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Guest Moomintroll
What so three cops in England, one of whom, Nick Adderly is an outstanding leader who misspoke at a press conference (at a time of unprecedented stress and pressure) and all of a sudden thats the police everywhere arseholes abs overstepping their bounds aye?
Dick heads coughing on cops to try give them corona virus, cops who are carers and cant see their loved ones for fear of giving them corona virus because front line cops still dont have ppe. Cops offering to come back from annual leave to help out instead of staying safe at home. Aye but just you concentrate on a couple of examples of it in a different country.
Oh Christ no, don't come off your holiday to help your mates out, folk on here don't like that sort of thing.......
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1 minute ago, Jambomo said:

It’s really quite amazing that some people don’t seem to care about catching a deadly virus. 500 notices issued? Clearly people do need things spelt out to them.

People are thick, selfish, thick, obtuse and thick.  There’s a couple on here.


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When top cops in the country are being admonished by Priti Patel's home office for being a bit too fash then there is clearly a problem.

Yup. No surprise at all that British cops are over eager to get their truncheons out.
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13 minutes ago, coprolite said:

He didn't say that. That's not what mountain biking is, it's riding a mountain bike. 

Anyway, what if you live in the mountains? 

Do you really think he meant you're fine on a road bike or a hybrid but not a mountain bike? And if you live next to a mountain, feel free, but take it easy so you don't break something.

P.S. Mountain bikes to most people are like Chelsea Tractors are to Range Rover owners.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 minute ago, Savage Henry said:


I would have thought my wording would have been clear enough. Evidently not.


So you think that the odd over zealous police officer is bigger issue than the fuckwits who are endangering lives?  Interesting.

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How are we supposed to know when the peak is when our figures are totally out of whack? Two days in a row there's been 700 deaths from previous days appearing in the figures and a pretty modest (against the numbers as a whole) being reported to 5pm the previous day. 

Absolutely dismal stuff. 

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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you really think he meant you're fine on a road bike or a hybrid but not a mountain bike? And if you live next to a mountain, feel free.

I don't know what he meant tbh. There was a clear line of no non essential travel that made perfect sense and was easy to understand. He hasn't added to that message, has diluted the core message and probably alienated people by making it sound like it's enjoyment that's the problem. 

It's shite communication 

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10 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

It’s really quite amazing that some people don’t seem to care about catching a deadly virus. 500 notices issued? Clearly people do need things spelt out to them.

For some, it will be the fact that they are deliberately flouting these laws/guidelines that will be driving their behaviour. 

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10 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

Going by the initial shortages that first week or so, there'll also be a lot of people eating nothing but spag bol for the foreseeable.

Saw something yesterday when I nipped down for some things at the local freezer shop which I hadn't really considered before, and must be a problem for some places. There was an old boy in front of me  - maybe late seventies - who got into a conversation at the till as his stuff was getting rung up, and then stood there attempting to carry it on by himself for at least a minute after he was ostensibly good to go, with the lassie behind the till assiduously not making eye contact and giving nothing back before he eventually wandered off.

When I moved forward, she told me that kind of awkward moment was happening to her twenty times a day just now...the staff have been told not to get into long conversations at the till to minimise contact, but the old yins who sadly maybe don't speak to anybody else all day just haven't got the memo that things have changed and will still try to stand and shoot the shit not understanding they're putting themselves - and indeed her - at risk.

Well that's just thoroughly depressing.

They've put up perspex barriers at our local Sainsbury's, which means you can talk to them without risking each other. Good way to do it.

The missus was in Tesco in Bathgate last night, she said less than half of the other shoppers were respecting social distancing. Folk walked by her like everything was normal.

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13 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Do you really think he meant you're fine on a road bike or a hybrid but not a mountain bike? And if you live next to a mountain, feel free, but take it easy so you don't break something.

P.S. Mountain bikes to most people are like Chelsea Tractors are to Range Rover owners.

The roads are so shit that it makes sense to ride a mountain bike on them - especially in the gutters that you get forced into by traffic.

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Guest Moomintroll
Throbber no but Bairnardo more of a surprise.  Thought he was more a sneaky pervert in the mold of looking at bra pics in the Kay's catalogue tbh.
Turns out he is a feeder.
I could see him getting lost in the folds tbh.
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5 minutes ago, Michael W said:

How are we supposed to know when the peak is when our figures are totally out of whack? Two days in a row there's been 700 deaths from previous days appearing in the figures and a pretty modest (against the numbers as a whole) being reported to 5pm the previous day. 

Absolutely dismal stuff. 

I think they were just making sure we didn't burst through the 9k barrier, we're being played like an old fiddle. 

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