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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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When Carter arrives in Newcastle and orders "a pint of bitter in a thin glass" (wtf is a thin glass?), that bar is full of regulars as extras. There's an old guy with polydactylism  (he has 6 fingers on one hand) which you can see quite clearly.
It's a brilliant film well worthy of your 9/10.

A thin glass is what you drink out of these days.

In the 70's most pubs sold pints in dumpy glasses with handles.
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Kong: Skull Island (Amazon rental) - 7.5/10

Quite enjoyed this as a switch your brain off action film. Bit of a different telling of the Kong story. Plus it has Brie Larson in it who is lovely!!

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On 28/07/2017 at 21:47, Arch Stanton said:

When Carter arrives in Newcastle and orders "a pint of bitter in a thin glass" (wtf is a thin glass?), that bar is full of regulars as extras. There's an old guy with polydactylism  (he has 6 fingers on one hand) which you can see quite clearly.

It's a brilliant film well worthy of your 9/10.


Get Carter.jpg

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The Sentinel.

Saw it was on BBC1 the other night so put it on the planner as synopsis & cast looked decent, despite it being a decade old I hadnt seen it.

3/10 major let down. First twenty minutes or so looked relatively promising then just meandered into a pile of cliche strewn action scenes, pantomine bad guys (the terrorists seeking to kill Mr President are hilariously boo hiss bad with a ridiculous back story and background) & good guys with a rather predictable plotline. A condensed version of 24 with a half hearted turn by Kiefer Sutherland and a 'here for the pay cheque' performance by Michael Douglas. Was made around the time as Desperate Housewives hence the shoehorned in role for Eva whatshername....frankly her pointless token character could have been left out altogether with no impact on the quality, good or otherwise of the film. Kim Bassinger still looked pretty decent for her age but the US President here was wetter than an Easter weekend in Burntisland.

Pretty pish and a waste of an hour and a half.

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The Family(Netflix)

Robert De Niro as a mobster under the witness protection scheme living in Normandy, a couple of good bits aside it's all a bit corny ,decent turn from Michelle Pfeiffer as the wife and the daughter is entertaining ,just stick it on the pile of average De Niro films which are starting to outnumber the good ones sadly. 5/10


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The Founder

As the tags don't seem to work I'll warn folk now **SPOILERS BELOW**

The story of how McDonalds became the powerhouse it is today. I had heard about how McDonalds came about and that it was created by two brothers who didn't get the credit but that's as much as I knew.

To begin with I was impressed with Kroc and frustrated along with him at the McDonalds' refusal to budge on any new ideas. I thought he was doing all the work for little reward. My support soon faded and he turned into a complete dickhead. The 3 standouts being him taking another man's wife - it wasn't really portrayed that way but given he appeared to chase her and his personality I would assume he was the one doing the chasing, his pathetic offer to buy the brothers out and failing to give them their 1% and the final nail in their coffin by opening his 100th shop across from them which effectively put them out of business. You've taken their idea why ruin them as a business as well? They were hardly going to cause him trouble. The guy must have been a c**t of the highest order and I've no respect for him after the film. The only positive was his wife leaving the fortune to charity and I really hope the brothers lived a comfortable life.

A good film overall though.


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Captain Underpants

Gloriously bonkers. A psychedelic mix of Blazing Saddles, Dr Strangelove and The Lego Movie. A few times I nearly choked to death watching this. 

I would have happily sat and watched it again. It's not one of those kids films with jokes for kids and clever nods to the grown ups - it's just bonkers. 


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Look Who's Back 10/10

Have read the book and had zero idea there was an adaption til I came across it on Netflix the other day!

German film, Hitler mystically reappears in 2014 and has to find his way in the world. He's picked up by a down on his luck news reporter and quickly Hitler becomes a media sensation, ostensibly as a comedian but that's not what he thinks. Slowly he becomes more and more popular.

This is one of the best films I've ever seen, seriously. It's a comedy in that there are several laugh out (REALLY) loud moments, most notably a man claiming that African refugees have an IQ of 40-50 and Germany used to have an IQ of about 80 (seriously this bit is so brilliant I had to pause it); a re-enactment of the famous bunker scene from Downfall (only with a different character in the Hitler role); and a scene where screenwriters have to think up the most offensive jokes they can possibly think of (I'm ashamed to say i laughed like a fucking drain at one in particular in fact I just started laughing again just thinking about it).

But it's really dark and serious at the same time, it has the least happy ending you can imagine and it's really an allegory for the recent rise in the far right, not just in Germany but across Europe. 

I might well draw this back a bit in the future but it's at least a 9.5 and possibly a 10. I'll give it the full marks just now as I cant pick a fault in it. There's actually so much more to it than what I've described. It's a masterpiece of political black comedy the likes of which I've never seen before. Surprised it hasn't had more press.

Edited by Christophe
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The Girl with all the Gifts (SKY)

British zombie flick ,by no means the worst of that genre and a slightly different slant on the main character but ultimately another run of the mill zombie picture, which is basically a survival movie, very hard to be original with it now I suppose. Watchable enough 5/10.

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Look Who's Back 10/10
Have read the book and had zero idea there was an adaption til I came across it on Netflix the other day!
German film, Hitler mystically reappears in 2014 and has to find his way in the world. He's picked up by a down on his luck news reporter and quickly Hitler becomes a media sensation, ostensibly as a comedian but that's not what he thinks. Slowly he becomes more and more popular.
This is one of the best films I've ever seen, seriously. It's a comedy in that there are several laugh out (REALLY) loud moments, most notably a man claiming that African refugees have an IQ of 40-50 and Germany used to have an IQ of about 80 (seriously this bit is so brilliant I had to pause it); a re-enactment of the famous bunker scene from Downfall (only with a different character in the Hitler role); and a scene where screenwriters have to think up the most offensive jokes they can possibly think of (I'm ashamed to say i laughed like a fucking drain at one in particular in fact I just started laughing again just thinking about it).
But it's really dark and serious at the same time, it has the least happy ending you can imagine and it's really an allegory for the recent rise in the far right, not just in Germany but across Europe. 
I might well draw this back a bit in the future but it's at least a 9.5 and possibly a 10. I'll give it the full marks just now as I cant pick a fault in it. There's actually so much more to it than what I've described. It's a masterpiece of political black comedy the likes of which I've never seen before. Surprised it hasn't had more press.

Been toying with watching this for ages, keeps popping up on my netflix as I'll watch anything about the war, the story just sounds a bit daft so expected it to be awful.
Will give it a watch now.
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The Big Sick - 8/10
Boy meets girl, boy upsets girl, girl goes into coma is the premise. 
It's well written and has some fantastic acting. Well worth a watch.

Sounds awfully like a Smiths song.
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