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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Leacving aside those double bookings, has someone pointed-out to them that the 1st round of the Ramsden's Cup is on 28 July????

They'll probably just be given the trophy, wouldn't want to upset Sky.

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Linfield on Champions League duty!

Blimey. Just think, in a few weeks Linfield will have played more Champions League games than your team has.

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I'd also like clarity on this from one of the weirdo die hards, if possible:

Can anyone confirm if an amendment to either proposal (1) or (2) has been lodged before Friday`s vote?

If they get a majority vote on proposal (1) as it stands then I think cockwomble and the gang have won the day.

Proposal (1) that SFL members agree to admit Sevco as an assoc member and agree to permit Rangers to play in the league during the coming season.

On the basis that this will be done sequentially and assuming they get the required 50% of the votes they move on to ......

Proposal (2) that the SFL members direct their board to provide thet Rangers play in SFL3 in the coming season unless the board shall have reached agreement with the SPL and FA regarding inducements whereupon the board shall be authorised to provide for Rangers to play in SFL1.

As it stands I don`t see that they can fail to vote for proposal (2) if they pass proposal (1). No matter how I read it, it still turns out the same way. They can either refuse them league entry or they go into SFL.1.

Can anyone reasonably expect a majority for refusing them entry into the SFL? If this vote goes ahead unamended then it`s a done deal. Cockwomble wins, sevco in SFL1 and my club only has vague promises of reconstruction by way of consolation.

Either proposal (1) is amended to make it clear that only SFL3 is an option or proposal (2) is amended to take the decision out of the hands of the SFL board and put in the hands of the individual clubs to be passed on a majority vote.

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That's great news! I've always had a soft spot for Arbroath, especially last season with so many ex Saintees in the squad. Glad that can continue unabashed!

I bet you're not half as glad as I am! The fact that we are not bowing down has raised my hopes somewhat that they won't get away with this.

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Blimey. Just think, in a few weeks Linfield will have played more Champions League games than your team has.

To be fair his profile says he's a "Rangers" fan. Doesn't necessarily mean he supports Sevco.

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The Big tax case cannot be pinned on Sevco - they are a completely new company that happens to own the assets of the old one. It is however still ongoing, though things very quiet. Channel 4 News Alex Thompson has been chasing HMRC and Ministry of Justice but getting nowhere.

They'll lose the BTC. Told that months ago.

I'm sure that's what's influenced events so far, the fact that Rangers are so guilty of so many crimes that not even the SFA could turn a blind eye to it. Forget any semblance of recognition of their guilt by Doncaster. He is away with the fairies and it is only down to to the SPL chairmen that the SPL has kept some dignity.

Doncaster has been so overwhelmed by events that he can barely keep upright. He's gone.

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So Doncaster is proposing a solution that will lose us, he claims, £20 million each year to avoid a situation that, he claims, will cost us £16 million each year. Like Doncaster I also have an MBA but I now think that it has been devalued. :(

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Ok next question....

I read that Rangers could replace players who left under the terms of the ban, is that true?

Probably 1 for HJ.

Under the terms of the signing ban the can only sign under 18s and resign (extend the contracts of) existing players.

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Ok next question....

I read that Rangers could replace players who left under the terms of the ban, is that true?

Probably 1 for HJ.

Original embargo, unless it was more detailed than was summarised, permits them to register U18s and players already at the club. Playing in SFL they could also use triallists. Don't think they could for example replace 'like-for-like' those refusing TUPE.

Although the way things are going, who knows, quite frankly.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Under the terms of the signing ban the can only sign under 18s and resign (extend the contracts of) existing players.

Is that definite GD?

I'm positive i read they could replace players who left, sadly that's quite a lot of "replacements"

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I bet you're not half as glad as I am! The fact that we are not bowing down has raised my hopes somewhat that they won't get away with this.

The whole thing's verging on comedy. We've had the SPL/SFA try everything in the book to bully the SFL into accepting these c***s into the First, and now it turns out that the great bribe is going to be a Committee meeting sometime in November, which may or may not vote through a proposal which Neil Doncaster told all and sundry would cost Scottish football £20million (when he was trying to force through the 10 club SPL) a few months back.

I actually hope the SPL/SFA/Mediawhores keep up these same tactics because all they're going to achieve is a massive "GIRFUY" from pissed off SFL clubs.

I would alove it if the meeting went something like:

Doncaster/Regan: We strongly propose that....

SFL: Shut the f**k up. Here's what's happening. You give us cast iron guarantees of reconstruction and distribution of income immediately. Failure to do so will result in Sevco not being admitted at any level in the SFL.

Doncaster/Regan: But but but we'll bring in SPL 2 and you'll be fu...

SFL: Shut the f**k up. You can have Sevco or no Sevco. Give us what we want, NOW, or we'll fucking ruin you.

Doncaster/Regan: We'll withhold the Settlement monies...

SFL: No, you fucking won't. Because we'll sue your sorry, quivering arses and you'll be monumentally fucked, possibly insolvent and your clubs will be fucking begging to be part of the SFL again.

