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Banning Children


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I’ve never had any problem with other passengers behaviour on any flight I’ve ever been on. Find it strange that so many people seem to run into complete reporbates every time they fly.

Children being in public is not a huge problem, despite what some spam faced moaners will tell you. If Turkish Airlines charge people £40 for no reason then more fool those who pay it.

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As other people have said on this thread the kids aren't to blame its the w****r parents that are getting more and more common who refuse to parent their child in any way, doesn't make it any less irritating when you've got a kid booting your seat for hours on end though.

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1 hour ago, Empty It said:

As other people have said on this thread the kids aren't to blame its the w****r parents that are getting more and more common who refuse to parent their child in any way, doesn't make it any less irritating when you've got a kid booting your seat for hours on end though.

"This is your Captain speaking. Could mothers of small children please be aware that booting the seat could lead to a boot in the pie..."

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Bad behaviour by children is far more often than not the fault of an adult who can't/won't parent the child. Bad behaviour by adults is far more common and, on some routes, almost expected on aircraft sadly. There's a portion of the adult population that ought to he transported in the hold, never mind an adults only section. 

And yes, it is annoying when you have a kid crying and screaming. You know what's more annoying? The arsehole parent that just sits and ignores the child or does absolutely nothing about it. 

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30 minutes ago, Sugar_Army said:

I wonder what a flight could turn out like if it is full of adults who feel they do not need to mind there p's and q's and can liqueur up as much as they like because no kids about.

^^^ desperate clutching at straws

We've already had no child social settings for just over a century - they're called real pubs and the behaviour in them is fucking great thanks.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Children being in public is not a huge problem, despite what some spam faced moaners will tell you. 

You also think that landlords literally emptying tenants off the land and into total destitution is not a huge problem though, so your judgment can be filed in the bin where it belongs.

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4 hours ago, DrewDon said:

I don't have any thoughts on this particular proposal, but I am usually a bit sceptical of people who make a thing out of being intolerant towards children and young people. 

There’s an entire corner of the internet dedicated to these weirdos over on r/childfree. The kind who think that despising children is a personality trait.

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2 minutes ago, eez-eh said:

There’s an entire corner of the internet dedicated to these weirdos over on r/childfree. The kind who think that despising children is a personality trait.

It is making it part of your personality that is a big red flag for me. I have actually found women to be quite a bit worse for it than men, especially round about my age, but that is purely anecdotal. 

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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I’ve never had any problem with other passengers behaviour on any flight I’ve ever been on. Find it strange that so many people seem to run into complete reporbates every time they fly.

Children being in public is not a huge problem, despite what some spam faced moaners will tell you. If Turkish Airlines charge people £40 for no reason then more fool those who pay it.

Flew to NYC in February and right from the off the guy in front of me had his chair fully reclined. It didn't really bother me as I had a range of shows/films to watch on the screen so was as happy as a pig in shit. 

What did piss me off was when I had to get up for a pee and naturally would brush the back of his chair as it was now tighter due to him, the c**t would slam into his chair. I slightly pushed it to show my wife his response while laughing saying "can you believe the cheek of this?". 

Part of me really wishes I'd just thumped the back of his chair when he did this but I'm far less confrontational nowadays sadly. 

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13 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

It is making it part of your personality that is a big red flag for me. 

Haven't encountered the r/childfree movement myself, but the lack of irony recognition in this statement is fucking wild.

Parenthood/weans has to be the most significant centre point for adult personality definition above the age of 30 in modern society, in the absence of organised religious belief or any other mass organisation.

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4 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

I am referring to a small number of people who seem to make their intolerance of children and young people almost into a personality trait, rather than anything to do with whether or not they actually have children of their own. 

Which would be fair if you didn't overlook the significantly larger number of people who make the existence of their own children the integral part of their adult identity and personality.

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6 hours ago, Empty It said:

On the way home from work I caught a bit of conversation on BBC Radio Scotland that there is a Turkish airline now offering adult only zones on flights for an extra £40. 

Travel blogger thought this was an excellent idea. Parent bloggers argument was its not fair as a parent of 3 children she also would like a relaxing flight but it's not possible.


What do the P&B masses think and should this be implemented in other surroundings?

I personally think it's a great idea and the woman complaining its not fair because she can't have a relaxing flight was one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.

She made the lifestyle choice to have children :lol:.  

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