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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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If the part i have bolded was correct then perhaps yes, but even then he is supposed to investiage his sources to make sure they are reliable and dont leave him looking stupid.

However the part I bolded is not correct, so it makes Thomson`s position even stranger and if has got it wrong then he will lose shed loads of credibility.

Sorry Tedi, you've lost me. Why is it not correct?

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Happy Admin day everyone :D

rANGERs should celebrate by Jabba announcing the building of a Super-Casino and Sevco joining the North Atlantic league.

One year on and I'm still laughing, oh how time flies when you're having fun.

Restart the Doomsday clock. Tick tock, Tick tock!


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Fair point, they intend to apply, was his story.

Which makes the daily records "this story is shite, we have found no evidence of a WUO" arse licking even more ridiculous.

And in fact, makes traynor's meltdown over the last week, even more hilarious!

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No he's not... He's ran an exclusive, if it comes to fruition then that's fine, if not, so what?

How has he put his neck on the line, for decades we have been force fed bullshit by a rangers pandering media, few of their exclusives came home. Did all these journalists put their neck on the line?

You seem to be creating quiet the melodrama, deflecting towards Thompson.

Is it because he's took traynor for a wee walk, and lead him up a dead end. To everyone looking in, no one is looking at Thompson, everyone's pointing at traynor as he bites!

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These will pale in to insignificance if this turns out to be a non story, Thomson has put his neck on the line.

When you're putting out a story that will paint someone or an organisation in a bad light. You're gonna be pretty damm sure the evidence is water tight to avoid libel.

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So what?

If he got this wrong then he has ran an exclusive on a non story, a couple of disputed invoices, which will make him look foolish.

You are now deflecting this has nothing to do with other journalists or things that have happened in the past, these will not cover him if he has got this wrong.

Rubbish I was critical of Traynor too, do not start making stuff up.

Let me get this correct here Tedi ! it looks to me like you are defending Traynor these days by attacking Thomson in your recent posts ?

You support Green and now Traynor ! man you are off your head officially ! :lol:

Instead of posting facts about these two numpties Green and Jabba that are known bullshitters you will openly go head to head with P&Bers that these two are somehow innocent in ways enough for you to go out of your way to shoot down what P&Bers have posted about them ? :1eye

I'll be sure to be logged on when your next epic meltdown is live and dangerous Tedi :lol: should be a classic :)

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Alex Thomson is using the channel 4 website to publish his blog.


Clearly a sub domain of the main website, does this irritate you too?

However much you like the stuff that Thomson is putting out (I am assuming you do, apologies if this is not the case) you must at least notice that all his work follows 1 club, he never blogs about Say hearts and the Romanov saga, it always seems to be Rangers or stories involving Rangers, its hard to accept that his motives are thus impartial, I think he is now having a go at Traynor due to his new position.

Both of these blogs are utterly pathetic, they would not look out of place if they were written on this thread, fine for random nobodies like us but for the head of Rangers communication along with a well respected war correspondent it seems totally beneath them.

Thomson started well a year or so ago but he has been well and truly sucked in to the pettiness of it all.

Seriously ???

Here's a question.....How many clubs/companies have been liquidated in scottish football owing millions(allegedly) to various companies & HMRC ?

That's why rangers (now sevco) are being "picked on".

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When our share price went up many investors took their money and left

and that is fine. Rangers are currently only valued at £60M. We will be worth half a billion in 5 years.


£52.73m and falling by the day............

Tedi, you said yesterday/day before that the share price had no effect on the club. When it hits 'zero' I think you'll find that it does.

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Wow, Jabba must be under cover at SevCo to get closer to the truth of Greens secret plan to make millions and "walk away". It'll be serialized in the Daily Ranger after his triumphant expose and Jabba shall be hailed as the king of all journos.......



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Jouranalism obviously, Traynor says it's standard practice and i've no way of disproving or proving that, unless other journos get involved and give their views.

I know I really shouldn't but I'll bite - partly because I've a horrible feeling you are being serious and are not on the wind-up.

I've been a journalist at a local paper for just over six years. With the exception of advertising features (where someone is paying you to write positive copy about their business) I have never sent anyone I was writing a story about the article in advance - not for copy approval, not so they can't deny the article at a later date and not in a bid to extract more information from them. On occasion I have given someone the gist of a story over the phone or in an e-mail, but not the full thing. As far as I am aware none of my colleagues have ever done this or been told to do this by the boss.

Before I got this job I studied journalism at university for four years (a waste of time but that's beside the point). None of the lecturers ever suggested sending articles out in advance so someone can't deny it or in a bid to get more information. Neither did any of the prominent guest speakers we had - which included Kate Adie, Brian Taylor and Bob Bird, who was editor of the Scottish News of the World at the time. It didn't even come up in media ethics when we were talking about copy approval - the general message being not to do it.

Who knows, maybe things are different in the nationals or at the Record, maybe it's a wee trick Traynor stumbled upon, but I'm surprised that in more than 10 years of either learning about journalism or being a journalist the first I've heard of a tactic that is apparently so common that apparently you're not doing your job if you don't use it was in a pathetic blog post last night.

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Jouranalism obviously, Traynor says it's standard practice and i've no way of disproving or proving that, unless other journos get involved and give their views.

I know I really shouldn't but I'll bite - partly because I've a horrible feeling you are being serious and are not on the wind-up.

I've been a journalist at a local paper for just over six years. With the exception of advertising features (where someone is paying you to write positive copy about their business) I have never sent anyone I was writing a story about the article in advance - not for copy approval, not so they can't deny the article at a later date and not in a bid to extract more information from them. On occasion I have given someone the gist of a story over the phone or in an e-mail, but not the full thing. As far as I am aware none of my colleagues have ever done this or been told to do this by the boss.

Before I got this job I studied journalism at university for four years (a waste of time but that's beside the point). None of the lecturers ever suggested sending articles out in advance so someone can't deny it or in a bid to get more information. Neither did any of the prominent guest speakers we had - which included Kate Adie, Brian Taylor and Bob Bird, who was editor of the Scottish News of the World at the time. It didn't even come up in media ethics when we were talking about copy approval - the general message being not to do it.

Who knows, maybe things are different in the nationals or at the Record, maybe it's a wee trick Traynor stumbled upon, but I'm surprised that in more than 10 years of either learning about journalism or being a journalist the first I've heard of a tactic that is apparently so common that apparently you're not doing your job if you don't use it was in a pathetic blog post last night.

I wouldn't waste your breath.

There is only one corner of society where Jabba has any credibility left. They will defend him to the hilt despite the fact his succulent lamb journalism is more culpable for the mess they're in than anything the SFA or SPL ever did.

All we can do is point and laugh at their stupidity.

Duped! :lol:

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Thanks pals

Although happy year anniversary does not really fit in with the new club thing does it? ^_^

Just commemorating a special day, Ted. A year a go today shits n giggles went into overdrive and stayed that way. I got you a cake ;)

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jake the snake‏@celticservant

On BBC this morning @alextomo was referred to as a "cleanskin". This phrase was previously used to describe the 4 London bombers.alex thomson‏@alextomo

@celticservant as I pointed out on air!

quite sad how he has been sucked in

Another useless input from Tedi. Thanks for that.

Happy admin day. A failure is a failure is a failure. Rangers failed.

Rangers subsequently died.

The End.

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