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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Having been on the end of many "no" answers in my time (mostly from women of varying levels of repute), I feel qualified to say that the "no" issued by the Raith Rovers board is as unequivocal as it is glorious.

And it is FUCKING glorious.

Well done the Rovers.

That made me chuckle haha

Well done rovers.

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To Rangers and Celtic fans.

As a soldier on Call Kaye this morning said in connection with the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, it's time to move on, it's time to acknowledge past wrongs and move forward.

He is 100% right.

Whatever happens to what was Rangers, now is a chance to look at yourselves and ask is this hatred doing you any good?

What is past is past, as you visit other clubs this season you'll have to put up with some stick. Take it on the chin and in good humour, in time it will pass and if your fans behave then you'll be accepted back into the fold.

Celtic fans, if you drop the political Green Brigade stuff and temper your sense of superiority, then likewise. In time you will be more welcome in towns you visit. is it not a good time to drop the IRA or FTP nonsense and recognize we're all human beings who enjoy watching the sport of football?

And if both clubs would be more welcoming of visitors then more will turn up to make a better atmosphere. TBH, the standard of treatment at Celtic Park and Ibrox is shocking.

It's time to grow up. Some will be beyond saving, but over the course the decent fans can drown them out and it will disappear for good.

I applaud the sentiment but during the whole debacle the 'decent' rangers fans, and yes I think they comprise the majority, have been stunningly silent.

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To Rangers and Celtic fans.

As a soldier on Call Kaye this morning said in connection with the Queen shaking hands with Martin McGuiness, it's time to move on, it's time to acknowledge past wrongs and move forward.

He is 100% right.

Whatever happens to what was Rangers, now is a chance to look at yourselves and ask is this hatred doing you any good?

What is past is past, as you visit other clubs this season you'll have to put up with some stick. Take it on the chin and in good humour, in time it will pass and if your fans behave then you'll be accepted back into the fold.

Celtic fans, if you drop the political Green Brigade stuff and temper your sense of superiority, then likewise. In time you will be more welcome in towns you visit. is it not a good time to drop the IRA or FTP nonsense and recognize we're all human beings who enjoy watching the sport of football?

And if both clubs would be more welcoming of visitors then more will turn up to make a better atmosphere. TBH, the standard of treatment at Celtic Park and Ibrox is shocking.

It's time to grow up. Some will be beyond saving, but over the course the decent fans can drown them out and it will disappear for good.

if only these fuckwits you talk of had the ability to read this ! unsure.gifph34r.giflaugh.gif

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I'm trying to take the whole Rangers baggage aside and think of them like any other club (difficult, I know). If this was Queens Park who'd been liquidated (tricky for an amateur club with few enemies if any, but hey), would we be saying:

1) "Well, there's another Glasgow club who've got a lot of history behind them plus a world class 5-star stadium - we'd better let SevcoQP12 back in."


2) "Queen's Park are sadly gone. They had their time and now it's time to give another club their shot. A real shame I know, but that's football..." (as the Rangers fans shrug and say nobody will miss Glasgow's pub team)

A no-brainer for me even with a club I admire and so I hope Sevco are wiped from the face of the Earth just like Rangers FC before them.


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I'm not so sure about them being able to steamroller the leagues. It's their business plan that worries me and I can see Newco going bust on its way up the leagues. How do they fund the better class of player needed for this steamrollering when they have the upkeep of Ibrox (someone said £3M per month in running costs but that seems a wee bit steep) and Murray Park but with lower crowds, lower TV and advertising revenues and no income from Europe? Someone is going to have to get creative on the commercial side, and I don't mean in the same way as Murray or Whyte.

All they have on their side is a larger-than-average fan base - they'll have to keep Ibrox full for the next 3 years if they're to have any chance.

And imagine being one of their squad. You've got to think that the majority of their SFL3 squad are likely to be SFL2 class at best but they know they'll get cast aside as soon as The Rangers get promoted - they'll need SFL1 quality when they're in SFL2 and so on. Not sure I'd be happy signing up for that if I had any ambition.

