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The Official Former President Trump thread


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4 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

People who want to defend their constitutional right to be racist can f**k off.

The problem with drawing up exceptions is that we end up like Canada with kangaroo Human Rights Courts. Then you have journalists objecting to immigration forced to spend thousands of dollars defending themselves when left wing activists drum up charges.

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1 minute ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

The problem with drawing up exceptions is that we end up like Canada with kangaroo Human Rights Courts. Then you have journalists objecting to immigration forced to spend thousands of dollars defending themselves when left wing activists drum up charges.

Aye, much better having nazis mowing people down in the streets. Canada seems to be coping ok, even have a functioning healthcare system and a leader who can read, write and understand policy alternatives.

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7 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

What is the obsession with 'cucks' anyway?

f**k knows, but it really upsets them. I'm not even really sure exactly what defines a 'cuck' but it seems to have something to do with your reaction to female ghostbusters.

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The problem with drawing up exceptions is that we end up like Canada with kangaroo Human Rights Courts. Then you have journalists objecting to immigration forced to spend thousands of dollars defending themselves when left wing activists drum up charges.

The harm of allowing marches like that one far outweighs the harm to the Nazis of them not getting to scare minorities. As I'm sure you well know. Hence why inciting hatred in such a way is illegal in much of the civilised world, including in this country.
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7 minutes ago, GAD said:

f**k knows, but it really upsets them. I'm not even really sure exactly what defines a 'cuck' but it seems to have something to do with your reaction to female ghostbusters.

Cuck is a person(usually male) who has been completely brow beaten and is totally submissive to their partner to the extreme. They are the kinda person who will allow a partner to cheat, hit and otherwise disrespect and use them and simply put up with it or even turn around and defend the partners actions when questioned or challenged over it.


Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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5 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:



Cuck is an alt right term invented by 4chan teenagers to refer to Republicans who aren't full blown Nazis. ie. from cuckold, someone whose been conned by the feminazis and libtards into selling out the White Nation.

Edited by welshbairn
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You really do have to be a special kind of loathsome to put this much energy into white-knighting Nazis. Mind; I suppose anyone who believes that the USA has "far-left" local governments is well and truly detached from reality. We can only shudder when we imagine what kind of country this turd would like to live in.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that white men are genetically superior to all others; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the right to gas Jews, hang black people from trees and the pursuit of happiness."

Hey shitferbrains. Here's an example of some other libtard snowflakes that didn't have much time for the likes of you.



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Back to the Civil War chat, it should be noted that the Union didn't go into the war offering or fighting for emancipation.


You could probably argue various war crimes were commented during General Sherman's 'march through Georgia', so you can see why the white south is quite protective of those who fought for the Confederacy. I can imagine there is resentment of them being portrayed as the 'bad guys'.


I'd broadly agree with the old quote that goes something like 'never has a war been fought so well and so passionately for such a cause so terrible'


These 'alt-right' and neo nazi guys out on the streets today are utter scum though.


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Not an expert, but think the Civil War kicked off from the expansion into the West. Northern farmers who were the bulk of people going out didn't want Southern settlers competing with them with slave labour. So it was about not expanding slavery rather than banning it in the South.

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I'm curious if any of you has ever actually met a fascist or Nazi? It's a weird preoccupation the left has. They're mostly dead and gone, and were never really that big a deal in the US or UK. On the other hand we have a radical left which models itself after Lenin and Mao who are all over the place in both our countries attacking supporters of mainstream political parties. Which seems to be the bigger threat to democracy? 
And it's odd that people seriously consider Trump a Nazi because of his immigration stance. He's far, far to the left of Roosevelt and Churchill on that topic, and those are the guys who actually fought fascists when it existed.
The fact is that these rallies can be policed peacefully if the proper measures are passed and jail time is legitimately threatened for anybody who steps an inch out of line. Political violence is a disaster for any society and only serves the interests of authoritarians in the end. The other fact is that these Nazi groups have the support of .01% of the population and if people would just ignore them it would be better for us all.

I met Ray Hill who infiltrated the National Front - I believe anything he told me before your shit.
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9 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

A small gathering of oathkeepers and 3%ers


There now. A perfect example of Conservatives who were only pushed to the right because liberals were mean to them. And then once they were forced to become Nazis, then all they wanted was to exercise their freedom of speech by imprisoning, murdering, torturing and enslaving Jews, Roma, homosexuals, liberals, the disabled, trade unionists, Poles, Slovaks, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah's Witness and anyone else who didn't fit their ideals. Just a bunch of misunderstood patriots who, if the police had been doing their job, would have been protected from those evil leftists. Because no matter what the media tells you...it's the liberals who were the problem, not the Nazis.

Or something.

