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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm doing a training course this week that is held in the centre of London, I am one of 2 remote attendees and the rest are in the training room itself.

I'm no longer mentally equipped to hear someone say "somethink" in a horrible Michael Caine-esque voice.

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15 minutes ago, philpy said:

4 customers at work today sporting "man buns". Get a proper man's haircut, you fucking Nancy boys.

You should have refused to serve them.

Not that they'd know that was the reason you weren't serving them given your history, but we'd know.

We'd know

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36 minutes ago, philpy said:

4 customers at work today sporting "man buns". Get a proper man's haircut, you fucking Nancy boys.

It seems to be the modern equivalent of the largely unmissed mid-90s 2" yuppie ponytail - basically long hair for guys who don't want to commit to actually having long hair.

Team with gauged ears and extravagant facial fungus for instant cuntitude.


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Apparently my flippant comments are upsetting. People should just realise that I say shit without thinking and shouldn't take it to heart.

Ohh and my ankle definitely does now hurt, it's the size of a tennis ball and has turned blue!

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5 hours ago, WeAreElgin said:

I'm doing a training course this week that is held in the centre of London, I am one of 2 remote attendees and the rest are in the training room itself.

I'm no longer mentally equipped to hear someone say "somethink" in a horrible Michael Caine-esque voice.

Horrific mispronunciation there.

It's "somefink". Sowt yahsewf aht, you faackin' mappet.

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Ohh and my ankle definitely does now hurt, it's the size of a tennis ball and has turned blue!

Yeah, I had this a couple of months ago and sounds like you've probably knackered your ligaments. Doctor had one look at mine and gave the look that clearly said "aye, that's f***ed". Everything from the lower shin down turned blue-purple and puffed up after a couple of days, foot just looking like a pork joint and totally out of action. Just keep it elevated and on ice when you can.

Oh, and enjoy the not-so-fun physio exercises which I'm still having to do just to get back to jogging pace. :(

Eta: Could just be a real nasty sprain I suppose, you'll know soon enough if the ice and tube grip stop the internal fluids from doing their thing.

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