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38 minutes ago, Roboccop said:

Why are all new payments from FSS not going as a loan which will only be repaid if the shareholding elsewhere is expanded and in the form of shares thus protecting the FSS shareholding?

We were promised this would be looked at at one of the members meetings and it’s conveniently been forgotten because the Board don’t want it. 

Has a board member actually said that to you or the FFS committee in any discussions? 

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7 minutes ago, Roboccop said:

How long has that been? Has there been any other update?

seriously it’s being ignored as an issue and hoped it’ll be forgotten about  

Seriously, it's not being ignored.

Nature of a volunteer committee that things move slowly

21 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

For better or worse, a decision has been taken that the FSS is to be aligned at all times with the Patrons and board of directors (at least publicly) rather than acting as a representative body for supporters. 

That is all well and good when things are going well on and off the pitch, but will not be tenable in my view should that cease to be the case. 

There may well come a point where the interests of the supporters are contrary to that of the Patrons/board and the FSS needs to be able to raise the supporters’ views on such an issue.

f**k this shit.

I and many others put in a power of hard work on the FSS Committee to create a strong, representative fans body which will be central to moving the club forward. Stuff like this just makes me want to chuck it.

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9 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

Seriously, it's not being ignored.

Nature of a volunteer committee that things move slowly

f**k this shit.

I and many others put in a power of hard work on the FSS Committee to create a strong, representative fans body which will be central to moving the club forward. Stuff like this just makes me want to chuck it.

And so did I. I was probably one of the most active Committee members too. I did resign because I was unhappy with the lack of indépendance after saying so week after week at the meetings. And arguing in face to face meeting with the board. So don’t tell me I’m upsetting you as I’ve probably said the same to your face.  

and who is the independent accountant? I’ve never heard or seen it in any members newsletter? 

Edited by Roboccop
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2 hours ago, AJ1981 said:



Check under partnership agreement - what is absolutely permanent is your negativity. 

Not being negative, being realistic.

Will explain it for you since you are having trouble understanding the issue.

There are X amount of shares issued. Falkirk Fans Consortium* currently hold 25% of them.

Should there be a further share issue and * don't buy them then that 25% figure will drop. Hope this is of help. Whatever partnership agreement is in place or how its worded won't make difference. 

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4 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

Not being negative, being realistic.

Will explain it for you since you are having trouble understanding the issue.

There are X amount of shares issued. Falkirk Fans Consortium* currently hold 25% of them.

Should there be a further share issue and * don't buy them then that 25% figure will drop. Hope this is of help. Whatever partnership agreement is in place or how its worded won't make difference. 

Jesus Christ 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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34 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

Has a board member actually said that to you or the FFS committee in any discussions? 

Yes in an FSS meeting where I pointed out that that would mean the Board could de facto abort any Fss motion. I then brought it up at the members meeting. 

it’s ok just now when everyone is on

the same page but come the time when the support feels it is out of synch then the indépendance of FSS will be a real issue. 

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1 hour ago, Roboccop said:

How long has that been? Has there been any other update?

seriously it’s being ignored as an issue and hoped it’ll be forgotten about  

Lets not forget I was told at a meeting by the FSS chair that FSS should never put forward any policy that the Board would not pass. That’s craven.  And in time will be an issue, not now when things are going well but that won’t last forever  

and I support this Board they’ve got most things right but it doesn’t mean FSS should just do as they want forever  


The FSS are the board and the board are the FSS. Supporters own the club now. Not sure why you seem determined to paint them as somehow being opposing factions when in fact it’s the opposite and everyone should be doing absolutely everything to pull in the same direction which thankfully they are, I don’t see what trying to divide people will achieve. The two fan groups now own nearly 50% of the club between them having two reps each on the board and the FSS being the single largest shareholder. Nobody has more or less say than any other , it’s a fan own club where everyone should be pulling together in a common purpose. That’s how it it should and thankfully is working. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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55 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

Seriously, it's not being ignored.

Nature of a volunteer committee that things move slowly

f**k this shit.

I and many others put in a power of hard work on the FSS Committee to create a strong, representative fans body which will be central to moving the club forward. Stuff like this just makes me want to chuck it.

Well said

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2 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

Seriously, it's not being ignored.

Nature of a volunteer committee that things move slowly

f**k this shit.

I and many others put in a power of hard work on the FSS Committee to create a strong, representative fans body which will be central to moving the club forward. Stuff like this just makes me want to chuck it.

