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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Gone Girl - "clever" plot let down by a cast with not one sympathetic character. You've got to be on someone's side at some point, surely?

There are many things wrong with that film but I'm not sure "not enough goodies" is a valid complaint. After all, none of us are without sin...

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Eastern Promises - 8/10. Movie never gets old, what a turn from Mortensen.

Nightcrawler - 7/10. Very strange but compelling movie. Dont really know if I liked it or not if that makes sense.

Starred Up - 7/10. Intense performance from O'Connell, I was pretty steaming watching it so cant really remember that much about it :lol:

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Just watched Gone Girl there and thought it was great, very clever. Not the best movie I've saw but a very enjoyable 2 and a half hours. Rosamund Pike is incredible aswell which helps.

I enjoyed Gone Girl. However, I thought it was good in spite of Rosamund Pike's performance. Whenever she had any sort of dialogue I was close to cringing at how poorly she delivered it.

I think this may be an unpopular opinion, maybe that's what the director wanted (I doubt it), but she didn't really work for me.

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Went to see "The Imitation Game" on Saturday night.

Great performances from the cast and the film managed to carry a good deal of suspense despite the fact that most folk probably know before seeing it roughly how it all works out.


Edited by Ross.
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Watched a few classics over the weekend.

Raising Arizona

Coen Brother's movie. This is probably my new favourite movie of all time. Over the top hilarity from the start, the chase scene after the robbery was amazing. Nicholas Cage was really good in this and the soundtrack with the banjo and yoddela-ing was amazing.



What a film! Can't believe it took me this long to watch it. Robert Carlyle is incredible and frightening as the angry Begbie. Ewan McGregor was good too. Hilarious Spud. Poor Tommy. Amazing tunes too - Underworld and Pulp.


Usual Suspects

Keyser Soze mm..



My first Hitchcock. Bit slow to begin with but the crescendo when Ferguson is piecing everything together starting with the necklace was amazing. Thought Scottie was just insane as well..


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John Wick - wasnt expecting a "stylish thriller". Wouldnt recommend it, was pretty corny. Thats the second time in a year ive gone against my gut instinct and watched a film even though i didnt like the lead actor. Should have gone with inital thoughts on both occasions.

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Come and See (1985) Dir. Elim Klimov - 8.5/10. Very deep and intelligently made film. Would like to watch it again some time. The unsettling and claustrophobic atmosphere that pervades the whole film inevitably turns into genocidal murder and revenge. The final scene when Florya finally shots his rifle is incredible.

Alan Partridge : Alpha Papa (2013) Dir. Declan Lowney - 6.5/10. Like many British television comedies didn't quite make the leap to film. It's not bad but it's also probably the weakest product in the Alan Partridge back catalogue.

Faust (1923) Dir. F. W. Murnau - 7/10. Brilliantly staged and shot, the scene where Mephistopheles flies over the town on his giant bat wings is creepy and frightening, a classic scene. However the story is different from Goethe's version, my preferred text of the Faust legend, and it is a silent movie and ultimately Faust comes from a literary tradition.

Edited by Ya Bezzer!
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Just watched Capote and been mesmerised by Seymour Hoffman's performance. So much so that I've ordered Capote's book about the murder case.

Don't really know where to post this, but does anyone know of any books/films that are Worthing looking out for in regards to finding out more?

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I've spent the last couple of years watching the same films becuase I've been to lazy or just not interested in anything coming out at the cinema. Now I'm enjoying going through films I've heard mentioned in the past and getting what I can from screener season.

Locke - 6/10

One of those films that keeps you hooked till the end but it's not really memorable.

Gone Girl - 7/10

Agreed to go and see this because it looked decent enough and more importantly it wasn't an average action film or rom com. I'd never read the book and tried to avoid reading any spoilers so it was all fairly surprising to me. It was one of those times where it's just better to get lost in the film and ignore the flaws in the story.

Birdman - 8/10

The plot itself wasn't amazing but the long shot concept and great acting more than made up for it. Not a great ending and the drumming did get a bit annoying but still well worth the watch, will probably watch it again in a couple of months.

Foxcatcher - 8/10

Steve Carell made this one, I don't think I've seen him in a serious role but he was flawless in this. I don't really like Channing Tatum at the best of times because when he's trying to look sad, angry or intense he looks like a confused gorilla. Other than that I found it very interesting mostly because of Carell's performance and character, the ending was good.

Requiem For A Dream 5/10

I've just watched it now and f**k sake that was grim. I kind of expected a film that fits into the trainspotting, human traffic mold but a little more intense and hard hitting. Ive never considered myself the kind of person that always expects an uplifting or happy ending but this just leaves you feeling depressed or numb. I'm struggling to understand how some people enjoy it but it get's a 5/10 for being memorable. I'm away to watch something cheery.

Obviosuly if I'd done my research on these or knew anything about films I'd have known what to expect, but then I wouldn't of enjoyed them nearly as much. Next up is Whiplash which I've also heard good things about.

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Randomly watched two thematically similar films (unstable, conniving, vindictive, alcoholic, substance-abusing, delusional main character in meltdown, both with a big reveal near the end) in very different circumstances (Scottish policeman; Yankee rich wife) over the last two night without know what either movie was about beforehand.

Filth (7/10)

Good fun with some laugh out loud moments and the usual cutting blows at Scottish life that Irvine Welsh is so good at spotting and telling. A bit corny in places, but well acted overall, especially James McAvoy and Eddie Marsan.

Blue Jasmine (9/10)

One of Woody Allen's best in recent years imo. Loved the current/flashback structured way of revealing her past demise and current attempt at trying to rise, played exceptionally well by Cate Blanchett. Highly recommended.

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Big Hero 6

Decided to watch it earlier cause I was bored at home. Gotta say it's a good film. Not the best Disney have ever produced, but it's got a few good laugh out loud moments and the emotional side you'd expect. The fist bump bit had me in stitches tbf.

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