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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 hours ago, GingerSaint said:

The argument against Tennis and Golf are that the Olympics should be for amateur athletes.

A ridiculous proposition. IOC members are making more from their Olympic per diem than 99% of the athletes competing earn from their sport in a year, yet people want the athletes to earn less? It'd be like the US college system where the people generating the profit can't even accept a free hamburger.

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Can't be fcuked with these amateur only sports events as they just come over as a Europa League type tournament rather than the full blown 'best of'.

Eta: Also, seeing a fire engine fire past (pun not actually intended) and automatically getting that "I turned the iron off, right?" niggle.

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When a footballer scores a late away goal in front of the travelling fans, then runs the opposite way instead of celebrating in front of them. Leroy Fer did this at the weekend.

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6 hours ago, throbber said:

That car alarm I mentioned in another thread that has been bothering me went off at 2 am earlier. Probably been hearing this alarm for a few months now but I honestly can't remember how often it's been going on but it's quite a busy area and it surely disturbs a good few dozen people at least. Should I take the number plate down and report it so the owner gets hit with an ASBO? My thinking has always been that someone else was going to report the thing but it's obliviously not been addressed. It surely must wake the owner of the vehicle up as well so I'm pretty baffled as to why it goes on for so long. Maybe the person just parks there and lives elsewhere but who ever owns the car is an absolute c**t.

You don't say whether it sounds continuously once it starts. I think it's even worse when it sounds for about thirty seconds, then shuts off, then a minute later it sounds for another thirty seconds, and so on. By the third or fourth cycle the anticipation of waiting to see if the f***ing thing is going to go off yet again or if the owner has finally sorted it out is almost unbearable.

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People walking along who stop dead without warning to consult a street map, so that you bang into them.

People standing consulting a street map, who wheel round without warning and start walking in an unexpected direction, so that they bang into you.

There's going to be a lot of that about while the Festival is on...

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7 minutes ago, throbber said:



It's a constant sound, I didn't check the time when it went off but would estimate it went on for half an hour maybe. Think it went off again a couple of hours later as well, didn't hear so well as window was shut though. I want a proper argument with the owner of it just to see exactly what is going on because if they are aware of the problem but just too tight to get it fixed then they are actual scum.


Are you sure it's a car alarm and not a building alarm? Car alarms tend to shut off after a couple of minutes.

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6 minutes ago, throbber said:



Would a building alarm not automatically trigger a call to the police to come investigate? I doubt it would be going on so often without it being fixed by occupants of the building. Unless car alarms and building alarms sound the exact same then I'm sure it's a car or a van.


Not necessarily, depends if the company or owner involved paid for it to be linked to a company who would inform the police directly.


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As a long serving member of the constabulary, a building alarm doesn't necessarily forward to the local pig sty.
Totally depends on the neighbourhood, if you are a high roller, it will.
If I were you, I'd take the current guidance from Police Scotland.
Pan the windscreen in, place note on driver seat- note should read "w**k er"

Same rules apply

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.

Should have saved your wee brother, ya dick.
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10 minutes ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

Luckily, brother blades is always on hand to assist.

Same fuckin rules apply

Sent from a dark, dank hellhole.

I'd be raging about the film if I was you, turned you in the book into a bit of a jessie, to be frank.

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