Keep up the good work mate, trust me it is appreciated and I get there is a shortage of fans willing/able to commit time the way you sound like you are. I know you’ll read a few vociferous posters on here that seem divisive almost as if they want things to fail but it’s most likely individuals with some form of personal agenda having had a previous fall out with either the FSS or Patrons group or elsewhere at the club, people need to remember running things democratically as we are means you don’t always get your own way and if a majority of our elected fan reps take a decision (by all means put forward your own opinion at the time but be prepared to move on if the consensus is different) the rest of the members on whichever board or committee that is then need to get behind that consensus and not throw the toys out the pram if not getting they’re own way, it’s the only way the full thing works. Away from P&B in the real world on match day at the ground or in the pub before hand you actually find when speaking to other fans 99% of the support thankfully are very united and happy at how the club is being turned around. P&B in reality is a very small cross section of our support. 

Edited by LatapyBairn.
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Yeah @Bairney The Dinosaur first and foremost, don't let fuds on here with agendas put you off something that most importantly you are passionate about and secondly, is greatly appreciated by the right thinking majority. Myself included. I'd love to be involved but simply don't have the time right now, so I'm slightly jealous of you in a way. Keep it up brother. f**k the haytrz

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33 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

Listened to McGlynn's pre match interview, anyone else think that's us done transfer wise ? Seems happy enough with the squad numbers. 

Sounded like that unless a game changer can be found I guess

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38 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

Don't chuck it. From what I've seen of posts on here. there are some people who WANT the FSS to fail. Either because of allegiance to previous boards, enmity to the idea of fan ownership or an inability to work as part of a collective if they don't get their own way.  

The best way to defeat them is keep going and not pay attention to online hand grenades. P&B is very good (or bad) for allegations and conspiracy theories. It wasn't that long ago that we had pages and pages on here about an alleged power grab by the patrons group. I think the announcement this week settles that once and for all. 

Well done to the committee for getting it completed BTW. 

I don’t think what you say is fair as it belittles any real concern anyone has, as some sort of agenda.

I have no allegiance to the old board, I am all for fan ownership and entirely capable of working as a collective(as does Robbocop). There are just certain points of principle that I think should remain true to a fan group. I allayed  my concerns as a member as best I could and took the action I deemed necessary but nothing was ever spoken in anger. 

I spoke to several members of other fans groups, including FoH and have spoken to some since regarding recent events and they are of a similar view to me regarding VAT concerns and the autonomy of the FSS. 

I’m not going to add to anything said to Bairney. We’ve talked privately and do see eye to eye on a lot of issues. Also think he has done some great work in the FSS and don’t want him to feel like chucking it as I’ve been in the exact same place with several people on here suggesting the FSS should do this and that but never rolling up their sleeves and helping achieve it.

It was only anyone’s guess why certain events occurred as some things still don’t add up and it certainly didn’t help that there has been some miscommunication and misinformation. The 25% was read as a done deal months ago for instance when clearly it wasn’t. It is only through the effort of the FSS to obtain more shares that it’s finally came to fruition. 

@Bairney The Dinosaurshould feel proud for the work he’s put in as should the rest of the committee but as a fans group I think Robbocop and anyone else who is still a member is entirely welcome to express their views when it’s been made open to discussion. Shutting people down or trying to demean their opinion isn’t constructive to making sure that all bases are covered. Robbocop done a lot of good work on the FSS to help make it what it is today as well and should also be commended and not chastised for having a strong opinion about something he holds dear. 

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42 minutes ago, Roboccop said:

Yes in an FSS meeting where I pointed out that that would mean the Board could de facto abort any Fss motion. I then brought it up at the members meeting. 

it’s ok just now when everyone is on

the same page but come the time when the support feels it is out of synch then the indépendance of FSS will be a real issue. 

I think we’re talking about two separate things here.

I agree with your original point that ongoing FSS contributions should be a loan. I have no reason to disbelieve BTDs assurance that it’s being worked on and is ongoing. My assumption is that it will eventually be sorted just as the 25% issue was.


As for your first sentence above, in my opinion THAT’S HOW IT SHOULD BE. The board should be able to veto ANY proposal made by ANY group of shareholders.

Those five people run the company. They’re the ones who’ve put themselves forward, have the skills to do it have been elected by the shareholders. They also have access to financial information which us ordinary fans don’t.

In my eyes, once those people are in situ then the FSS committee and 850 members don’t get to tell them what to do. Any more than the members of the patrons group can. Both groups of fans can canvas opinions of their membership, present the results to their directors and lobby for change.  

But to me the decisions should always lie with the elected board members. If they get it wrong, kick them out at the next election. 

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51 minutes ago, ebobsboy said:

Listened to McGlynn's pre match interview, anyone else think that's us done transfer wise ? Seems happy enough with the squad numbers. 

Can't be easy trying to bring someone in who's going to improve on what we currently have, we're class.

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1 hour ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

Seriously, it's not being ignored.

Nature of a volunteer committee that things move slowly

f**k this shit.

I and many others put in a power of hard work on the FSS Committee to create a strong, representative fans body which will be central to moving the club forward. Stuff like this just makes me want to chuck it.

Keep going dude, it's appreciated 

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