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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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All is not lost another quote from bbc website

Jim in Balfron responds to SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster's comments this evening on Sportsound: "With respect to Neil Doncaster his interpretation of his own rules are wrong! In any company it is for the company in general meeting to determine membership . Article 14 of the SPL rules apply and the board MUST abide by that rule which says that the board can only transfer a share or admit a new club on being Directed by the members in general meeting voting with an 83 or 90% majority-- any other action is Ultra Vires and leaves various parties liable in damages!!!!!"

Normally I'd make a scathing remark about the credibility of 'Jim from Balfron', but up against Doncaster, this has to be 50-50 either way.

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Normally I'd make a scathing remark about the credibility of 'Jim from Balfron', but up against Doncaster, this has to be 50-50 either way.

Your restraint is admirable sir. I sincerely hope Jim knows what he is talking about!

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A vote of no confidence in Doncaster surely required?

I'm no fan of his after his approach to selling 10-team SPL but people seem to forget he's an employee who works for the clubs (and the Board). It's not the other way around. He doesn't tell them what to do, he's their agent.

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If the remaining clubs allow these criminals to sail on as if nothing happens, then I'm afraid that's it for me. Scottish football no longer exists. To know that no matter what happens you will never be higher than third, that the SPL condones sectarianism and bigotry (from both Sisters), and that SKY calls the tune by insisting on their right to show the of freakshow as many times as they can - sorry, Killie, I'm done. All these years I've been able to kid myself that somehow, sometime, I could relive 1965 (Yeah, I know, but we all hold forlorn hopes for our sides). That fantasy would die along with my country's credibility in the football world.


(or until the SPL board greases up and bends over for the Ugly Sisters and SKYs 30 pieces of silver)

It shouldn't happen, for the reasons you've outlined above.

But I'll still be a St. Mirren fan regardless. The club I support is bigger than external factors.

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Well if anyone has time, have a look at the rules book:


ps just listening to chick young on the radio and i really hate these biased journalist. BBC need to get fair coverage and they are not providing that.

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He? Surely it's the SPL clubs who will decide?

If it goes to a vote I will never go back to any ground who's club votes in favour of Rangers 2012 returning directly to the SPL.

If it is the clubs who vote on it anyway.

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Well if anyone has time, have a look at the rules book:


ps just listening to chick young on the radio and i really hate these biased journalist. BBC need to get fair coverage and they are not providing that.

Looking at the BBC match reports they don't even have journalists who can spell properly never mind aren't slabbering bigots.

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I would never go to a game involving Rangers ever again even if I have paid for home games via my season ticket. Let the TV companies show stadiums empty of home fans when Rangers are playing away. And I would be pretty pissed with my club if they voted for them to stay in the SPL but I would still support my team.

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Doncasters finally remembered that Rangers are needed for a tv deal, too late for me. I don't see how he can stop a newco Rangers from joining the SFL as they would no longer be SPL members.

3rd division, start again, rebuild, f**k Doncaster and give the lower league teams a much needed boost.

as best as i can tell there is no facilty to simply admit them to sfl, and doubt if they could afford to run ibrox in sfl3...in fact dont see how a phoenix newco in sfl3 would even get off the ground...what consortium would agree to a minimum of 3 years worth of massive losses then have to invest even more cash to build an spl standard squad.simply isnt a viable business plan without a gullible multimillionaire backer. i fear that for a long while now the players in question ie admins, whyte and maybe even the spl were well aware of this and the manoeuvering has been about how to parachute a newco back into spl...and brush all the probs, debt and corruption under the carpet. doncaster now seems to have been on several media outlets peddling the line that the board can let a newco in....and the one club that would object most to this presumably is dunfermline fc who are in the relegation slot currently....and have just been told they will get their cash from rfc...hmmm

Edited by Highland Dogma
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Chic fucking Young :lol:

Chick Young Please f**k off! :angry:

ps just listening to chick young on the radio and i really hate these biased journalist. BBC need to get fair coverage and they are not providing that.

Caught the last 10 minutes, it was cringe-worthy "how dare anybody say that about rangers" stuff. His little huff cause someone dared suggest Rangers "have cheated" was pathetic.

And HJ should be worried.......he almost said word-for-word what you just said about Doncaster! :lol:

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Doncaster is hopefully going down the desperate *** say something's a fact until it's true method.

(see 'explaining debt to a ***' for example.)

If it's SPL football or nothing then let's hope some of the SPLs less w**k chairman like Vlad and Thompson call his bluff and murder vote them.

From what I've read it seems like a House of Commons/House of Lords arrangement with the peasant chairmen discussing it before passing it on to the important people like sponsors and random c***s from breweries.

Petries on both. I know there's a tendency to get emotional and promise all manner of boycotts etc. If that twat Rod is responsible for helping Rangers I'll start spending 100% of my football budget on away games. Better fun anyway.

Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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Doncasters finally remembered that Rangers are needed for a tv deal, too late for me. I don't see how he can stop a newco Rangers from joining the SFL as they would no longer be SPL members.

3rd division, start again, rebuild, f**k Doncaster and give the lower league teams a much needed boost.

Typical 'superior' mentality that is prevails all to often with your ilk.

Why would a 'newco Rangers' be a boost to lower league teams? Effectively negating promotion for these clubs for a year in whatever league you're in? Your vile fans coming to towns like Stenhousemuir, Annan and Elgin...towns that have lived a relatively charmed life in that they've rarely, if ever, had the displeasure of suffering your horrible brand of 'human being' roaming their streets on a matchday, intimidating and patronising locals?

Let's be perfectly honest here. No-one in the SPL, SFA or SFL, or any fan of any other club in Scotland owes Rangers a fucking thing. You are correctly being called out for cheating and unfortunately, Neil Doncaster, like so many before him, is willing to turn the blindest of eyes, roll over part his cheeks and think of the cash. You have bled this game dry for years, taken every opportunity to piss on it from a height and run it and it's 'smaller clubs' (your fucking bread and butter by the way) down as 'uncompetitive' and 'unambitious'. You've struggled and fought for nigh on a decade, to be removed from this 'shitey backwater league' and get a move to England. So I propose that you go and take a flying fuck to yourselves and enjoy the prospect of a 'Newco Rangers' trying their hand at gaining entry to an English counties division or better yet, the fabled Atlantic league. We don't want you, we don't need you, we don't fucking like you. Go away and stay away.

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