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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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30 minutes ago, GiGi said:

"But casting your party vote for the Scottish Conservatives - even if it's just this one time" (it's in bold on the leaflet as well)

It's actually saying look we know we're a shower of b*****ds so just give us your SNP BAD vote and you don't have to feel too guilty about the horrible policies we'll enact given any kind of power.

Nasty, shameless shower. Patrick Harvie said it best. These people have nothing to offer Scotland.

It’s really quite bizarre and, as far as I know, unprecedented. Baroness Blimp’s branch office, in their campaign literature and TV spots, isn’t just not offering Scotland anything, it’s openly just seeking to deny Scots something. And they don’t pretend they even want to govern; they’re admitting they just don’t want another party to govern, because they’ll try and they give us something the Tory chiefs don’t want us to have. It’s incredible. This isn’t a party; it’s a pressure group based in another nation, seeking purely to deny Scotland what Boris Johnson has told them Scotland is to be denied. All pretty much proves that Tories don’t just not care about Scotland - they actively hold it and its people in active contempt. 

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I still want to know how they propose to repeal the cross-party supported HCB with the roughly 20% of the votes and seats they are likely to end up with. The clearest case of pandering to a shrieking minority, with no actual ability to pony-up, that you'll ever see. It's as laughable as them pandering to the same people by 'talking about sex based rights', when they are the party who gave us the Rape Clause, and their ideologically driven austerity and welfare cuts punish already deprived and disadvantaged women more than any other group in society. What's all the more baffling is watching self-professed 'feminists' tying themselves in knots in order to justify voting for them.

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I’ve also got my first Labour one.

I’ve also received SNP, and Tory. However no sign of Lib Dem.

I didn’t receive a Lib Dem one at the last election either until the day after the election.

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I’ve had 1 Labour, 2 Tory, nothing from SNP or Greens and about 20 from the Lib Dems.

Labour’s did look like they’ve finally realised that out-Torying the Tories might not be a viable strategy and they should actually offer some policies. We’ll see how long it lasts.

We got the Tory one above and one that actually mentioned the local candidate, but basically banged on about the spaces for people thing that has all the NIMBYs up in arms round here.

Lib Dem ones have all be pretending to be a newspaper calling itself the ‘West Edinburgh News Gazette.’ One of my neighbours delivers them, might ask if he can just fire it straight into the bin for me and cut out the middle man.

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26 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

My first leaflet through the door. Anas Sarwar's Scottish Labour. Doesn't mention the SNP or independence once. Are they learning?

I thought it would be hilarious with Anas in charge but fair fucks to the guy, he appears to have leårned from previous mistakes, probably deserves 2nd as the Tories aren't even hiding the fact that they've nothing to offer Scotland. 

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Listened to Ross today on the Kaye Adams phone in where he spent the first twenty minutes on SNP evil, Referendums and Independence then his line went dead for about 10 seconds and then he came back on and no more mention of Independence etc from him, now it was all about the tories 5 main manifesto pledges and streamlining EU export paperwork.

I suspect he got a slapped down phone call in that ten seconds telling him to get off the SNP and onto policies, the fool's a puppet getting his strings pulled.

And as for blabbering on to the fisherman of how the tories are actively trying to streamline EU export paperwork so that Scottish Exports can be transported to the EU easier, what a load of nonsense, the paperwork is generated from the EU, the tories have totally alienated themselves from the EU with Brexit, so this clown is asking us to believe that the tories can influence and demand the EU streamline their paperwork.

There are fools and then there are fools, and this fool takes 1st prize.

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18 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

streamlining EU export paperwork.

That is completely impossible, well impossible whilst outside the EU. A third country cant dictate the export procedure of another country, you would expect Dougie to know that but fair fucks to him if he's trying to spin it.

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Surely this should make people realise that Both Votes SNP doesn’t work, SNP taking 44% of the list vote but only getting 2 seats, the Tory’s getting 22% and 26 seats.

If you want independence just vote Green on the list or you’ll end up with more Tory anti-Indy seats ffs.

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4 hours ago, 101 said:

That is completely impossible, well impossible whilst outside the EU. A third country cant dictate the export procedure of another country, you would expect Dougie to know that but fair fucks to him if he's trying to spin it.

Correct and I'm sure that every Scottish exporter listening to Ross babbling that this morning that know that he's talking shite.

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I thought it was highly amusing that they've completely given up on even trying to present any positive case for voting Tory, but this is a whole leap of point-and-laugh embarrassment beyond that. The leader of a major political party that stands candidates in every single seat actively advocating for voters to vote for a rival party. Oh my days. :lol:

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That bordered on tubthumping by AY-nas. He spoke well, inciting the spirit of Keir Hardie and Donald Dewar but Gordon Brown?

Gordon Brown is a lying rat scumbag who preyed on the vulnerability of pensioners during the Project Fear campaign. A man to be reviled not revered.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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My first leaflet through the door. Anas Sarwar's Scottish Labour. Doesn't mention the SNP or independence once. Are they learning?

It would appear that they are. Said it before and I’ll say it again - if Scottish Labour declared they were open to independence their support would, as it by magic, skyrocket. They’re already realising that the SNP/INDYREF2BAD strategy isn’t working, they surely must know this would help them claim back lost supporters. Thing is though they probably don’t have the guts to do it. Starmer wouldn’t like it either.
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45 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

I thought it was highly amusing that they've completely given up on even trying to present any positive case for voting Tory, but this is a whole leap of point-and-laugh embarrassment beyond that. The leader of a major political party that stands candidates in every single seat actively advocating for voters to vote for a rival party. Oh my days. :lol:

IIRC their entire campaign last time was "We want to be the opposition", and now they are actively telling their supporters to vote for someone else.

I get that there is a bit of self-awareness that they know they probably won't ever be the majority party at HR, but surely it's fucking idiotic for a party leader of one of the leading parties (number, not quality of MSP) to be coming out with this shit?

It's not a great analogy, but you don't see Burger King encouraging folk to go and eat at KFC to take down McDonalds.

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Symptomatic of complete and utter desperation. 

If you are so desperate to prevent something that you are willing to encourage the electorate to vote for your ideological enemy, then it can only be because you believe that the 'something' is certain to become reality should your greatest fear come true.

It's obvious that despite all the protestations to the contrary, the Tories know damned fine that continually denying a referendum in the face of overwhelming endorsement of the SNP simply is not a tenable or credible position, therefore they are willing to stoop to literally any depths to prevent that scenario.

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