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c***s on the road

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Five single measures of spirit, is the equivalent of two and a half pints of beer. 

In England the drink driving limit is considerably higher than Scotland. 

I also agree the judge showed incredible leniency however. 

Edited by Cosmic Joe
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4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I wonder how this person would have been sentenced if they weren't an attractive blonde 20 year old?


Absolutely mental. Pretty gobsmacked at that tbh. 

3 hours ago, coprolite said:

Learners still aren’t allowed on motorways, right?

I'm sure you get taken on it on "pass plus" courses.

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It worries me why someone would drive to a nightclub intending to drink alcohol and then not plan on driving home as they decide to work to a “am I really drunk on a 0-10 scale?”. 

“She said that evening she had drunk about five cocktails, alternating with water, since 7pm but claimed it had been a couple of hours since her last drink when she got in the car. 

She said she was a two on a scale of one to 10 in drunkenness, with 10 being 'totally drunk'.

Tests showed Elliott had 49 micrograms of alcohol in 100 milllilitres of breath, the legal limit being 35mg.”

Fcuking disgusting leniency from the judge. 


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Surely, if by your own admission on the random 0-10 drunk scale you don’t score 0 then driving is a terrible idea. 

The magistrates are away with it here,  certainly feels like there’s something dodgy in the background to get no punishment.

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On 14/07/2023 at 17:04, Miguel Sanchez said:

I'm not sure whether it's best to put this here or in the Car Advice thread, but I think this one is technically closer. 

I'd like to learn to drive. Based on what I can see on the government's website if I don't have a passport, I can't apply online: Apply for your first provisional driving licence - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

I have to get a form from the post office and send it away along with my birth certificate and national insurance card/payslip/student card. This seems like a bit much. Does anyone have any recent experience of this?


On 14/07/2023 at 19:41, parsforlife said:

Don’t have experience of it so can’t help but the government’s approach to everything post brexit is to desperately try and avoid anyone not British from doing anything and have completely ignored how much of a pain in the arse they are creating for the vast majority who shouldn’t need to prove their identity every 5 minutes.   The amount of times a job is delayed because someone who has maybe left Britain for 2 weeks in their entire life but need to hunt down documents to prove their right to work is an absolute joke.


On 14/07/2023 at 20:04, alta-pete said:

The driving license and passport offices seem tightly linked. Having one gets you an easy renewal of the other. If you’re starting from the ground floor with nowt I’d expect they’d make you jump through all sorts of hoops. Can’t be having these off-grid individuals suddenly getting on the system. 

I've just decided to apply for mine. did it this way, no hassle so far...

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Just now, Miguel Sanchez said:

How far along the process are you?

haha only did that website bit right now, provided my Passport ID and NINO. Paid, nae doubt they will find something to say is fucked

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5 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

haha only did that website bit right now, provided my Passport ID and NINO. Paid, nae doubt they will find something to say is fucked

Oh. Well, I'm still yet to find anyone who's done it without a passport. Good luck.

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12 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I wonder how this person would have been sentenced if they weren't an attractive blonde 20 year old?


I searched Chris Riches and I found that he works for The Daily Express.


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40 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Oh. Well, I'm still yet to find anyone who's done it without a passport. Good luck.

I applied for my provisional without a passport. It was no hassle at all. This was a few years ago now, but IIRC all I sent my was my NINO, birth certicicate and proof of address x2. Received everything back around the time I received my provisional. Think it took about a nth or so for to process everything, and once all was ok, about another 2-3 weeks.

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The Halo Effect in practice. A 20 year old project manager too. 

For those that dinna ken, the Halo Effect is a psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to ascribe positive personality traits to attractive people. People who are conventionally attractive are thought to be more competent and better people. You might think you don't do that, but they earn higher salaries and receive lighter sentences too. 

20 year old project manager indeed.

Aye, I am bitter.

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The High Court in Glasgow heard how Alexander McKellar collided with Mr Parsons on the A82 between Bridge of Orchy and Tyndrum on 29 September 2017 McKellar did not seek medical assistance for the 63-year-old at the roadside. The damaged car involved in the killing was dumped at the nearby Auch Estate along with the brothers' phones. They then returned in a truck to where Mr Parsons was still lying. He was placed into the vehicle along with his bike and other personal belongings. The brothers went back to the Auch Estate and initially hid Mr Parsons' body in a part of the woods. He was later taken to another location used for "the purposes of disposing dead animals". The brothers then dug a grave and buried Mr Parsons along with his personal possessions.


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On 24/07/2023 at 18:01, Empty It said:

All the twats on the A1 slowing down to 20 mph to rubber neck a van that had come off the road.

rubber necking eh...

A few years ago I was driving along South St and there had been a crash outside the BAe yard, right at the front doors.  Boy off his bike, ambulance, several police cars, could see it for ages.

Everyone is slowly going by, I have a wee a wee look and  BANG - I've went into the erse of the Punto in front, it's went into some Lexus.

Next to me the missus is shouting "WTF", and a good half dozen polis are all wondering who's doing the paperwork on this w ⚓

Not my proudest moment

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Driving home last night, on the M8 going east. I pull into the outside lane safely at 70 mph in anticipation of overtaking a lorry. There is a car in front a distance away which I imagine is also going to overtake the lorry.

I catch up with the car in front, maintaining a safe distance (no tailgating). The car is doing 60 mph and is unlikely to overtake the lorry. I am now stuck behind this idiot with another car coming up behind me and I can't go back into the inside lane as cars have caught up with us. I even resorted to the BMW tactic of flashing my lights at the car in front.

I have to let the cars on the inside lane undertake me and then go back into the inside lane and undertake the 60 mph car 

I get to Hermiston Gate roundabout and as the lights are at red Mr/Ms Slow catches up. They are in the lane for going back West (outermost lane) Lights change and I notice in my rear view mirror Mr/Mrs Slow having to signal to change lanes to continue going east

The car had a UK number plate and I could only guess it was a confused foreign tourist in a hire car or a confused coffin dodger. But what a cnut.


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11 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Driving home last night, on the M8 going east. I pull into the outside lane safely at 70 mph in anticipation of overtaking a lorry. There is a car in front a distance away which I imagine is also going to overtake the lorry.

I catch up with the car in front, maintaining a safe distance (no tailgating). The car is doing 60 mph and is unlikely to overtake the lorry. I am now stuck behind this idiot with another car coming up behind me and I can't go back into the inside lane as cars have caught up with us. I even resorted to the BMW tactic of flashing my lights at the car in front.

I have to let the cars on the inside lane undertake me and then go back into the inside lane and undertake the 60 mph car 

I get to Hermiston Gate roundabout and as the lights are at red Mr/Ms Slow catches up. They are in the lane for going back West (outermost lane) Lights change and I notice in my rear view mirror Mr/Mrs Slow having to signal to change lanes to continue going east

The car had a UK number plate and I could only guess it was a confused foreign tourist in a hire car or a confused coffin dodger. But what a cnut.


Probably @coprolite thinking you were doing 80mph.

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