win? Only 1 defeat all season in all comps is outstanding.

Let’s fill Forthbank on Saturday, keep this run going & Stirling will be navy blue come Saturday night 👊🏼

Hopefully we give you a game this time round instead of playing like a bunch of toddlers. Enjoy your day at hospitality 👍

Edited by dave_binos
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19 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

How good is the weekend after another win? Only 1 defeat all season in all comps is outstanding.

Let’s fill Forthbank on Saturday, keep this run going & Stirling will be navy blue come Saturday night 👊🏼

Terrace or Stand.... 🤔


Christ, what am I thinking, they will both be #brimmed anyway

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1 hour ago, Springfield said:

Without question, and with the performances so far, Lang and the improving Donaldson look as good a pairing we’ve had for a long time. 
With Yeats continuing to improve his overall understanding of what’s required being a RB, the excellent form of our GK, the back looks solid. Millers return gives us real quality. Yesterday we played with possibly four or five “fringe” and didn’t look out of sorts. 
A lot of talk overheard yesterday about the current financial woes/FSS. One guy who goes home and away quite adamant that he would never join, however his mate said he joined when it first came around. 

He doesn’t need to join but he could still give the club £10/month via another route 

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2 hours ago, Bairn in Exile said:

He knows that we are in the financial shitter and yet he won’t part with £10 a month, a sum that he can obviously afford if he follows us home and away?

I just don’t get it.


2 hours ago, Mr Grimsdale said:

He doesn’t need to join but he could still give the club £10/month via another route 

Making an assumption that he has possibly purchased hospitality, buys refreshments every game and tickets for the cup games and various other bits-and-pieces throughout the season the perception perhaps is why should he have to stump up another £10 whether via FSS, FF or 1876 club - which might be part of the above already.

The club ask for and generally receive the fans backing home-and-away for every competition, buy the merch and do the non-football events, for example the recent, successful golf day.

A tenner is nothing in isolation but when taken in the round it could simply be the perception that enough-is-enough.

I doubt this will be a popular post but simply painting this as a binary choice is too simplistic for me.


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6 minutes ago, Blame Me said:


Making an assumption that he has possibly purchased hospitality, buys refreshments every game and tickets for the cup games and various other bits-and-pieces throughout the season the perception perhaps is why should he have to stump up another £10 whether via FSS, FF or 1876 club - which might be part of the above already.

The club ask for and generally receive the fans backing home-and-away for every competition, buy the merch and do the non-football events, for example the recent, successful golf day.

A tenner is nothing in isolation but when taken in the round it could simply be the perception that enough-is-enough.

I doubt this will be a popular post but simply painting this as a binary choice is too simplistic for me.


I understand where you are coming from but that extra tenner a month could help to prevent us from going part time or indeed keep us existing as a football club at all. Say he was to knock 3 away games a season on the head, Cove, Montrose and QOTS, that would easily let him donate his £10 a month to FSS. I know that that might be a bit of a sacrifice but needs must.

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47 minutes ago, Mr Grimsdale said:

Don’t know why it wasn’t done on Alba after the Peterhead game 

When are the mini currants playing though. They always seem to play at a completely different time from everyone else.

In fact it's the 7th of bloody November. I mean the competition isn't what it used to be for starters but having one bunch playing their ties a month after everyone else is frankly ludicrous. If they can't play on the same weekend as the rest they shouldn't be bloody in it 

Edited by Shodwall cat
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34 minutes ago, Blame Me said:


Making an assumption that he has possibly purchased hospitality, buys refreshments every game and tickets for the cup games and various other bits-and-pieces throughout the season the perception perhaps is why should he have to stump up another £10 whether via FSS, FF or 1876 club - which might be part of the above already.

The club ask for and generally receive the fans backing home-and-away for every competition, buy the merch and do the non-football events, for example the recent, successful golf day.

A tenner is nothing in isolation but when taken in the round it could simply be the perception that enough-is-enough.

I doubt this will be a popular post but simply painting this as a binary choice is too simplistic for me.


Plenty will be doing all that and the £10 or more. The reality is that fan ownership at Falkirk needs to be bigger in terms of monthly subs than it is. If it doesn’t grow then we will need a large investor and the fans shareholding will be diluted. Many think that won’t be a bad thing, I don’t think it necessarily is either, but it would be a shame when we have the fanbase to make it work. But it needs more than 15% of the fanbase to make it happen. 
Playing devils advocate should fans who don’t join FSS or FFF have less benefits than someone who does? Eg pay more for ST, merchandise, hospitality etc etc ? That is what happens in other industries. 

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Our club is in a financial pit just now. We don’t have a sugar daddy paying bills or writing off debts and there’s not one waiting in the wings. The fault does not lie with the fans - our failure on and off the pitch in previous seasons has taken its toll. The new board are trying to clean this mess up. 

We are fan owned which means fan funded. We need this to grow to ensure it is sustainable - if we go up clearly the financial picture is better. The ask is of those who can afford it - By no means should anyone who cannot afford it feel obligated to sign up to anything. There is also a prize draw with FSS and a chance to have your say. 


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55 minutes ago, Blame Me said:

The club ask for and generally receive the fans backing home-and-away for every competition, buy the merch and do the non-football events, for example the recent, successful golf day.

A tenner is nothing in isolation but when taken in the round it could simply be the perception that enough-is-enough.

I doubt this will be a popular post but simply painting this as a binary choice is too simplistic for me.

Don't think your last comments are that to far away for many.

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3 minutes ago, Mr Grimsdale said:

Playing devils advocate should fans who don’t join FSS or FFF have less benefits than someone who does? Eg pay more for ST, merchandise, hospitality etc etc ? That is what happens in other industries.

That is theoretically the position that already exists.

Non-FSS members don't get a vote.

The club evidently recognise that there is a fine line to be trodden when it comes to pricing or as I put forward during the summer why not charge £470 all-in to everyone.

Many on here baulked at that suggestion.

That would cover the shortfall and end any debate.

As it is in other industries - the "market" would decide whether that's value for money.

As I said earlier, it's not as clear cut as that but in any other industry where they'd ask you to pay X and then told you to pay additional Y or lose the service completely you would be sceptical. 

Falkirk has the advantage they can pull the emotional card which is what makes this a divisive topic.




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11 minutes ago, Mr Grimsdale said:

So what is the answer? As it is fan ownership without more contributing is not going to work. 

I'll say this again: there is NO CHANCE that FSS will go beyond 1,200 and probably not even that number. A very large percentage of the support feel that by paying to see games and buying merchandise they are doing what they should do as supporters ie customers. The deficit cannot be paid for simply by continually asking supporters for more money. I support this Board and FSS but the former need to stop throwing made up figures around and the latter  needs to seriously consider how they have given up their independence from the club and that joining Total Tickets might have technically breached the agreement with the Scottish Government in that the FSS money is contractually to be kept separate from that of the clubs finances even if it is eventually donated to them.. I'll get shit for this but I have been consistent in this view for months and I still believe any future money going to the club should be in a form of an interest free loan only to be repaid in the form of shares should there be another share issue. I'll disappear again now and enjoy the fact we are winning games (but when we don't that's when all this will matter). 

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