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8 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

There now. A perfect example of Conservatives who were only pushed to the right because liberals were mean to them. And then once they were forced to become Nazis, then all they wanted was to exercise their freedom of speech by imprisoning, murdering, torturing and enslaving Jews, Roma, homosexuals, liberals, the disabled, trade unionists, Poles, Slovaks, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah's Witness and anyone else who didn't fit their ideals. Just a bunch of misunderstood patriots who, if the police had been doing their job, would have been protected from those evil leftists. Because no matter what the media tells you...it's the liberals who were the problem, not the Nazis.

Or something.


Swallowed the red pill... 

Edited by tongue_tied_danny
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7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Not an expert, but think the Civil War kicked off from the expansion into the West. Northern farmers who were the bulk of people going out didn't want Southern settlers competing with them with slave labour. So it was about not expanding slavery rather than banning it in the South.

It has a small part to play but it's more of the straw that broke the camels back.  You got to remember Abe Lincoln's Republican Party never got a single vote in what would become the Confederate States.  We moan now about getting Government we didn't vote for, think what a Sotherner felt back then.

Also if the Confeds one then it wouldn't have been called a Civil War

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It really is a special type of cognitive dissonance when you start claiming that those opposing Nazis and fascists are worse than the Nazis themselves.

Also lol at the 'far left governments across the country'.

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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Aye, much better having nazis mowing people down in the streets. Canada seems to be coping ok, even have a functioning healthcare system and a leader who can read, write and understand policy alternatives.

They also have a kangaroo court system which is used by radical leftists to shut down dissent and designated official "oppressed" groups to settle grudges. Sorry, judging by the responses to me from people on this board I have no reason to set up a system which 100% will be exploited by certain people as a tool of government oppression. Would rather have Nazis be able to give a speech from time to time.

10 hours ago, Enigma said:

Back to the Civil War chat, it should be noted that the Union didn't go into the war offering or fighting for emancipation.


You could probably argue various war crimes were commented during General Sherman's 'march through Georgia', so you can see why the white south is quite protective of those who fought for the Confederacy. I can imagine there is resentment of them being portrayed as the 'bad guys'.


I'd broadly agree with the old quote that goes something like 'never has a war been fought so well and so passionately for such a cause so terrible'


These 'alt-right' and neo nazi guys out on the streets today are utter scum though.


Southerners love to point out the differences between the "total war" Northern forces conducted on the South and the actions of Lee's army during their incursions into Pennsylvania and Maryland. They were only allowed to take what was absolutely necessary for survival, weren't allowed to completely ruin any single person, and left money (Confederate money so it turned out to be worthless in the end) for what they did have to take.

10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Not an expert, but think the Civil War kicked off from the expansion into the West. Northern farmers who were the bulk of people going out didn't want Southern settlers competing with them with slave labour. So it was about not expanding slavery rather than banning it in the South.

Roughly. Western expansion was a controversial political issue. It's why Texas was forced to exist as an independent country until pro-Southern factions took power. It's also why the Mexican War was so controversial as many anti-slavery folks worried that the pro-slavery elite planter class would use the opportunity to realize their Golden Circle fantasy of adding territory all around the Gulf of Mexico which would be slave territory. More than competition from slaves, it was about the type of crops which grew best in the soil as people moved west. Wheat and corn vs. tobacco, cotton, and sugar. There were other issues regarding the ideology of the new Republican Party which led to secession right at that moment. The new Party was heavily in favor of high tariffs to fund mass infrastructure programs and support the industrialization of the economy. The South was an import / export economy, so they would bear the brunt of higher tariffs. Also, the planter class which politically controlled the South through various shenanigans had always opposed any large scale internal improvements because it would open up areas outside the black belt for economic development, which would threaten their monopoly on political power in Southern states. They opposed a manufacturing based economy for the same reason. That's why Unionist sentiment was strongest in Appalachia. The western part of Virginia split off, Appalachian Kentucky votes kept that state in the Union, Eastern Tennessee was the home of Lincoln's Vice President Andrew Johnson and they had to be put under martial law by the Confederate government, and there were rebellions against the Confederacy in Northern Alabama. But obviously the long term protection of slavery was the overriding issue.

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10 hours ago, Shotgun said:

You really do have to be a special kind of loathsome to put this much energy into white-knighting Nazis. Mind; I suppose anyone who believes that the USA has "far-left" local governments is well and truly detached from reality. We can only shudder when we imagine what kind of country this turd would like to live in.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that white men are genetically superior to all others; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the right to gas Jews, hang black people from trees and the pursuit of happiness."

Hey shitferbrains. Here's an example of some other libtard snowflakes that didn't have much time for the likes of you.



Yep, true heroes who were fighting for the rights of Muslims to move en masse to their hometowns and for the transgendered to use the bathroom of their choice.  

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50 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

It really is a special type of cognitive dissonance when you start claiming that those opposing Nazis and fascists are worse than the Nazis themselves.

Also lol at the 'far left governments across the country'.

Don't think people who admire Lenin and Mao are any better than people who admire Hitler. The commies get the edge in the bad guy race in our current environment because they are more likely to engage in political violence and there seem to be more of them about causing trouble.

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