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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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It's nice to be able to relax for the last round of the quiz, knowing that your safe from relegation.  I mean. only a total f*ck up now could see me in any danger at all.



Oh shit :(

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32 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I would, but you can't add the letter "I" to a numerical cell.

Not to worry G_Man1985 ... it's the home-made Ride Her Haggard cup tomorrow, with a Cardinal Guarantee™ of no Australian questions. All I need to do is write the quiz and think up a new and exciting format for the 4th round. @Tynieness -- is Thursday night not your "drunken inspiration" night? 

Tynieness advised me yesterday that he's off the sauce on a school night.. Could be his sober inspiration night?

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That used to be the case, yes, but a recent amendment to the P+B Quiz League constitution (that was ratified by a cross-section of league members two people said aye and one said naw), it is now best score, 2nd best score etc. 
The drama plays out in this thread a couple of hundred pages back. 

My apologies! Feel free to relegate me for my misdemeanours!
Anyway a 5/10 to end the week, that was a stinker!
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On 19/07/2017 at 12:48, Cardinal Richelieu said:

And has anyone seen old @LiviLion ?


9 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

LivlLion has got his work cut out if he wants to avoid relegation back to the Scum League....


Knew there was a reason I stopped playing :thumbsdown

6/10 for Friday, knew 2. Doon I go. 

Edited by LiviLion
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