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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I read it and understood it immediately. If you genuinely believe that announcing an extra £350 million would be sent to the NHS had absolutely no effect on the way people voted then I have absolutely no reason to continue debating with you. To be clear - I'm not saying that the £350 million figure is wrong (even though it is, as you've shown), I'm saying the fact that they said it would go to the NHS absolutely changed the way people would vote - if it was having no effect then why the f**k would the Leave campaign put it on a fucking bus and drive it round the country?

Slurp it all up, Pet.

Yeah, but it was only really £10bn-£17bn that they lied about, so that's ok.

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Looking forward to a pint in my local tonight where I'm sure to get pelters. I can hear them now... "WTF has this got to do with some Mickey Mouse Court in Scotland,?"

Can't wait to point out that Scotland is supposed to be an equal partner in this so called Union and Scottish Courts are just as relevant as any other within the UK.

Should be an interesting night - just hope I don't get barred. My next nearest pub is almost half a mile away, and their food isn't so good.


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40 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

What? This lie, where the courts threw the complaint out?


I believe the £350m  per week was a gross number and therefor misleading. £200-250m would have been the more accurate net figure. But whatever is the right number, it amounts to £10bn to £17bn pa. The UK state spends over £800bn pa. £10-£17bn is neither here nor there. The Brexit decision is one of principle - do you want to be part of an emerging United States of Europe? Or do you want to be a smaller more independent unit with closer trade links to the rest of the world and (largely) free from EU rules/laws. There are plusses and minuses on both sides of that decision. But surely to fck the decision didn't rest on 1-2% of UK government expenditure. Would you have voted differently if the number on the bus was £500m pa? Of course,not. Do you think any newly independent peoples  -e.g. the Irish in the 1920s should have concluded actually they might be a few % points financially better off as part of the union with the bigger neighbouring state and therefor they shouldn't really want their independence. Of course not. It's a decision of principle, not pennies.

btw, you need to come up with better insults than soup-related pish.

Ouch, what a mess.

Gammony puddles all over the place, the rage from little englanders and brexiteers has improved my day immeasurably.

Looks like Boris might have to return to parliament with his tail between his legs. 

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So we English are supposed to Bow Down to the EU * and the Scottish Assembly run by the nasty SNP SHOWER * ??? Well we are NOT STANDING FOR IT *
We are English. What do we care about Scottish judges or Mexican judges Give them independence and get rid.
It's just ridiculous. The sooner Scotland clears off the better.
Boycott all Scottish Whiskey Buy American "Jack D" instead !!!
Build that wall.
Iron bru is $h!t
Good job nobody cares what the Scottish think
Those abnoxious Scots are out of control. They have audacity to imply that just because English were telling them what to do for 300 years they have a right to suggest what English should do for five minutes.
Sick of Scotland why don't you lot stand on your own two feet instead of The British People paying for you.
The legal expert on LBC says that it is up to the government to recall Parliament and that aint gonna happen. So that shipped has sailed regardless of what Scotty macScot, reviving the spirit of Braveheart, thinks, opines or declares. Go chomp on a haggis in your own parliament

I can almost feel the little flecks of spit on my face.

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6 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:


So we English are supposed to Bow Down to the EU * and the Scottish Assembly run by the nasty SNP SHOWER * ??? Well we are NOT STANDING FOR IT *

We are English. What do we care about Scottish judges or Mexican judges Give them independence and get rid.

It's just ridiculous. The sooner Scotland clears off the better.

Boycott all Scottish Whiskey Buy American "Jack D" instead !!!

Build that wall.

Iron bru is $h!t

Good job nobody cares what the Scottish think

Those abnoxious Scots are out of control. They have audacity to imply that just because English were telling them what to do for 300 years they have a right to suggest what English should do for five minutes.

Sick of Scotland why don't you lot stand on your own two feet instead of The British People paying for you.

The legal expert on LBC says that it is up to the government to recall Parliament and that aint gonna happen. So that shipped has sailed regardless of what Scotty macScot, reviving the spirit of Braveheart, thinks, opines or declares. Go chomp on a haggis in your own parliament



They're right about Irn Bru tbf.

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16 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

This is simply superb stuff. Glorious scenes. As noted earlier, we just need the UK Supreme Court to rule the actions as lawful and then independence here we fucking come #inevitable

Not for me I’m afraid.

As much as I’d want independence, any ruling that legitimises Boris and his actions is not good for anyone.

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38 minutes ago, Gaz FFC said:

The state of this fella


can not wait for the day when a hardline brexiteer challenges these traitors for everything they are worth. If these MPs really want to see what will happen if democracy is betrayed, then carry on, because there is people out there who will cause absolute carnage on the streets making the yellow jacket riots look like a tea party.


A 70 year old's fantasy.  


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