I've long agreed with SH's view, I'd be happy to see Rangers in the third. As for players, tbh I'm not sure I agree with you. Players in the lower leagues tend to be on one year contracts and move around a lot anyway. Rangers will be able to pay slightly more than they would likely get otherwise, so you'll find people will happily sign for Rangers for a season.

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I'm not sure Clyde fans would agree with you on that!

Yeah, lack of contrition is an element in this. As is the insane ramblings of Leggo. Today's is a classic case of when you can clearly see the tears and rage in his typing.

Leggo Goes Nuts

Fantastic. He has been quiet about Alex Thomson (what happened to Alexander James Thomson BTW?) for too long so great to see him return to this topic. Shame no mention of Odious Creep.

Good luck getting folk to write to the NUJ Leggo, that will achieve sod all. Indeed, the NUJ in Scotland are more concerned with protecting their journalists who have been getting threats from Ra Peepel on Follow Follow.

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I've long agreed with SH's view, I'd be happy to see Rangers in the third. As for players, tbh I'm not sure I agree with you. Players in the lower leagues tend to be on one year contracts and move around a lot anyway. Rangers will be able to pay slightly more than they would likely get otherwise, so you'll find people will happily sign for Rangers for a season.

Their budget in the 3rd Division will be a little stretched by having to pay McCulloch £16k/week and Wallace the best part of £10k/week ! laugh.gif

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I take it Leggo missed Alex Thomson's apology and subsequent removal of the "John Grieg statue walking away" gif ?!

Leggo only appeals to the lowest denominator........an agent provocateur if you like.

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Without even reading this thread this morning, I have enjoyed two Rangers tidbits.

The BBC have a story about all the leavers, but the main event for me was the way Al Lamont sneakily brushed hid this bit under the carpet

Southampton have announced that Anderlecht will replace Rangers in this year's Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup, which will also feature Arsenal, because of question marks about the strength of the Glasgow club's squad.

And of course the other fun story is the Caley awarding an honorary doctorate to Uncle Walter for services to banking bigotry football.

Apologies if these have been mentioned already - I know how we hate going over old information!

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If you're voting a new club into the SFL then you can't be biased whether it comes in either good or bad form. They should be treated like any non-league club.

What's biased about considering all the facts about a club? They will be using the size of their fan base as the main reason they should be admitted due to the financial benefits it will bring. You cannot therefore ignore the negative side of those fans. Their bigotry and violence far outweighs any positive aspect to their re-entry into the Scottish game and for that alone they should never be allowed to discredit Scottish football again.

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If you're voting a new club into the SFL then you can't be biased whether it comes in either good or bad form. They should be treated like any non-league club.

They were when Airdrie United applied. They were rejected because of the potential implications of letting a Phoenix club back in.

And anyway, it Rangers transfer their SFA membership to Sevco, surely it'll be the same club in the eyes of the governing bodies?

Edited by craigkillie
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Twice today I drove past an Orc in an oldco shirt, both times I immediately thought of this thread and started pissing myself laughing.

Anybody else suffering from this strange condition & if there is more than just me suffering from it then we need to find a name for it!


I'd give you a greenie but i've been informed i have none left.

I only gave out one today. Anyone know why this might have happened?

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I would say that given the fact that Brown left his post on Friday, The S*n's story is probably out of date already as it was probably written in advance of all the departures from the club over the last couple of days. As much as I don't "get" twitter those whole story has been told far quicker through it and shows up the limitations of the newspapers nowadays. It's the only thing Green has said right so far, all the papers are good for these days is for fish and chips. Cheerio James et al.

By the way, Andy Goram on Facebook. I've seen it all now. Especially if he was using it during opening hours.

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Feel free to mix it up with mine if you can find anything worth using in it. I am liking your chorus.

Oooh a collaboration between a Caley fan and a County fan. That sums this whole thing up nicely. Diddies unite!

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