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Favourite toys growing up.

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1 hour ago, Newbornbairn said:

Anybody ever play "snips"? Two players cut a deck of cards, highest wins. Loser makes a fist and the winner gets to belt him off the knuckles with the deck of cards by the difference between the two cards, (if winner was 10 of clubs and loser was 6 of diamonds, the loser took 4 hits).  Skinned knuckles and blood a-plenty. 

Red numbers = soft hits, black numbers = no holds barred.  None of the difference nonsense with us though, you got exactly the number you drew.

Can't remember how we worked the J/Q/Ks, but what I do know is that a black 10 equated to something that wouldn't be out of place in a Django type film.  

Eta: looking at my knuckles, I might actually have a long lasting souvenir from this primary school 'game'.  As was typical, the school would ban it and it would quickly return under another name.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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1 hour ago, hk blues said:

We had a Brian Sherriff's in Dundee too, a real old style toy shop - I too bought my model railway stuff there.  The only other one I can remember in Dundee was the originally named The Toy Shop.  

Brian Sherriffs, that's a real blast from the past, used to love it in there.

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3 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Brian Sherriffs, that's a real blast from the past, used to love it in there.

Yep. right on the corner - was it next to the Town House, or maybe even the Town House later?

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2 hours ago, madwullie said:

We used snipes as a punishment for holding cards at the end in switch (no of cards = no of snipes) 

Absolutely brutal stuff. Decks of cards covered in blood etc. 

Nae divebombs was the rule when we played, ie the cards had to be held flat rather than vertically, although this generally ended with knuckles being battered to f**k rather than ripped to shreds

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1 hour ago, Newbornbairn said:

Aye, our school tried to ban it with no success. Just made it more popular. 

I remember a candidate for the terrible excuses thread involving somebody who had evidently drawn a high black number and had been spotted with shredded knuckles by the teacher after it had been banned (this would have been P6-7 at the time).  Apparently he hadn't being playing snips, but had been in goals where he had been punching a football that must have had stones stuck to the outside of it. 

Not quite as bad as the phantom dog that managed to enter the school and do a jobby on the boy's toilet floor though.  To the shock of a certain P7 pupil, it would seem that teachers are capable of differentiating dog poo from human excrement, but that's another tale...


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12 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I remember I got one of these out some sort of shop similar to Poundstrecher 


Unfortunately decided to have him grab on to the metal guard bit of my grans electric fire and his chest and part of his face melted and he ended up looking a bit like Simon Weston 

No, he just looks like his mum as he gets older.JACKIE-STALLONE.jpg.750x400_q85_box-0,13

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4 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

Anybody ever play "snips"? Two players cut a deck of cards, highest wins. Loser makes a fist and the winner gets to belt him off the knuckles with the deck of cards by the difference between the two cards, (if winner was 10 of clubs and loser was 6 of diamonds, the loser took 4 hits).  Skinned knuckles and blood a-plenty. 

We called it raps and scratches- raps was when you got belted with the cards, scratches was when they drew the cards across your hand- I'm sure my mate's dad had filed the cards (the cheating b) so that drew blood as well. 

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59 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Not quite as bad as the phantom dog that managed to enter the school and do a jobby on the boy's toilet floor though.  To the shock of a certain P7 pupil, it would seem that teachers are capable of differentiating dog poo from human excrement, but that's another tale...

^^^ a certain P7 pupil

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On 24/05/2021 at 09:53, Hedgecutter said:

Did anybody else make their own Scottish Cup draws by writing club names on ripped up bits of paper and using dice to determine the scores*.  Squeaky bum time as teams you didn't like made it through the rounds.

First time I saw somebody doing that was in a boring lesson at school - the guy next to me kept rolling a pencil across the desk then writing things down. He'd marked the numbers on the sides of the pencil as presumably using dice would have been too obvious!

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Utterly delighted that I wasn't the only one to make up imaginary cup tournaments.

Genuinely thought there was something wrong with me for thinking that was a fun way to pass an hour on a Sunday afternoon.

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1 minute ago, scottsdad said:

I had this (the T2 game was outstanding)


I still recall the absolutely immense feeling of accomplishment when I managed to finish the bike chase level for the first time. Actually watched the movie a few months back on telly one night and that scene in the movie just made me think of this game.

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Amusingly, Commodore also released a keyboardless C64 console, and included the Terminator 2 cartridge in a T2 pack.

You had to press the space bar to start the game.

Edit: also, I'm sure we all remember that classic Terminator line, "I will return"  :unsure:

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I got one of the new C64's loaded with old games. Three problems with this. First, never go back - the graphics, gameplay and all that have moved on. Better to remember these games as cutting edge rather than going at them now. Second, the games that are there are a bit mediocre. No T2, Gryzor, Elite, Paperboy or anything like that. A few decent ones like Attack of the Mutant Camels.  Thirdly, these games are really, really difficult. Anarchy for example is a timed puzzle game that is a right brainmelter. 

Add to that I no longer have the reflexes of a 10 year old. I love having a joystick again but my wrists can take maybe 20 minutes before getting tired. 

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My dad used to bring me a toy car every Friday - I had a big box full of them that I'd tip out onto the carpet and play. I used to make streets with cardboard boxes as the buildings.

Later I had Lego and later still a huge amount of Meccano. As a matter of fact I still have all the Meccano at the back of a cupboard; haven't touched it in decades but it's too good to throw away.

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We've been talking about football games. I had this one - it's called 'Footballo' and requires literally no skill whatsoever - the counter representing the ball is moved around according to the roll of the dice.* The upside of this was that you could play it on your own; the downside is that it was really quite shit. 

* Yes I know this is plural but common usage, you know...



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3 hours ago, GordonD said:

We've been talking about football games. I had this one - it's called 'Footballo' and requires literally no skill whatsoever - the counter representing the ball is moved around according to the roll of the dice.* The upside of this was that you could play it on your own; the downside is that it was really quite shit. 

* Yes I know this is plural but common usage, you know...



No skill involved

Moving the ball about on based on the roll of a die

It's Brechin City's tactics board, isn't it?

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