SFL: Anything else? No? Well sign here and f**k off with your tails between your legs.

Pure fantasy of course, but it would be absolutely terrific.

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Original embargo, unless it was more detailed than was summarised, permits them to register U18s and players already at the club. Playing in SFL they could also use triallists. Don't think they could for example replace 'like-for-like' those refusing TUPE.

Although the way things are going, who knows, quite frankly.

From memory with Dundee they can use 3 trialists and at 4 games each maximum.

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I would alove it if the meeting went something like:

Doncaster/Regan: We strongly propose that....

SFL: Shut the f**k up. Here's what's happening. You give us cast iron guarantees of reconstruction and distribution of income immediately. Failure to do so will result in Sevco not being admitted at any level in the SFL.

Doncaster/Regan: But but but we'll bring in SPL 2 and you'll be fu...

SFL: Shut the f**k up. You can have Sevco or no Sevco. Give us what we want, NOW, or we'll fucking ruin you.

Doncaster/Regan: We'll withhold the Settlement monies...

SFL: No, you fucking won't. Because we'll sue your sorry, quivering arses and you'll be monumentally fucked, possibly insolvent and your clubs will be fucking begging to be part of the SFL again.

SFL: Anything else? No? Well sign here and f**k off with your tails between your legs.

Pure fantasy of course, but it would be absolutely terrific.

I lol'd :lol:.

Brechin's AGM was tonight. Any indication which way views swung and who decides (committee?)?

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The whole thing's verging on comedy. We've had the SPL/SFA try everything in the book to bully the SFL into accepting these c***s into the First, and now it turns out that the great bribe is going to be a Committee meeting sometime in November, which may or may not vote through a proposal which Neil Doncaster told all and sundry would cost Scottish football £20million (when he was trying to force through the 10 club SPL) a few months back.

I actually hope the SPL/SFA/Mediawhores keep up these same tactics because all they're going to achieve is a massive "GIRFUY" from pissed off SFL clubs.

I would alove it if the meeting went something like:

Doncaster/Regan: We strongly propose that....

SFL: Shut the f**k up. Here's what's happening. You give us cast iron guarantees of reconstruction and distribution of income immediately. Failure to do so will result in Sevco not being admitted at any level in the SFL.

Doncaster/Regan: But but but we'll bring in SPL 2 and you'll be fu...

SFL: Shut the f**k up. You can have Sevco or no Sevco. Give us what we want, NOW, or we'll fucking ruin you.

Doncaster/Regan: We'll withhold the Settlement monies...

SFL: No, you fucking won't. Because we'll sue your sorry, quivering arses and you'll be monumentally fucked, possibly insolvent and your clubs will be fucking begging to be part of the SFL again.

SFL: Anything else? No? Well sign here and f**k off with your tails between your legs.

Pure fantasy of course, but it would be absolutely terrific.


What annoys me is the SFL should be calling the shots with Regan and Doncaster shaking like a leaf, instead we get it the wrong way roundmad.gif

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Just wondering what the tactics will be for the meeting on Friday.

No doubt the people who really want to drive it are Doncaster especially and Regan.

Longmuir will have the courtesy from them to open the session, with usual preamble about the paper produced today (the pyramid stuff). This document was produced in an attempt to wrest the agenda away from the SFL clubs, and put the ball in Regan and Doncaster's court.

Then I would guess Reagan goes next. He will give a general doomsday scenario, but balanced with hope and chances. Talk about the state of the game, how we have a chance of creating a fairer split of money, better chance of promotion, etc. And Sevco have such a size of following they must be included in Div 1. It is also the chance to sort out the years of mismanagement we have had within the SFA, we can get constitution sorted etc

He will put some fear into the clubs but will emphasise the opportunities for them, the chance of getting more money, and possibility to progress.

Then Doncaster will be the hard guy. Essential to have Sevco in Div 1, without them sponsors run away. We can only survive 1 year before Sky disappear. Fancy presentation will give facts which obscure and confuse. Income down by hunners of percent. So vote them into Div 3 and half of you will be out of business within 18 months. The SPL is looking kindly on you just now, we are making big, very big concessions to you, but vote them into Div 3 and we take the ball away.

Then the clubs will have their say.

Part of the challenge for Doncaster & Regan will be to split the weak and infirm (emotionally, financially) from the definite Nos like Raith, Clyde etc. They need to isolate the Nos through fear and threats, and hug the Yeses.

Probably easiest to up the bribes for those who say yes on the day. But only those who say yes. It will be like an insurance salesman asking them to sign here and no cooling off period.

This is the real tough part to get right at the meeting. I assume Longmuir will wave with the wind. Regan good guy talking a brighter future after this for Scottish football, Doncaster threatening them with oblivion....unless.

Any deceit will be tried, vague promises will pop out of hats, whatever it takes.

Friday could be the last chance saloon for both Regan and Doncaster.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I lol'd :lol:.

Brechin's AGM was tonight. Any indication which way views swung and who decides (committee?)?

They seem to be a yes. Don't think there was anything 100% concrete one way or the other, but that seemed to be the vibes.

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