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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Are you stuck with one of the old cinemas with a couple of screens? I guess it would annoy me if our local only showed a couple of films at a time, one of which would likely be a romcom every couple of months.

You have a weird thing for romcoms and a strange thing for defending comic book films bro.

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You have a weird thing for romcoms and a strange thing for defending comic book films bro.


I haven't even defended them; you just piqued my curiosity by wishing a tiny genre would become even smaller, affecting nothing else by doing so. Unless your local really does only have a couple of screens; fair enough, if so.


f**k romcoms. Can't say I care how many they make, though, as I'm not unfortunate enough to have workmates who talk about them all the time   :P

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I haven't even defended them; you just piqued my curiosity by wishing a tiny genre would become even smaller, affecting nothing else by doing so. Unless your local really does only have a couple of screens; fair enough, if so.

f**k romcoms. Can't say I care how many they make, though, as I'm not unfortunate enough to have workmates who talk about them all the time :P

Ok, I'll put this in different terms. If 6 James Bond films were released per year, would you not question it and find it samey?

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Mixed feelings about this one. Three main gripes.. The 'music' (courtesy of Shakira), is appalling. You'd maybe expect it in a pre-schooler's movie but this film generally plays to a slightly older audience. The main character's parents were excruciating and a straightforward rip-off of the negative character from Inside Out. Finally, I think there are editing issues where Disney-esque preachy themes are hinted at or built up but then forgotten or scrambled.

Loads of positives though. Idris Elba's gruff police chief character is good, there's plenty of laughs, plenty of reasons to blub at how sweet it is. It looks incredible too - the bar gets raised in this stuff all the time and this has to be right up there as one of the most jaw-dropping cgi films of any genre.


Edited by Shandon Par
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Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice 6/10


Not a bad film, but not a great one. Bum numbing in length it could have easily been trimmed by a good twenty minutes.

I mean, did we really need the whole Batman back story AGAIN? And the whole Flash, Aquaman thing, a bit of a timewasting distraction too. Not being particularly au fait with the comic book origins of all but the most mainstream of characters I had no idea who Doomsday was. Nor was it clear that he had any backstory or even a name. To me he looked like the "Generic Giant Lump Monster" which has disappointed across a range of films now, from Hobbitses to Avengers. No name, no features, unmemorable. 

There were other things that were just either confusing or pointless. Kevin Costner's brief appearance (pointless) and Supermans Nazi helmeted private army (where the hell did that come from?) are but two...

So, as someone who has some knowledge of the characters, but not a detailed one, the premise was decent. Acting, effects, etc, all good. Cavill & Affleck were good in their roles, and I don't think Affleck suffers from post-Bale syndrome. 

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Ok, I'll put this in different terms. If 6 James Bond films were released per year, would you not question it and find it samey?


No, I wouldn't give a f**k, as it doesn't affect the films I like to watch. There are way more than half a dozen spy thriller released every year already; they just don't all have a character called James Bond in them, just like all superhero films don't have The Hulk (although they fucking should have   :angry: )


I love rom-coms. Even when they are awful, I feel comforted and upbeat.

Nothing beats a chick flick and hot chocolate. Fabulous.


That has more to do with the intense eye contact/fingerbang action than the movie itself, doesn't it?   ;)

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Watched a cockney geezer gangster film called Assasin on Sky Store the other night with, surprise surprise Danny Dyer in it and the Kemp brothers.

Dont go expecting too much from these type of movies, if you want some pwapy facking nawty geezers, wisecracks, guns, drug use and the occasional bimbo getting her paps out go ahead. Unlikely to win any awards but like its peers delivers what you expect

5/10 an okay watch for an hour and a half but nothing more

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No, I wouldn't give a f**k, as it doesn't affect the films I like to watch. There are way more than half a dozen spy thriller released every year already; they just don't all have a character called James Bond in them, just like all superhero films don't have The Hulk (although they fucking should have :angry: )

Think we're going to just have to agree to disagree on this one man.

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Same old, same old.

These baddies really should give him the John Charles de Menezes treatment when they catch him.

Seriously, most times he just heads along when the baddies send for him. This time, as usual, he gets in the baddies car and is chauffeur driven straight to baddie HQ with his (usually doomed) f**k partner.

As usual he willingly hands over his gun. This time the baddies at least knock him out and tie him up.

Now, he should really get the Brazilian sparky treatment at this point. But no, as usual they let him escape and destroy another of their highly flammable HQs. Have the fuckers never heard of sprinklers and gas suppression systems?

Still, it held my attention to the end.


Edited by Scary Bear
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Inside Llewyn Davis


A thoughtful film about a struggling singer in the Greenwich Village folk scene in early 60's. It has all the elements and detail you'd expect from the Coen Brothers, a nice mix of dark humour, oddball characters and big doses of melancholy. Quite a few standout scenes like the hilarious recording of 'Please Mr President' and when Davis sings the song to his father but I'm sure, on first viewing, that I've missed a lot of the cross references and the significance of some of the song lyrics also the cat must represent something/someone.


Great supporting cast and when you see Bob Dylan on equal billing with Davis is that the Coens showing us that success is the flip of a coin with one becoming a worldwide superstar and the other fading into obscurity?


I'll give it 7/10 but I will probably score it higher after I've seen it again

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I Believe in Miracles (7/10)


Cloughie-inspired Nottts Forest obscurity-to-European champs a-go-go documentary. Brilliant story that could've been much better with less haphazard editing. Looked like two utter shitfests of finals too. One mark regained for the boogietastic soundtrack.


Never realised how many Jocks were a part of the setup.

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Same old, same old.

These baddies really should give him the John Charles de Menezes treatment when they catch him.

Seriously, most times he just heads along when the baddies send for him. This time, as usual, he gets in the baddies car and is chauffeur driven straight to baddie HQ with his (usually doomed) f**k partner.

As usual he willingly hands over his gun. This time the baddies at least knock him out and tie him up.

Now, he should really get the Brazilian sparky treatment at this point. But no, as usual they let him escape and destroy another of their highly flammable HQs. Have the fuckers never heard of sprinklers and gas suppression systems?

Still, it held my attention to the end.


I've not seen it but i could've told you all that.


They've been regurgitating the same story for 40 years now, how folk still get wet with excitement when a new one comes along is a mystery to me.

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Think we're going to just have to agree to disagree on this one man.


Aye, I'm just interested in people's motivations. I thought maybe your Da had been one of those Fathers 4 Justice guys   :P

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Boring as Hell Justice


An appalling mess of a film. The acting of Ben Affleck was probably the best part of the film. It was that bad. The scenes seemed in the wrong order and jumped about from place to place. Characters turned up with no introduction, exchanged clunky conversations and fought for reasons which were kinda unclear.

Seriously, the script was shocking, the score was overblown, the visuals were alright but monotonous. Character development was strange and all female characters were negated to damsels or annoyances. Eisenberg's Luthor was not menacing, merely a pissed off Michael Cera-esque VL. The mutant guy at the end was just a smashysmashy Hulk without any motivation.

It tried to combine the dark styles of Nolan's Dark Knight with the ensemble action of the Marvel Universe. The problem is that the only reason we accept the mad, unbelievable stuff in Marvel is the fact that the whole tone of the movie is tongue in cheek, comic and light.

It was a disaster of a movie IMO.

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