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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

"I know you think I worry too much, but I don't think you worry enough"

What the f**k does that even mean? As long as I live I'll never understand them.

I think the only course of action if anyone ever said that to you is to fart and then walk off.

Even if you need to force it and follow through, you'll still be the winner here.

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Drivers who don't have the common decency to thank you for letting them past when they didn't even have the right of way. On you go ya ignorant bint.

I presume you're on about the folk that evidently just assume that if a line of parked cars are blocking their lane then they're entitled to half the remaining road.

Also add people that think they're entitled to own and clog the stretch of public road / pavement adjacent to their home. I include my own mother in this whereby my mum/step-dad/two brothers had six cars between them and she had a rant at me about how the council said that she was blocking the stretch of busy road in front of the house with four of them. A "Where else am I going to park?" mentality that I also disappointingly heard from a friend recently who was called up for blocking a neighbour's driveway when coming to a party.
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20 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Folk at my work who seem to be having some kind of competition to see who can make the most complimentary comments about each other.

Everyday is full of "I love your... hair/top/shoes/sunglasses/skirt". I get they are being nice but its the same conversation multiple times a day, every day.

Slightly allied to this.....I used to work in an office with a glass partition with 5 women on the other side of it (to try to keep them from ravishing me obviously) .  One was a quiet spinsterish soul and everyone liked her/ felt sorry for her.  Three of the others were a witches' coven.  The fifth one was treated abominably by the three for absolutely no reason other than she wasn't in their coven.  The catty comments were disgraceful and no matter how she tried to fit in and compliment the three, she just couldn't get it right.  She had done nothing wrong at all and eventually left due to the atmosphere.  All-women offices are a nightmare.

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More fucking weather chat.

It's like some boring, cliched nonsense charade that everyone must take part in and play their boring, stupid roles. It's almost as if they've been given lines for it, and just parrot them on and on.

Brainwashed or at least conditioned, and I'm being serious when I apply that to weather chat.

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Up here we've got no weather today.

That makes no sense.

I agree with DA. Unless it's absolutely scorching hot people will say it's a horrible day. I genuinely don't know how these people (mostly old ones) have coped living in the UK their whole lives, when more than half the year it isn't sunny and to them that's simply dreadful apparently. When people complain about the weather in fucking January it's even more obscene. Were you expecting to break out the suncream or something?

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33 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:


That makes no sense.

I agree with DA. Unless it's absolutely scorching hot people will say it's a horrible day. I genuinely don't know how these people (mostly old ones) have coped living in the UK their whole lives, when more than half the year it isn't sunny and to them that's simply dreadful apparently. When people complain about the weather in fucking January it's even more obscene. Were you expecting to break out the suncream or something?



I have sunbathed in February in Ayr.

Dug the car out the snow to go my summer holidays in May in Glasgow and been pelted with hailstones in July, Ayr again.

Perils of a maritime climate8)

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I'm watching the repeat of Dara O'Briain's Go 8 Bit and the first game they played was Crash Team Racing.

I was seething at how disgustingly terrible they all were at it

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I grew up in a part of the country where rainfall was high even by British standards. Sometimes it was every single day, seemingly for weeks on end. At times you would start to run out of dry clothes and every pair of shoes you owned had salt stains on them due to the repeated soakings. Every now and then we'd get a few consecutive days of sunshine and immediately, the old farts would start moaning.

"Ooh, it's too 'ot" and "I'll be glad when it cools down a bit" and "The gardens need rain." 

It rains well over 300 days a year - the gardens will cope for a few hours so shut the eff up. 

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7 hours ago, WILLIEA said:

I have sunbathed in February in Ayr.

Dug the car out the snow to go my summer holidays in May in Glasgow and been pelted with hailstones in July, Ayr again.

Thank f**k Rutger Hauer decided to rewrite the original speech that was in the script for Blade Runner.

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I'm watching the repeat of Dara O'Briain's Go 8 Bit and the first game they played was Crash Team Racing.
I was seething at how disgustingly terrible they all were at it

Not everyone was ridiculously good at it like you, bordering on suspicious. p***k [emoji1]
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11 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:



Not everyone was ridiculously good at it like you, bordering on suspicious. p***k emoji1.png


No one was as good as me, but these cuntos were sickeningly bad. One of them could barely control her character and just kept swaying side to side. One of them never used weapons. All of them kept driving in to the water and off a bridge. None of them used the jump function. They all drove across the grass, they often failed to hit the speed pads and often drove in to TNT boxes and vials.

I'm getting angry just thinking about it again

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