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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw Jupiter Ascending tonight. Complete garbage. Even the gorgeous Mila Kunis can't save this one. No idea what was going on half the time and despite being quite good visually the plot line is contrived at best. The only way it could get worse would be if Michael Bay directed it. Avoid like the plague (2/10).

Shame because the other films I've seen so far this year have been crackers (American Sniper, Big Hero 6, Kingsman and Shaun the Sheep).

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2 oldies tonight courtesy of ITV2 and Sky one.

Shaun of the dead, still gets a chuckle, isn't too serious. The garden hopping bit always has me in stiches. Easy 4.5/5.

Bruce Almighty, classic Jim Carrey. Not watched for a while, Morgan Freeman as God always makes me smile as well. Easy 4/5 IMO.

Tomorrow nights pre match of the day entertainment not yet confirmed but looking likely to be the Angels share, or the other guys.

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Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter 8/10

Really enjoyed this, reckon it would be right up loads of people on here's street actually. Don't wanna give too much of the story away but it's about a Japanese woman who sees the bit at the beginning of Fargo where it says 'this is based on a true story' and thought it was real.

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Wild Tales, an Argentinian dark comedy. 6 short stories all examining little stuff that can happen in your life in an over the top, hilarious fashion.


The big lebowski

"You see what happens when you f**k a stranger in the ass", " good night sweet prince", logjammin, jackie treehorn, Jesus, "Mark it zero".

Amazing 9/10


Macy and McDormand are both excellent in this dark picture. Marge just seems like such a real life person..

"So that was Mrs. Lundegaard on the floor in there. And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper. And those three people in Brainerd. And for what? For a little bit of money. There's more to life than a little money, you know. Don'tcha know that? And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day. Well. I just don't understand it."


Team America

Wasn't as good as how my mates described it, but that's probably down to me taking so long to watch it, when most of the iraq/afghan stuff has died down. Loved the songs though "Aids, montage and buck-o-five". 6.5/10

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The big lebowski

"You see what happens when you f**k a stranger in the ass", " good night sweet prince", logjammin, jackie treehorn, Jesus, "Mark it zero".

Amazing 9/10

I just about choked to death in the cinema when The Dude gets all James Bond and decides to trace over the notepad page :lol:

Absolutely glorious film.

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